
Name Surname1, Second Author2, Third Author3

Abstract: Dear authors, please write your articles directly in this template. Please do not remove the blank line between the title and the authors; as it defines the footnote. The Abstract should state the objectives, main results and a short conclusion. The maximum Abstract length is 700 characters including spaces. Tables, graphs, schematics or figures are not allowed in the Abstract. Do not include references in the Abstract. Up to five key words separated by commas should be provided.

Key words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth key words


Original research articles should comprise: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion and References. Articles submitted by national authors should include Title, Abstract and Key words in the English language.

The maximum length of the article, including the text in the Serbian language, tables, graphs, figures, title, abstract and key words in English, is up to 6pages of the ISO B5 (17.6 × 25 cm) document.

The article should be typed in Times New Roman (Latin), font size 10, Single space, justified alignment, Indent of first line: 0.6 cm (Format→Paragraph→Indents and Spacing→Special→First Line 0,6), margins: Top 3.3 cm, Bottom 3.2 cm, Left 2.6 cm, Right 2.5 cm, Format ISO B5 (17.6 × 25 cm). The maximum article length is 6 pages of this format.

The title, authors’ names and subtitles should be aligned to the centre (centre alignment). Use justified alignment in the list of references. Do not use page numbering.

The title should be in CAPITAL LETTERS font size 11, bold, indicated in the first line of this format.

Authors (first names and surnames) –lowercase letters, font size 11, italic.

Subtitles–lowercase letters, font size 10, bold. Blank lines should be used for spaces (font size 10), as follows: before and after a subtitle, between the title and authors' names, between authors' names and affiliations, before table captions and after tables. Do not use Tab to indent the first line of a section-paragraph in the text.

Si units, symbols and abbreviations should be used. Other common units such as tonne (t), hectare (ha) etc. are allowed. The units should be written as in the following examples: kg ha-1, grain number per spike, t ha-1etc. Biological names of species should be written in italics(Zea mays L.).

Material and methods

References should be cited by indicating the author's surname and year of publication, regardless of whether the publication is written by a single author (Author, 2008), two authors (Author1 and Author2, 2009) or more than two authors (Author1 et al., 2004). Also, references can be cited in a different manner, e.g. in a sentence when direct citations are used – Author's surname (2008).

Results and discussion

Tables, graphs and photographs (black and white, high contrast) should be included in the text (Table 1). Table numbers and table captions should be written above the tables. Line Weight ½ should be used to separate the contents of the tables. The text in the tables should be written using Font size 9. Table captions, text within the tables and subtexts should be written in both Serbian and English (Serbian – normal, English – italics).

Tabela 1. Naslov tabele

Table 1. Title of table

Cut / Zelena biomasa (t ha-1)
Green biomass (t ha-1) / Suva materija (t ha-1)
Dry matter (t ha-1)
2004 / 2005 / 2004 / 2005
NS džin / srem / NS džin / srem / NS džin / srem / NS džin / srem
1. / 11,8b / 11,2b / 5,1b / 8,7b / 2,37b / 2,22b / 0,94b / 1,35c
2. / 17,3a / 18,3a / 13,8a / 15,8a / 3.92a / 4,38a / 2,18a / 2,30b
3. / 15,7ab / 14,2ab / 15,0a / 13,1ab / 2,83b / 3,66a / 2,08a / 2,45ab
4. / - / - / 12,8a / 14,4a / - / - / 2,38a / 2,93a
Ukupno (sorte)
Total (cultivars) / 44,80 / 43,70 / 46,70 / 52,00 / 9,12 / 10,26 / 7,58 / 9,03
Prosek za god.
Average across the years / 44,25 / 49,35 / 9,69 / 8,31

Figures and graphs (Graph 1) should also be numbered; numbers should be indicated below graphs or figures (Figure 1). Figure or graph captions should be provided in both Serbian and English (Serbian – normal, English – italics). For safer printing purposes, graphs and illustrations should be submitted in one of the following graph or picture formats (*.xls, *tif or *.jpg), in black and white format only.

Graf. 1. Naslov grafikona

Graph. 1. Title of graph


Please check each item to be certain that the article is in compliance with the requirements.


The research presented in this article is part of project ... (project title and project number) financially supported by .... (source of funding).


Author1 I., Author2 I., Author3 I. (1999). Title of article in the original language. Full journal title. Volume (No): first page-last page.

Author1 I., Author2 N., Author3 N., Author4 N. (2006). Title of article in the original language. Title of book, handbook, database or journal. Volume (No): pp. Available: com/

Author1 N., Author2 N., Author3 N., Author4 N., Author5 N. (2003a). Title of article in the original language. Published inFull title of the proceedings, Editor's surnameI. (ed.), 96–102. Place, Country: Publisher.

Author1 N., Author2 N., Author3 N., Author4 N., Author5 N. (2003b). Title of article in the original language. Published inFull name of book or handbook, Editor's surname1 I., Editor's surname2I. (eds.), pp. Place, Country: Publisher.

Gandev S., Dzhuvinov V. (2006). Performance of hypocotyls grafting of walnut under uncontrolled temperature conditions. Acta Horticulturae 705, 351-353.

Sabo M., Bede M., Hardi Ž.U. (2002). Variability of grain yield components of some new winter wheat genotypes (Triticum astivum L.). Rostilnná Výroba, 48 (5), 230-235.

Weikai Y., Hunt L.A. (2001). Interpretation of genotype x environment interaction for winter wheat yield in Ontario. Crop Science, 41, 19-25.

1University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cara Dušana 34, Čačak, Serbia ()

2Field and Vegetable Crops Institute, Maksima Gorkog 30, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

3InstituteofBarleyandMaltSciences, PO Box 6050, Fargo, North Dacota,USA.