Joint Conference of the

International Assocation of Labour Inspection and the

International Labour Organization

Caribbean Sub-regional Training Workshop

on Labour Inspection in Agriculture,

Georgetown, Guyana

26-30 September 2005

Summary report


Monday, 26 September 2005

8.30 a.m.Opening Ceremony, including video: ILO Infocus

(separate programme)


10.15 a.m.(a)Introductions and Seminar Overview

(b)Brief Statements:

  • Ms. Ann Herbert, Agriculture Specialist,


  • Mr. Gerd Albracht,, Coordinator of Labour Inspection

Systems (Safework), ILO Geneva

  • Mr. David Mattey, Independent Agricultural Health and

Safety Expert, United Kingdom

11.15 a.m.The Labour Administration Function and Labour Inspections

Mr. Samuel J. Goolsarran, Senior Specialist on Industrial

Relations and Labour Administration, ILO Sub-regional

office for the Caribbean

12.15 p.m.Video: The Face of Decent Work

12.30 p.m.LUNCH

1.45 p.m.Strengthening labour inspection systems

Mr. Gerd Albracht


3.15 p.m.BREAK

3.30 p.m.Principles of publicity

Mr. David Mattey

Group Work

The EU agriculture campaign

Mr. David Mattey

5.15 p.m.Video


Tuesday, 27 September 2005

8.30 a.m.Feedback

9.00 a.m.National profile for labour inspectorates and the “Scoreboard”


Mr. Gerd Albracht

10.30 a.m.BREAK

11.00 a.m.The OSH System and agriculture: the example of Great Britain

Mr. David Mattey

12.30 p.m.LUNCH

1.45 p.m.Concepts of hazard and risk, principles of risk assessment, labour

inspector’s process of measuring performance

Mr. David Mattey

Group work on risk assessment

3.15 p.m.BREAK

3.30 p.m.Feedback and discussion of group work

5.15 p.m.Video

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8.30 a.m.Feedback

9.00 a.m.Machinery and transport safety

Mr. David Mattey

Group work

10.30 a.m.BREAK

11.00 a.m.The safe storage, transport and use of pesticides

Mr. David Mattey

Group work

12.30 p.m.LUNCH

1.45 p.m.Health risks from manual handling

Mr. David Mattey

Group work

3.15 p.m.BREAK

3.30 p.m.Safety and health in agriculture: Relevant ILO instruments

Ms. Ann Herbert

5.15 p.m.Video

Thursday, 29 September 2005

8.30 a.m.Field visits: Sugar and Rice Industries

Friday, 30 September 2005

8.30 a.m.Feedback

9.00 a.m.Analysis of questionnaires: Strategies for labour inspectorates

Mr. Samuel J. Goolsarran/Ms. Ann Herbert

10.00 a.m.BREAK

11.00 a.m.Video

11.15 a.m.Group work: The way ahead – how best to develop agriculture

inspection and intervention in participants’ own countries

Mr. Samuel J. Goolsarran/Ms. Ann Herbert

12.15 p.m.Presentations

12.45 p.m.Open discussion

Conclusions; Closing

Mr. Samuel J. Goolsarran

Ms. Ann Herbert


Summary of proceedings

The conference was organized by the ILO Caribbean Office in collaboration with the Government of Guyana, and cost shared with ILO SafeWork (Geneva), ILO’s Regional Office (Lima) and IALI. Participants came from the following member states and overseas territories; The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, BritishVirginIsland, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, the Barbados Workers Union, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union, and the Guyana Rice Producers Association. There were 31 participants.

Mr. Trevor Thomas, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour Human Services and Social Security, who chaired the opening session, Samuel Goolsarran, Senior Specialist on Industrial Relations & Labour Administration, and the Hon. Bibi S. Shadick, Minister in the Ministry, addressed the participants and some fifty invited officials from the tripartite constituency.

Resource Persons:

Samuel Goolsarran, (SRO-POS) Ms. Ann Herbert, Agricultural Specialist (Sector), Mr. Gerd Albracht, Coordinator of Labour Inspection Inspections Systems (SafeWork) – ILO Geneva, Mr. David Mattey, Independent Agricultural Health and Safety Expert, United Kingdom served as resource persons and facilitators at the workshop.

The general objectives of the conference were to:

  • Improve/provide new knowledge, skills, and techniques in OSH inspections;
  • Promote and apply ILO Standards and principles in safety inspections;
  • Review trends, developments, policies, organisation, strategies and practice in modern labour and safety inspections; and
  • Strengthen labour inspections systems within the system of labour administration.

The program covered a variety of topics including labour administration functions and labour inspection, new trends in labour inspection and strengthening labour inspection systems, national profiles for labour inspectorates and how to develop a comparative scoreboard, ILO standards on labour inspection (ILO Convention Nos 81 and 129) and on safety and health in agriculture (Convention No. 184). The principal focus, however, was on safety and health in agriculture.

Specific interactive sessions were devoted to concepts of hazard and risk and the labour inspector's role in measuring performance; machinery and transport safety; safe storage, transport and use of pesticides; health risks from manual handling; the EU safety in agriculture campaign, and the OSH system for agriculture in the UK.

Mr. David Mattey, formerly Chief Inspector of Agriculture of the UK Health and Safety Executive, gave excellent presentations and skillfully guided these discussions. Participants rated most highly the practical guidance on risk assessment, the information on pesticides, and the opportunity to compare experiences among countries through small group discussion on various themes.

Field trips to a sugar plantation and sugar refinery as well as to rice fields and a rice mill gave the participants a chance to examine agricultural and agro-industrial processes first-hand and to put their new knowledge to work. The follow-up discussions demonstrated their capacity to apply their general experience as labour inspectors in this new area. During the final session, labour inspectors working in country teams developed a proposal for improving labour inspections in their own countries: how to get greater impact by using resources in a more strategic way.