Health 8 Quiz chp 9 Cooper F15

1. What informational tool can consumers use to compare the nutritional quality of various foods?

A. Nutrition facts label B. Food guide pyramid C. Ingredient labels D. Basic four food groups

2. Eating a high-fiber diet may protect against ______.

A. liver cancer B. osteoporosis C. heart disease D. all of the above

3. Which of the following foods is a rich source of monounsaturated fat?

A. Heavy cream B. Olive oil C. Coconut oil D. Margarine

4. Eating _____ raises LDL levels and reduces HDL levels.

A. inadequate amounts of vitamin C

B. trans fats

C. cholesterol

D. all of the above

5. ______is the “good” cholesterol, and ______is “bad” cholesterol.

A. HDL; trans fats B. LDL; trans fats C. HDL; LDL D. LDL; HDL

6. Examples of fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins ______.

A. A, D, E, and K

B. A, B, C, and D

C. B and C

D. L, M, N, O, and P

7. Which of the following minerals is NOT required by the human body?

A. Magnesium B. Iodine C. Silicon D. Zinc

8. Exercise reduces the risk of all of the following conditions except ______.

A. iron-deficiency anemia B. hypertension C. colon cancer D. diabetes

9. Warming up before exercising gradually ______.

A. lowers muscle temperature

B. increases blood flow

C. reduces heart rate

D. none of the above

10. Cardiovascular endurance can be increased most effectively through ______

A. Strength training B. Warm ups C. Aerobic exercise D. Anaerobic exercise

11. ______can help prevent falls and injuries due to muscle weakness, and can also improve posture and maintain a strong back.

A. Strength training B. Warm-ups C. Aerobic exercise D. Anaerobic exercise

12. Which of the following statements concerning swimming is true?

A. Swimming is less damaging to joints less than most other forms of aerobic exercise.

B. Swimming is usually a more effective weight-loss method than jogging or bicycling.

C. A woman must swim laps for 45 minutes or longer to gain aerobic benefits.

D. Swimming builds muscle but is not an effective form of aerobic exercise.

13. About _____% of an average healthy woman's weight is fat.

A. 6 B. 12 C. 25 D. 45

14. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Performing spot exercises, such as "crunches," are an effective way to reduce specific areas of fat.

B. One should not experience muscle pain when exercising regularly.

C. Overweight people should avoid exercising before meals because it increases appetite.

D. All of the above.

15. Nutrition experts use ______to determine if a person's weight is healthy.

A. whole body counting

B. the dietary guidelines

C. the body mass index

D. body mass BMR

16. Which of the following conditions is associated with upper body fat distribution?

A. Coronary artery disease

B. Osteoporosis

C. Cystic fibrosis

D. All of the above