Mini-Grant Application

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Alabama Safe Sleep Outreach Project

Announcement Type: NewRequest for Applications (RFA)

Key Dates

Mini-Grant Application Released / October 7, 2016
Application Due Back to NICHD / November 4, 2016
Mini-Grant Status Notification Sent to Applicant / November 14, 2016
Mini-Grant Recipients Orientation Meeting / December 16, 2016
Funds Distributed to Mini-Grantee / January 9, 2017
Funding Cycle / January 9, 2017 through July 31, 2017
Mini-Grant Recipients Closing Meeting / August 4, 2017
Final Report Due to NICHD / August 4, 2017


This Alabama Safe Infant Sleep Outreach Project Mini-Grants RFA announces the availability of funding for a limited number of outreach projects to help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death, such as accidental suffocation, in the state of Alabama. The NICHD, part of the NIH, is offering funds to support community education efforts that aim to increase public awareness about the impact of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death, and that teach ways to create safe infant sleep environments to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death. The RFA emphasizes outreach efforts within African American communities, although activities can include other racial/ethnic communities.

NICHD staff will provide a safe sleep orientation using a train-the-trainer approach, and technical assistance to support mini-grantees in carrying out activities in Alabama to reach priority audiences, such as mothers-to-be, new mothers, fathers, grandparents, infant caregivers, and health care providers. The NICHD will also provide Safe to Sleep® campaign materials that can be used in educational sessions.


SIDS is the sudden death of a babyyounger than1 year of age, which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation—including a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history. Annually, SIDS claims the lives of thousands of infants in the United States.Since the 1970s, the NICHD has been working to understand SIDS and the behaviors that reduce the risk of SIDS. In 1994, the NICHD launched the Back to Sleep campaign to educate parents and caregivers about ways to reduce the risk of SIDS. Prior to the launch of the Back to Sleep campaign in 1994, almost 5,000 babies died from SIDS every year in the United States. Since the launch of the campaign, the overall U.S. SIDS rate has declined by more than 60 percent.

In September 2012, the NICHD and its campaign collaborators expanded the Back to Sleep campaign into the Safe to Sleep® campaign. The Safe to Sleep® campaign continues to work to educate the public about safe infant sleep and address ways to reduce SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death, such as accidental suffocation.

Despite the overall success of the campaign in helping to reduce the incidence of SIDS in the United States, challenges continue. African American infants remain at disproportionately higher risk for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death than do white babies. The continued challenge for the NICHD and the Safe to Sleep®Collaborators is to help eliminate this disparity by working together with African American communities.

Eligible Applicants

The following organizationsare eligible to apply:

  • Nonprofits with tax-exempt IRS status (other than institutions of higher education)
  • Nonprofits without tax-exempt IRS status (other than institutions of higher education)
  • Faith-based organizations
  • First responder entities that are also participants in the Direct On-Scene Education™ (D.O.S.E.) program (unique funding structure)

Mini-Grant Activities

The mini-grants are designed to support educational outreach activities to address safe infant sleep and to reduce risks for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death.Activities and related promotional effortsthat are responsive to this application include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Safe infant sleep demonstrations
  • Trainings and workshops
  • Community awareness events
  • Community infant safety events (e.g., “safety baby showers”)
  • Purchase of portable play yards to distribute as part of the D.O.S.E. program (first responders only)

The funding should notbe used for any of the following:

  • Membership dues
  • Operating deficits
  • Publication/printing of any materials not related to the Safe to Sleep® campaign and Alabama Safe Sleep Outreach Project, including duplication of free print materials provided by the campaign
  • Capital improvements/building projects
  • Chairs or professorships
  • Endowments, annual fund drives, direct mail solicitation, fundraising events
  • Purchase of food
  • Purchase of advertising space
  • Purchase of products such as T-shirts, portable play yards, mattress sheets, or infant sleep clothing, such as wearable blankets or one-piece sleepers
  • Projects intended to influence legislation or support candidates for political office
  • Mini-grants to another foundation or organization that distributes funds to recipients of its own selection

Individuals are not eligible to receive mini-grant funding. The NICHD reserves the right, under certain circumstances, to make exceptions to the above.

Mini-Grant Requirements

All mini-grantees and organizations whose mini-grant applications have been approved will be required to:

  • Identify a representative who can report on project activities attwo in-personmandatory mini-grantee meetings.

An orientation meetingis tentatively scheduled for Friday, December 16, 2016, in Montgomery, AL, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (date/time subject to change)

A closing meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, August 4, 2017, in Montgomery, AL, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.(date/time subject to change)

Additional information regarding each of these meetings will be included in the notice of award letter sent to each mini-grantee.

  • Reach a minimum of 50 participants through its education efforts.

First responder entities are required to reach a minimum of 10 participants through the organization’s education efforts.

  • Use Safe to Sleep® campaign materials for outreach efforts.
  • Complete all required project forms and activity trackers.
  • Participate in one mandatory technical assistance call to be scheduled after the award notices have been sent.
  • Designate an organization representative as a point of contact and provide contact information.
  • Provide the NICHD with its event and activity schedule.

Application Procedures

The NICHD will host a conference call on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Central time to respond to any questions about the RFA. If you wish to join the call, please use the contact information below:

Conference Number:1-866-866-2244


Please note:

  • Only one application per organization will be accepted.
  • Mini-grant amount requested may not exceed $2,000.
  • Please limit the application to the forms provided and the requested information.

For technical assistance or questions about application requirements contact Stacy Scott at 334-513-1125 or via email at .

The application must be postmarked by November 4, 2016.Applications submitted after this date will not be reviewed. Mini-grant applications can be sent by mail, email, or fax. Please use the contact information below to submit your application.


Alabama Safe Sleep Outreach Project

Attn: Jasmine Berry

Palladian Partners, Inc.

8484 Georgia Avenue

Silver Spring, MD 20910


Fax: 1-866-760-5947

Reminders to All Applicants:

  • Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  • Each proposal will be considered on its own merits.
  • Additional information may be requested if it will assist in the review process.


Mini-Grant Application

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Application Form


Mini-Grant Application

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Date of Proposal:

Legal Name of Organization/Program:

Authorized Contact Person & Title:

Mailing Address:


Email Address of Authorized Contact:

Type of Organization: Health Department Community Health Center

Hospital/Clinic Community-Based Organization Faith-Based Organization

Social/Family Service Organization First Responders Other

IRS Classification of the Organization/Program and Tax ID Number, if Applicable:

Total Operating Budget for Program:

Mini-Grant Amount Requested (See page 2 in the RFA for sample allowable expenses):

Mission and Brief History of Organization/Program, Including Date When Organization/Program Was Started or Launched:


Mini-Grant Application

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Project Description (include at least the following information):

  • Geographic area served by project
  • Date(s) of project activities
  • Description of the activities that will help reduce the risk of SIDSand other sleep-related causes of infant death and that will promote safe infant sleep in your community
  • Specifics on how you will conduct or carry out the project
  • Name of the person responsible for carrying out the project


Mini-Grant Application

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

How will you use the mini-grant funds? Please describe in detail.

What results do you expect from the project?


Mini-Grant Budget Justification

Alabama Safe Sleep Outreach Project

Mini-Grant Budget Justification

(Include in-kind contributions)


Mini-Grant Budget Justification

Project Activities$


Design/Printing/Duplication of Project Materials$


Facility Rental$


Equipment Rental$




Honorarium/Speaker Fee (cannot exceed 10% of total requested amount)$


General Supplies$




Other $




Mini-Grant Budget Justification

Appendix A: Budget Justification


Project Activity$300

Justification: Purchase one play yard, doll, toys, and pillow/blanket to conduct a safe infant sleep environment demonstration. Play yard to be raffled at end of activity.

Design/Printing/Duplication of Project Materials$500

Justification: Print copies of the workshop flier at a local printer. Create and print event posters. Print pre-tests, post-tests, and post-training evaluation forms.

Facility Rental$400

Justification: Room rental for community center for four Saturdays @ $100 per day. Facility room coordinator feerequired by community center for all room rentals.

Equipment Rental$200

Justification:Projection screen rental fee for SIDS PowerPoint presentations for 4 days @ $50 per day


Mini-Grant Budget Justification



Honorarium/Speaker FeeN/A



Mini-Grant Budget Justification

General Supplies$100

Justification: Purchase of pens and100 gift bags to provide to each participant.(Bags will be filled with in-kind donations.)