Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 4th December, 2008



4th December, 2008

Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m.

" adjourned: 11.00 a.m.

" recommenced: 11.10 a.m.

" ended: 12.10 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor Clague - in the Chair

Councillors Antrobus, Ferrer, Karen Garrido, Heywood, Kean, Jane Murphy, Potter, Tope and Turner

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Ainsworth and Deas attended for application number 08/56899


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Drake, B.J. Lea, McIntyre and Mashiter and Mr. J. Wheelton


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 20th November, 2008, be approved as a correct record.


(Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Director of Sustainable Regeneration, as amended, in the case of the application marked * in the supplementary report).

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the withdrawal from the agenda of application number 08/56981 relating to the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of Barlow Street Motors, Barlow Street, Worsley, be noted.

(2) THAT the recommendations of the Director of Sustainable Regeneration with regard to the undermentioned applications for planning permission be dealt with as indicated below:-

Applicant / Site / Development / Decision
Astley Park Estates / 10 Leinster Road, Swinton / Demolition of an existing bungalow and outbuildings and erection of three terraced and two semi-detached houses / Granted
Lighthouse Christina Centre / 12 Centenary Park, Centenary Way, Salford / Change of use to mixed use proposal comprising B1, B8, D1 and A3 (flexible meeting space, nursery, assembly and ancillary café) and erection of front extension and mezzanine floor and elevational changes (Resubmission of 08/56635/FUL) / Minded to approve , against officer recommendation, by a vote of six to four subject to the Head of Planning and Development being satisfied that the applicant’s Green Travel Plan is deliverable and that a satisfactory scheme of car parking can be developed .
Mr. C. Gruner / 16 Hanover Gardens, Salford / Retention of a single storey side/rear extension with stepped access to the front and erection of a four metre high trellis along the side boundary / Granted subject to an amended condition requiring that if the pyracantha growing up the trellis dies or is removed within 5 years of planting it be replaced with the same number of specimens of the same species.
K. Davids / 1 Chatsworth Road, Worsley / Retention of (a) a three storey rear extension (including room in roof space), (b) existing conservatory to side of dwelling and (c) 1.2 metre high boundary railings and 2.2 metre high gates / Deferred pending submission of
sufficient information to enable a comparison to be made between this scheme and the one originally approved for the site.


The Director of Sustainable Regeneration submitted a report containing details of planning applications, which had been determined by the Deputy Director of Housing and Planning, under delegated authority, during November, 2008, and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel.

RESOLVED: THAT the undermentioned applications be noted:-

Applicant / Site / Development / Decision and Date of Decision
Housing Connection Partnership Ltd / Alleyway to rear of 11-25 Fir Street and 74 Lewis Street, Eccles / Erection of 2 metre high gates and 2 metre high railings to alleyway / Approve
17th November, 2008
08/57018 / 18 Newry Road, Eccles, M30 0LD / Erection of a single storey side extension / Approve
20th November, 2008
The City of Manchester Trading Company / Unit C, 311 Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 0QN / Installation of new shop front / Approve
12th November, 2008
M. Fish / 34 Crosslands Road, Worsley, M28 1JH / Erection of boundary wall / Refuse
10th November, 2008
Mr. G. Sherratt / 125 Vicars Hall Gardens, Boothstown, Worsley, M28 1HW / Demolition of existing single storey rear element and erection of a part single/part two storey rear extension / Refuse
21st November, 2008
G. Rasool / 320-322 Great Clowes Street, Salford, M7 2HD / Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of shop premises / Approve
21st November, 2008
Right Move Properties Ltd. / 621-629 Liverpool Road, Irlam, M44 5BE / Change of use from warehouse to A1 retail, alterations to front elevation and construction of a disabled ramp (Re-submission of 07/55125/FUL) / Application Withdrawn
19th November, 2008
A. Dawson and Sons (Cadishead) Ltd / 203 Liverpool Road, Cadishead, M44 5XH / Installation of 6 no. external roller shutters on showroom windows and entrance door / Approve
10th November, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bumby / 40 Chatsworth Road, Eccles, M30 9DY / Erection of a single storey side extension / Approve
12th November, 2008
Mr. Abdul Hannan / 43 Westminster Road, Eccles, M30 9EA / Retention of a two storey side/rear extension / Approve
19th November, 2008
Tesco Stores Ltd / Tesco Stores Limited
107-111 Mather Way, Salford, M6 5HU / Installation of an automatic teller machine (Resubmission of planning application 08/56743) / Approve
21st November, 2008
Nightingale Care Homes / 126 Peel Lane, Little Hulton, M38 0FD / Erection of a rear conservatory / Approve
19th November, 2008
Shop Direct Group / Shop Direct, Lester Road, Little Hulton, M38 0PT / Retention of four advertisement signs / Approve
12 November, 2008
Mr. J. Watkin – Thornley Groves Estate Agents / Thornley Grove Estate Agents, 150 Chapel Street, Salford, M3 6AF / Display of fascia sign with external trough lighting / Permitted development
13th November, 2008
Mast Lift Co. / Ground Floor Unit, ‘Fresh Tower’, Salford / Change of use from shop (Class A1) to non-residential institution (Class D1) and alterations to elevations / Approve
19th November, 2008
Willan Investment Ltd / Westwood House and Northwood House, Greenwood Business Centre, Regent Road, Salford, M5 4QH / Erection of four single storey extensions to front of premises / Approve
19th November, 2008
Muse Developments / 275-283 Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5JQ / Prior notification for the demolition of buildings / No objections
17th November, 2008
PZ Cussons (UK) Ltd. / PZ Cussons
Tally Close
M27 8WJ / Display of internally illuminated lettering / Approve
19th November, 2008
T. Sykes / 335 Chorley Road, Swinton / Erection of a single storey storage outbuilding at rear of premises / Approve
17th November, 2008
S. Eskins / 85 Station Road, Pendlebury, Swinton, M27 6BS / Change of use from single family dwelling into two self contained flats / Application withdrawn
19th November, 2008
Mr. Jim Walker / 21 Anson Road, Swinton, M27 5GZ / Erection of a two storey detached dwelling and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses (re-submission of planning application no. / Approve
19th November, 2008
Hope High School / Oasis Academy MediaCity UK, Prestwood Road, Salford, M6 8GG / Erection of a cycle shelter / Approve
12th November, 2008
A. Baker / 9 Garner Drive, Eccles, M30 8AQ / Erection of single storey side extension / Approve
12th November, 2008
Mrs. H.Y. Chan / 53 Parrin Lane, Eccles, M30 8AY / Application for Certificate of Lawful Use in respect of continued use as a shop for the sale of hot food / Application Withdrawn
13th November, 2008
R. Tench / Land adjacent to 28 Gillingham Road, Eccles, M30 8NA / Erection of a detached dwelling / Approve
19th November, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tunstall / 1 Woodgarth Lane, Worsley, M28 2PS / Erection of a two storey side extension, construction of sloping roof on existing single storey element and erection of a 2 metre high fence / Approve
12th November, 2008
L. Robinson / 6 Crossfield Drive, Worsley, M28 1GP / Partial demolition of existing single storey side element and erection of part first floor/part two storey side extension and single store side/rear extension / Approve
17th November, 2008
Mr. I. Badruddin Saadharwalla / Land at rear of 468 Walkden Road, Worsley, M28 2WH / Erection of a detached dwelling with basement garage and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses / Approve
18th November, 2008
Mr. K. Earith / 4 Oakwood Avenue, Worsley, M28 3HW / Erection of a part single/part two storey side/rear extension, single storey rear extension and canopy over front door / Approve
12th November, 2008
