Health Course Syllabus

Teacher: Amy Mikulin

Conference Period: 4th Period (10:40-11:32 am)


Work Phone #: 732-2891

Course Description: Lifetime Health promotes wellness and health literacy, encouraging positive behavior now to ensure a lifetime of health.

Materials Required:

Provided by Columbus ISD:

  • Textbook: Lifetime Health

Provided by student:

  • Wide ruled composition book
  • 3 ring/binder/folder
  • Notebook paper (about 10-15 sheets)
  • Pens and/or pencils
  • Grading pen (red preferred – NOT blue or black)
  • Highlighter

Class Rules/Expectations:

1. All students will be seated with necessary materials BEFORE the tardy bell rings.

2. The teacher will dismiss the class, NOT the bell.

3. Students will demonstrate respect for others at all times.

4. Written or spoken profanity is NOT permitted.

5. Students will NOT sleep in class.

6. Participate daily.

7. Food, candy, gum, and beverages (except bottled water) are NOT allowed.

Grading Policy:

Minor Grades (classwork, quizzes, labs, journals, etc.) = 50% - minimum of 1 per week

Major Grades (tests, projects, etc.) = 40% - minimum of 2 per six (6) weeks

Other (homework, participation, etc.) = 10% - 1 per week

Semester Exam = 15% of semester grade

***All grades will be posted per Student ID Number***

Quizzes will be given in each chapter. If you make a grade less than 70, you can correct the quiz to try and bring the grade up to a 70. All corrections will be on a separate sheet of paper. Each question missed will need to be written 2 times along with the correct answer.

Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. If you make a grade less than 70, you can correct the test to try and bring the grade up to a 70. All corrections will be on a separate sheet of paper. Each question missed will need to be written 1 time along with the correct answer.

Notebooks are needed to keep notes, assignments, and quizzes. Notebooks will not be taken for a grade but will help with organizing papers when studying for quizzes and tests. (Hint: I highly recommend a notebook!)

Composition books will be used for taking notes and keeping important information for quizzes and tests. Each student is required to have a composition book!

Homework Policy: All homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated.

Late Work Policy: 1st offense = maximum grade of 75; 2+ offenses = maximum grade of 70. Failure to turn in work the next class day will result in a grade of zero (0).

Missed Work Due to Absences: It is your responsibility to pick up any work missed (look in purple folders in the back of the room). You will have 3 days to turn in assignments.

Six Weeks Topics:

1st 6 Weeks: Parenting and Paternity Awareness (P.A.P.A. curriculum), Tobacco

2nd 6 Weeks: Alcohol, Weight Management

3rd 6 Weeks: Illegal drugs, CPR/AED certification

I understand and agree to the provided classroom management plan. I also know that I can contact Coach Mikulin with any questions and concerns I might have throughout this year.

Please sign and return this page of the syllabus. This will count as a homework grade and students will receive a 100 if it is returned the next class day. 10 points will be deducted each day for 1 week and after the 5th day, a zero will be given.

Thank You,

Amy Mikulin

Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent Name: ______Parent Signature: ______

Parent Contact Information:

Phone #: ______

E-Mail: ______