Nevirapine (Viramune®) is changing.The formulation has been changed to allow you to take just one tablet once a day of a newprolonged-release tablet (Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets®) instead of 2x200mg Nevirapine tablets (either as 200mg twice daily or as 400mg once daily).

Will this change how Nevirapine works?

No. The only change is that the Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablet®releases the drug more slowly into your body enabling it to be taken just once a day.

How do I switch?

If youcurrently take Nevirapine 200mg (Viramune®) one tablet twice daily, then you will simply switch to taking just ONE Nevirapine (Viramune®) 400mg prolonged-release tablet®once each day as your next dose. You can take Nevirapine (Viramune) 400mg prolonged-release tablets® in the morning or the evening so time the switch accordingly.

For example, if you wish to take Nevirapine (Viramune) 400mg prolonged-release tablets®in the evening:

If you currently take Nevirapine 200mg (Viramune®) two tablets once each day then you will just need to stop the 200mg tablets and start taking one Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets®once each day at the same time of day.

How do I take Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets®:

Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablet®should be swallowed whole and taken once every 24 hours with or without food.Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets®should not be chewed norcrushed as this will affect the way the drugis released in your body.

There are no plans to withdraw Viramune® 200mg tablets.

If you have any questions about Nevirapine (Viramune®) or any of your medicines please contact your doctor or pharmacist on the number below

Contact details:

Name: Tel:

This leaflet was produced by the HIV pharmacy association (HIVPA). Version 1(16/11/11). It should only be distributed to people already established on Viramune® 200mg tablets (400mg per day)who are planning to switch to Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets®.This leaflet does not constitute any endorsement of the use of Viramune® or Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets® by HIVPA, and is intended for information purposes only. Viramune® 200mg tablets at a dose of 400mg once each day is an unlicensed indication. Viramune® and Viramune 400mg prolonged-release tablets® are registered trade marks of Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. If you have any questions about this leaflet orNevirapine please speak to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse