For several years, Anglicare Victoria have coordinated a small-scale Christmas Card Competition to provide senior students with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative flair for the chance to have their design produced and sold through our annual Christmas card catalogue.

In 2016, we have decided to expand this competition and open it up to senior students of ANY of our affiliated Anglican schools. We would ask that the competition be promoted through existing school media and direct contact with students through the art department during Term 1.

The competition will close on Friday 6 May to allow for entries to be shortlisted before a final winner is selected by Anglicare Victoria’s Chief Executive Officer, Paul McDonald in conjunction with the Anglicare Victoria Graphic Design Team.

The winning student will have their design produced as a Christmas card by AnglicareVictoria for sale through the Anglicare Victoria card catalogue (at a cost set by Anglicare Victoria,)


All entries must be:

• Religious – e.g. featuring Mary and baby Jesus, three kings or nativity scenes –in order to align with the values of the organisations to sell them OR Australian-suitable for customers sending cards overseas.

• Either 127 x 127mm square or 170 x 120mm (portrait or landscape) to fit in with printing and envelope requirements

• Submitted as a high resolution PDF for printing purposes

• Original, hand-drawn student artwork

Each student may only submit one entry as part of the competition.


The following may be edited or used in full in school newsletters or other communications to promote the competition.

If you want a chance to see your art produced as a Christmas card and sold across Victoria, read on…

Anglicare Victoria is inviting senior students at (insert school name) to participate in our 2016 Schools Christmas Card Competition for the opportunity to have their design featured in our Christmas card catalogue, sold across Victoria. Designs will be judged on creativity and suitability for sale to supporters of this Anglican agency that helps vulnerable children, young people and families.

All entries are due (insert date). For guidelines and an entry form contact (insert teacher name).


Competition launched – Tuesday 9 February 2016 as part of Qtr 1 Newsletter Final Reminder for Entries – Tuesday 19 April 2016 as part of Qtr 2 Newsletter Entries close – Friday 6 May 2016

Entries shortlisted – Monday 16 to Friday 20 May 2016

Shortlisted entries announced – Friday 27 May 2016

Final judging – Monday 6 to Friday 10 June 2016

Card produced – June

Winning entry announced – Tuesday 19 July 2016 as part of Qtr 3 Newsletter Card catalogue distributed – September


Artwork submissions can be made via email to . Each submission must be accompanied by an entry form in order to be accepted.


Entries will be shortlisted by Meleea Wood, Events & Schools Coordinator and Julie Witte, Christmas Card Program Coordinator. The number of shortlisted entries will be dependent upon the number of total entries received.

Final judging will be undertaken Paul McDonald, Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare Victoria in conjunction with Anglicare Victoria Graphic Design Team to select an overall winner.


A staff member from Anglicare Victoria will be available upon request to present certificates to short-listed students, as well as the winning student at a school assembly. The winning student will have their design and a short profile published in the September edition of Imagine.