Special Education Characteristics and Strategies
Fall 2006
Independent Study
Course Number: 410
Credits: 3
Instructor: Bonnie Hofland
Phone: 753-2226
Office: MCML 126
Office Hours: M 9-12, T 1-4
Course Description: This course will provide an overview of educational laws/practices that influence the identification, placement, and instruction of students with mild to moderate disabilities. Instructional practices will include modification, social skills, and classroom management.
Course Objectives and Assessment:
Course Objectives / AssessmentList the components of IDEA 2004 to categorically define student eligibility and placement for all thirteen categories of IDEA / Midterm & final
Describe the specific information on disability characteristics such as communication disorders, learning disabilities, sensory impairments, mental retardation, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and emotional/behavior disorders / Reading responses
Midterm & final
In- Class activities
Demonstrate an understanding of techniques for modifying instructional methods and materials based upon student needs / Classroom presentations,
Case studies
Reading responses
Midterm & final
In- Class activities
Lean how to implement presented information to design more effective and relevant instruction for all students / Classroom presentations,
Case studies
Reading responses
Midterm & final
In- Class activities
Required Textbook: Henley, M., Ramsey, R., Algozzine, R. (2006) Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities (5th ed)
Accommodations: The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates accessibility in all aspects of the learning environment. If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, please call the Student Services Office at 775-753-2279. If you have need of modifications within the classroom setting, please let me know as soon as possible.
Assignments, Evaluation Procedures, and Grading Policy:
In-Class Activities95 Points
Reading Responses105 Points
Class Presentation200 Points
Mid-Course Exam100 Points
Final Exam100 Points
In-Class Activities: There will be one or two activities per session (nineteen total). These will be collected and graded assignments which range from written responses and readings to cooperative group activities. Each collected assignment will be worth five points. No make-up of these assignments will be possible. If you are present and participate fully, you will receive full credit for the activity.
Reading Responses: You will be asked to submit a one-page summary of assigned readings at the beginning of each class period. Summaries should be typed and should discuss key points you have learned, ideas you have formulated, or questions about the assigned readings. Entries will not be accepted after they are collected at the beginning of class. A required reading schedule will be announced.
Class Presentation: Class presentations will take place at the end of the course, before the final exam. Each member of the class will develop a 30 minute presentation including some kind of visual display. A one page summary of your presentation of each member of the class will also be required at the time you present. There are two options:
1. Develop an activity or lesson that you could use in a general education classroom. Your activity or lesson would include appropriate modifications or adaptations for students with disabilities who are in the class. Please target the disability areas we have studied in class.
2. Develop a presentation on one of the disability categories we have discussed. Provide new information to the class. Use a case study from a professional journal as part of your presentation.
Mid-Course Exam: This exam will tentatively happen midway through the class session. It will consist of short answer questions. The test will be worth 100 points.
Final Exam: This exam will be a small group project focusing on knowledge presented in the last half of the course, an cumulative ideas given throughout the sessions. Details will be announced prior to the exam. This exam is worth 100 points.