In attendance: all except RW and SK

Apologies: RW and SK

Oct Minutes approved: BF proposed, JB seconded.

Monthly reports;


Guest pairs at Reading was a great success; an excellent day, course superb, enjoyable and the RGC were very welcoming.

Roll up at Pineridge attended by 18. Well done to RW who won with 41 points. Participants email addresses were entered into a draw, and the winner was JB who won a round for 2.

K. O. Final to be played on 4th Nov at Foxhills.

Guest pairs for the future not yielding extra members as originally hoped, so possible change could be to just bring a guest for 18 holes. MC to investigate course/catering possibilities with a view to keeping the cost down.

Secretary – under the weather!

Treasurer – Finances in good shape – many items of expenditure to be incurred in remaining 5 months of the year. Request from S P-B to submit golf budget by end of November. RC away for much of November, so will submit budget by 14th. No guidance received on level of BFG, which for the golf section is key to supporting our use of affiliated clubs and clubs for day meetings.

Day meet – Xmas bash on 14th Dec. MR back from holiday on 2nd Dec., will process applications on return. Purchase of usual prizes on track.

Match – Flybe match will be 21/22 August at Tewkesbury GC. Flybe organising, has been known to flood.

Karlstein away match in May – hopefully.

Match diary full, ie one a month, so considering a group trip to Iberian peninsular off season in lieu of anything against Iberia/Tap.

Tournament – absent.

Handicap – all up to date.

Publicity – nil.

Rollup – 18 at Pineridge with RW on 41pts winning on a countback. Next roll up at 1100 on 10th November at Laleham.

RC/LS reported that the organisers invitation at Northwood had yielded the offer of 18 hole rollup at just £20 per golfer, as long as we played the 19th too! Agreed by Steve Derbyshire, contact is Jenny Kinsella.

Membership Sec – No new members. Findlay McClymont had resigned as he was no longer a BA Clubs member.

The issue of outstanding BA Clubs CB numbers was raised yet again. Initially raised in July, minuted again in October and has still not be dealt with. BA Clubs require section members to be members of BA Clubs. This is fundamental and will impact on our Basic Facility Grant. CW was unable to offer an acceptable explanation of why this hadn’t been completed, other than to say emails had not produced a response, and an eventual phone call had revealed one on holiday. RC indicated that a complete list was required before budget submission on 14th Nov.


a)Next meeting to be held at 1800 at George and Dragon PH in Yiewsley, with adjournment to GO Sing in West Drayton at approx 1900. LS to secure room at PH and MC a table at restaurant.

b)Fateh Bhalla handicap. It was agreed that committee members had been asleep at the Thorney rollup. CW reported that he was still not in receipt of his Wyke Green official handicap, or needed two more cards, before a section handicap could be declared. CW to pursue.

c)New members handicaps – the application process already allows for this. The membership Sec should ensure own club information is obtained, or three cards, and appropriately communicated to the handicap sec. CW

d)Completed list of Members for BA Clubs – discussed above. CW to provide in timely manner.

e)Nomination for committee member 2011-12. Keeping to the principle that captaincy should be for one year only, it is necessary to ensure the influx of new committee members to participate in the work of the committee before taking on the roles of assistant/captain. This requires one or two new members. However the committee should not become unwieldy and that in general committee members should have a substantive role. Two names were suggested, however, more thought should be given to candidates who are able and willing. Discussion to be continued in Jan. As an aside Jim G had expressed a willingness to return to the committee.

Bus matters.

2011 membership fees. Discussion to be deferred until the new year when guidance on the BFG is more likely. Concensus that it would be better to charge an extra pound on the cost of a day meeting than increase section membership subscriptions. Post meeting – BA Clubs intend to increase their membership fees from 1stJan2011 as reported in Touchdown. £33 now rising to £36 for retired staff – no knowledge for serving or associates.

AOB. JB reported that he had spoken with S P-B about payment methods as an alternative to cheques, which are used extensively for membership/day meetings/match payments. Further discussion/exploration between JB and Barry Hogben of BA Clubs to take place. However any alternative must be simple, accessible and visible, and not hinder the collection of dues.

Meeting closed at 1920.