Minutes of the meeting betweenHeddon on the Wall Parish Council and the highways team of Northumberland County Council

onFriday 17th February @ 13.30 inthe Knot Memorial Hall

.Louise Pringle

Clerk to the Council

PRESENT & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Martin King (Manager Highways Central Area). Councillors Mrs Gardner-Medwin (chair), Mrs Cruickshank, Mr Iley, Mr Armstrong, Mr Young, Mr Tailford, Mrs Pringle (clerk).

The meeting started at 13.40. Mr. King introduced himself and gave an overview of his duties as highways manager. TRO (Traffic Regulation Order), these were discussed and some things are subject to them and some not, Mr King stated that fixes which did not need a TRO were always quicker to organise. It was decided to discuss the various issues then at the end of the meeting Mr. King would visit the various sites and then come back to the Parish Council with some ideas of what would be effective.


Trajan Walk – Mr King needs to look at the site but things which he suggested were white no parking T bars in front of drives. A notice for no parking in the turning space. Permit parking was suggested.

Hexham Road – Where cars park on the white lines on the brow of the hill is an issue for Police enforcement. We could look at putting a school 20MPH zone there but it would be subject to a TRO.

Planning problems – Mr. King to check to see the Highway issues on the planning documents for the building works and incorporate them into his response.


Long stay parking – It could be looked at making Taberna Close a short stay car park. It would be alright for the PC to put up notices asking people not to park there for town but these would be non-enforceable.

Parking bays – This could be a possibility.

Inconsiderate parking – Any parking which obstructs people’s vision or could be classed as dangerous needs to be reported to the Police. It would be possible to put bollards/planters at the edge of the pavements to stop parking there. White no parking lines could be placed at the drop kerbs to ensure pedestrian access. Permit parking could be considered.


Change in sign placement – This would be automatic if a chicane or sleeping policemen were installed.

Sleeping policemen - Such as have been installed at Horsley to slow traffic down coming into the village. This is called a gateway and would be feasible on Hexham road at the entrance and exit to the village.

Chicanes – This would also be feasible but Mr. King preferred the gateway due to the amount of traffic and the bend at the top of the slip road.

Speeding round corner Hexham Road onto Towne Gate – it would be feasible to change the layout of this corner to slow the traffic down while turning into Towne Gate.

Community Speedwatch


Placement of signs – the company who would be erecting the signs need to get permission from highways who will come out and give them the exact spot to put them up, taking into consideration the services buried underneath. They would need to have a method statement, risk assessment and public liability insurance. Mrs Gardner – Medwin to contact the company to arrange

Permission for signs – No official permission required other than the county to give the correct spot.


Larger signs – it was suggested that the signage could be moved up to the top of Heddon banks.

SAT NAV issues – Mr. King has a good contact who will check this out.


Festival on the Wall – A meeting is to be held next week to discuss the traffic management plan.

Masters golf Tournament – The plan for this has yet to be discussed within the County Council


Pavements Towne Gate and Hexham Road – Mr King to inspect with a view to improving.

Public telephone sign- this will be changed.

Contacting Highways – The difficulties were explained and Mr. King stated that the Parish Council was to contact him first for all issues to ensure they are addressed.

The meeting closed at 14.45 and Mr. King went to have a look at the problem areas. It was agreed that he would get back to the Parish Council with a plan and some ideas.