Edgewood Elementary School

PTA Meeting

February 10, 2012


School Library

Present: Meggy Wagner, Liz Massey, Christine Comulada, Orna Wolfzahn, Kristy O’Harl, Sara Mardegain, Aimee Massaro, Sarahjane Denison, Nancy O’Rourke, Lorella Lamonaca, Kaitlyn O’Sullivan, Kimberly Theall, Leila El-Chehabi, Michelle Inello, Susan Smith, Anne Stokes, Christine Peckett, Dylan Cadalzo, Billy Reilly, Joann Mraz, Jeannette Magnani, Cora Five, Bevin Pagel, Mari Pozzuoli, Mike Gluck, Paul Tomizawa, Stephanie Pinto, Audrey Schwarz, Carmen Hall, Laurie Medvinsky, Laura Pierson, Kate Conlan, Jenny Lobato.

  1. The Meeting was called to order at 12:00.
  1. The minutes from the January 17, 2012 PTA meeting were approved.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • The Edgewood PTA Treasurer’s Report was handed out with the agenda.
  • PTA Treasurer, Kate Conlan, mentioned that financially Edgewood School continues to have a great year. All fundraisers have been successful including the Social, Book Fair and School Lunches.
  • In addition to the programs already provided, the PTA has also been able to fund Lice Check, Artist in Residence, Classical Café, Colonial Fair, 5th Grade Activities, Library Authors, Multicultural Activities, New Families, Picnic, and the Scarsdale High School Scholarship Fund. Additionally, Kate mentioned that the PTA continues to successfully fund Field Trips, which is new this year. $35,000 has been budgeted for the entire year. As of today’s meeting, $17,000 has been used.
  • Kate asked that all teachers who have not turned in their PTA Teacher Gift receipts to do so by the end of the month. $8,000 has been budgeted and only $600 has been used.
  • $46,000 has been set aside this year for PTA gifts. This money is given to Dr. Houseknecht to be used for a school wide gift. In the past, the money has been used for Eaglevision flat screen TVs, sound room audio equipment, microscopes and a kiln. If you have any ideas of ways to use this money, please contact either Kate or Dr. Houseknecht.
  • Kate invited Laura Pierson to bring attendees up to date on After School Clubs. Laura announced that 2011-2012 ASC clubs continue to do very well. ASC Chairs are always looking for new clubs to add. If you have any ideas please contact either Laura or Aimee Massaro. A survey will be going out at the end of May asking for feedback (both positive and negative) about your child’s experience with ASC this year. Please take the time to fill out the survey.
  1. President’s Report
  • Carmen asked those in attendance to take a moment to review the notes compiled by Edgewood Budget Liaison, Kristine Genin, from the Budget Forum held in January 2012. Please contact Kristine if you have questions about the meeting.
  • Carmen reminded members that Scarsdale School Budget Study Session #3 will be held on February 13, 2012 at Scarsdale High School, Room 170-172. The Board of Education meeting will take place immediately following.
  • Carmen invited Sarahjane Denison to update attendees on the upcoming Edgewood Fair, “Camp Edgewood”. Sarahjane reminded everyone that the fair will be held on May 12, 2012. All sub-committees have been filled. Fair merchandise will be going on sale via School Pay end of March/early April. Please contact Sarahjane, Christine Comulada or Sophia Coeytaux if you have any questions.
  1. Principal’s Report

Dr. Houseknecht discussed the following agenda items:

  • Traffic around the school during drop-off and pick-up continues to be monitored. The Safety Committee continues to work hard to ensure the safety of our children,
  • The first round of talent shows begins next week. The kids are very excited and there are a variety of talents to be showcased. There will be two shows.
  • World Math Day is quickly approaching and students are encouraged to practice at home using a log-in given to them by their teacher. On March 7th, students from around the world will compete on-line and be ranked based on performance.
  1. Live Rehearsal- Ms. Forte, Ms. Leviatin, Mr. Orengo
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 12:40.