Agency Overview 1.12

(1) Illinois Bike Transportation Plan:The first statewide bike plan in Illinois history was released in April, 2014. The plan follows five key principles imbedded in the Illinois Long Range Transportation Plan and makes up a significant part of Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow vision: access, choices, connectivity, safety and collaboration. The plan provides a framework for improvements concerning safety, education, outreach and infrastructure. The plan identifies key district offices, metropolitan planning organizations, councils of government, localitiesand advocates who contributed to the plan and will continue working to improve bicycling throughout the state of Illinois.

(2) Curb Your Car Week: IDOT participated in Curb Your Car Week (May 19-24). Staff was asked to use alternative modes of transportation and report the days they participated, what mode was used and how many miles they used the alternative transportation for. 1,775.3 miles were accumulated.

(3) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicle Pilot Project: IDOT is working on a pilot test of a CNG 62,000 GVWR dump body truck (snow plow type truck). The truck will be secured with a one year lease for $1 per month from Rush Truck Centers (Prairie International). The insurance cost will be $1049 for the year. It will be a 12 month least so that the truck can be tested both summer and winter.

(4) International Walk to School Day: In October of 2013 IDOT sent out over 4,600 emails to schools throughout Illinois encouraging participation in International Walk to School Day 165 schools participated. Schools are asked to participate by having students, faculty and staff walk to school and register online with the name of the school, contact person, how many students and how many miles they walked.

(5) Biomass Burner at a Maintenance Facility: A biomass heater will be installed in the Clinton Maintenance Facility in a building that currently does not have heat. The biomass heater will utilize biomass that is being grown in IDOT Right-of-Way on Rt. 45 by Rantoul Illinois. This is part of the "Feasibility of Energy Crop Production in IDOT Right-of-Way" project that IDOT is working on with an Inter-Agency Agreement with the University of Illinois. The biomass burner will also be studied by the U of I to see what biomass provides the most energy and what emissions come from various biomass.

(6) IDOT has begun plans to install solar panels at a Rest Area (Rend Lake). There are 2 Rend Lake Rest Area Facilities. Solar installation will take place at one facility so there can be a comparison of the one with solar on the one without.

(7) IDOT has 144 sustainable or green capital improvements for facilities on the table at this time (12 have been completed, 46 are in construction process, 9 are upcoming and 100% subcontracted, 1 is in bidding process, 34 in design phase and 42 are proposed.

(8) Recycled approximately 1000 tons of scrap rubber from tires on roadways

(9) Recycled approximately 50,000 to 60,000 aluminum road signs -that over 470,000 tons of aluminum and saved over $600,000.

(10) Total recycled and reclaimed materials used in road construction in calendar year 2013 were 1,713,296 tons and saved the department $58,415,690.

(10a) Utilized 7,091 tons of Air-cooled blast furnace slag at a savings of $9.90 per ton--saved $70,201 for the department.

(10b) Utilized 5,670 tons of by-product lime at $40 per ton--saved $226,800 for the department

(10c) Used 94,049 pounds of crumb rubber at $.21 per pound--saved $19,750 for the department

(10d) Utilized 80,440 tons of fly ash at $20 per ton--saved the department $1,608,800

(10e) Used 12,256,200 pounds of glass beads at $.248 per pound- saved the department $3,039,538

(10f) Used 15,045 tons of ground granulated blast furnace slag at $65 per ton--saved the department $977,925

(10g) Used 7 tons of micro silica at $480 per ton--saved the department $3,360

(10h) Used 782,171 tons of reclaimed asphalt pavement used HMA at $33.10 per ton--saved the department $25,889,860

(10i) Used reclaimed asphalt pavement used for aggregate at $7.50 per ton--saved the department $1,363,688

(10j) Used 39,791 tons of reclaimed asphalt shingles at $42.50 per ton--saved the department $1,691,118

(10k) Utilized 491,835 tons of recycled concrete material at $7.50 per ton--saved the department $3,688,763

(10L) Used 18,295 tons of steel reinforcement at $996 per ton--saved the department $18,221,820

(10L) 84,951 tons of steel slag at $19 per ton--saved the department $161,407

(11) Adopt-A-Highway: Over 10,000 participants statewide and 32,000 bags of trash collected each year.

(12) Earth Day Statewide Adopt-A-Highway Initiative: from April 20 -27 in observance of Earth Day, all Adopt-A-Highway groups in the state were contacted and asked to pick up liter in their assigned areas. Over 430 group members participated and over 800 bags of trash were collected.

(13) IDOT used 23.5% less copy/printer paper in FY2014 than last fiscal year

(14) IDOT had a 3,617948 mile reduction of vehicle miles traveled in FY2014