“How to Prepare for the Presentation”GUIDELINES

STEP 1:What are you going to talk about? Answer the following questions:

  1. How do your paper and product connect?
  2. What emotions did you experience as you worked through the paper and product?

(anger, excitement, pride, frustration, etc.)

  1. What problems did you encounter? (money, time management, skill deficiencies, etc.)
  2. What personal growth did you gain from the paper, portfolio, and product? What self-knowledge did you gain? What knowledge of your topic did you gain?
  3. How did the Graduation Project affect your plans for your future? Explain.
  4. What Graduation Project advice would you pass on to next year’s seniors? Explain.

7.Any other insights and/or observations?

STEP 2:How am I going to say my information?

1. Organization---write your ideas on separate 3x5 index cards and arrange them into an

order that is logical and flows smoothly.

  1. Slip blank cards into spaces where visual aid is needed or would be appropriate.
  2. Add blank cards for the introduction and the conclusion.
  3. If you have a product that can be displayed, write your ideas for that display on another card.
  4. Plan/Write the Introduction of the Speech:
  5. Grab attention
  6. Make topic thesis clear
  7. Mention both paper and product
  8. Take no more than 30 to 60 seconds
  9. Plan/Write the Body of the Speech---consider using:
  10. Quotations
  11. Readings
  12. Dramatics
  13. Jokes
  14. Surveys
  15. Games
  16. Audio-visual devices
  17. Demonstrations
  18. Questions
  19. Plan the visual aids (poster, PowerPoint, demonstration, video clip, product, etc.) of your Graduation Project
  20. Will it be an on-going, integral part of your speech—such as a slide show?
  21. Will it be a part of your introduction?
  22. Will it be shown after your conclusion?
  23. Will you wear it? Sit on it? Serve samples?
  24. AVOID passing items around during the speech---this causes too much distraction
  25. Plan/Write the Conclusion of the Speech
  26. Summarizes & Restates the Main Idea
  27. Answers questions like---What did I learn? How does it affect me?
  28. Explains how the information presented is important and to whom
  29. Complete the Presentation Equipment Request Form to reserve any equipment needed for the presentation and give the form to your Graduation Project Advisor at least two weeks before your presentation.
  30. Look at each idea index card and fill in details, colorful anecdotes, and factual information.
  31. Place all index cards back in order and begin practicing your speech.

STEP 3:Speech Techniques to remember

  1. Wear appropriate attire for your topic
  2. Eye Contact is extremely important! Practice often enough that you rarely need to look at your index cards. A speech without eye contact is only half a speech.
  3. Posture – Stand proud and AVOID:
  4. Gripping the podium
  5. Locking your knees
  6. Twitching, wiggling, shaking
  7. Voice & Dynamics
  8. Appropriate Volume---loud enough to be heard
  9. Appropriate Rate---not too slow or too fast
  10. Expression---avoid slang words and phrases
  11. Enunciation---don’t slur words or drop final syllables
  12. Pronunciation---say words correctly
  13. Vary appropriately in pitch and tone
  14. Gestures & Facial Expressions
  15. Use hands or face to help make your points
  16. Should be natural and spontaneous, not choreographed and mechanical
  17. Props
  18. Plan and practice using your props
  19. All materials should be ready before the speech begins

STEP 4:Prepare for Questions

1. Think about your answers to the following questions and other topic-related questions that

you think the judges might ask you.

  1. If you were a judge listening to your speech, what would you want to know?
  2. What would you like people to ask?
  3. What unusual qualities does your Graduation Project have that might spark interest?
  4. What part of your paper might make people curious?
  5. What controversial topics, if any, do you mention?
  6. What made you interested enough to choose this topic?
  7. Who helped?
  8. How did you finance the Graduation Project?
  9. How much time did you spend working on your Graduation Project?
  10. Etc., Etc., Etc.