Intermediate Spanish 205 Term 2

Professor: Marcela Ochoa-Shivapour 2010

318 College Hall

Ph: 4440

e-mail: Office Hours:

M-T-Th 3-4, M-F 8 - 9 or by appt.

Overview: Spanish 205 is a review of basic grammar with special emphasis on writing, speaking, listening, and reading. The course is designed to continue developing your abilities in the Spanish language through cultural components, such as readings, movies, oral presentations, etc. All classes will be conducted in Spanish.

Daily Work:

Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00 A.M.

Monday-Thursday 1:00-2:30 or 3 PM

There will be no afternoon class on Fridays.

General Procedures: Daily readings should be done BEFORE the class as well as homework assigned from Internet or worksheets. I do not expect you to know all the vocabulary in the assigned material, but I want you to work at it diligently, have questions about the reading, and show that you have been thinking about the meaning of the text. There will be pop quizzes to test your work outside the classroom every day.

For your oral presentation, work for several days on it. Don’t wait until the last minute to work on it. No notes will be allowed. Try to make your presentation the best of all. It has to be interesting and motivating. Talk to your professor the first week of class to determine your topic and start working on your oral project.

Come prepared to participate actively in class.

Homework is due at 9 am every day. Assignments will be given in class, based on the needs of the class.

If you miss a class is your responsibility to find out what is going to be collected the following day.

We are going to use the lab daily in order to practice our skills in Spanish.

Book required: De paseo, curso intermedio de español, fourth edition.

Reccomended: Spanish-English dictionary

Reccomended activities: Study on your own first, then, find a group and go over some materials. If you think you are benid the level of the class, look for a tutor. Joint he concersation and/or the Spanish Play group. It is a good way to practice your Spanish. Also, join the Spanish Club. Visit me during my office hours. I will also be happy to address your needs befote and alter class as well. Don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail with questions or concerns. I will be happy to help you.Finally, watch TV in Spanish (on campus we have two channels), watch movies in Spanish, listen to songs, and use Internet to find more excercises to practice all four skills: Redding, listening, writing, and speaking.

Absence Policy: The accelerated pace of an intensive course requires daily attendance to keep up with the work. Only faculty approved absences and official medical excuses are valid. In general, if you miss more than two days, you should discuss dropping the course with your instructor. There will be no make-up quizzes, compositions, or graded oral work.

Disability: Please, let me know as soon as possible if you have a learning disability in order to acomodate you. Find Cornell College policy on learning disability at:


3 exams 40%

Compositions 10%

Quizzes (daily) 20%

Oral Presentation 10%

Class Participation/Attendance 10%

Homework 10%


Día Actividades Repaso Gramatical Tarea

Temas y Lecturas Gramática

Lunes 27 / AM
/ Introducción a la clase.
Capítulo 1: Nuestra Música
/ Gustar and similar verbs p. 29-31
PM / Lectura: “Músicos Latinos” p. 3
/ Más ejercicios con “Gustar” y verbos similares
Martes 28 / AM / Actividad de música latina
/ Pretérito/Imperfecto p. 57-66
PM / Capítulo 2: Yucatán un lugar inolvidable
Lectura: “En Yucatán” p. 35
/ Práctica de verbos con diferente significado
Miérc 29 / AM / Lectura: “El Popol Vuh”, p.46
PM / Capítulo 3 El Español en tu futuro
Lectura: “Actividades de los voluntarios ”, p.77-78
Idiomas y negocios p.68-69
/ Objeto Directo/Indirecto p. 85-89
Jueves 30
/ AM / Película
PM / Composición 1
Viern 1 / AM / Examen 1
Lunes 4 / AM / Capítulo 4 : La diversión y el tiempo libre
Lectura: “Los deportes y el ocio”, p. 95
/ El subjuntivo p. 115-123
PM / Actividades
/ Más Subjuntivo
Martes 5 / AM / Capítulo 5 : El medio ambiente
Lectura: “El Medio ambiente”, p. 127.
/ El condicional, p. 148-151
PM / Lectura: “La moda y la ecología” p. 136-137
/ El futuro, p. 181-183
Miérc 6 / AM / Capítulo 6 : Mente sana, cuerpo sano.
Lectura: “La dieta mediterránea”, p. 159.
/ Cláusulas adverbials
PM / Lectura: “Reduzca su estrés ”, p. 169
/ El pasado subjuntivo p. 152-153
Jueves 7 / AM / Película
PM / Composición 2
Viern 8 / AM / Examen 2
Lunes 11 / AM / Capítulo 7: Los latinos en EEUU
Lectura: “Los hispanos”, p. 187 / Cláusulas con si. P.155
PM / Lectura: “El festín de mi abuela”, p. 199-200.
Martes 12 / AM / Capítulo 8: Muy interesante
Lectura: “Cómo se construyen los moai ”, p. 230-231
/ Presente perfecto ind.vs subj. p. 210-214
PM /
Miérc 13 / AM / Capítulo 9 Fiestas y tradiciones
Lectura: “Celebraciones en el mundo hispano” p.247-248. / Pasado perfecto ind. vs subj. p, 239-241
PM / Lectura: “Une a la familia ”, p. 256-257
Jueves 14 / AM / Película
PM / Capítulo 10 Las artes y la creatividad
Lectura: “El humilde arte de la vida ”, p. 282- 283. / Por/para p. 290- 294
Viern 15 / AM / Repaso para el examen
Lunes 18 / AM / Orales
PM / Orales
Martes 19 / AM / Orales/o tarde libre para estudiar
Miérc 20 / AM / Examen final