Head Teacher Mrs C M Hewitt Chair of Governors Mrs R Smith

Head Teacher Mrs C M Hewitt Chair of Governors Mrs R Smith

Head Teacher Mrs C M Hewitt Chair of Governors Mrs R Smith

Wednesday 6th September

Dear Parents and Carers

It was lovely to welcome your children back to school today, all looking very smart in their school uniforms! They have certainly come back looking ready to meet the challenges of the new term and their new classes! I hope that you and they have enjoyed the summer break.

The Staff have already been working hard during the INSET Days and have taken part in important training as follows;

Maths with Andrew Jeffrey – Looking at ways to build pupils’ confidence in maths by using practical resources and representing mathematical ideas visually.

Growth Mindset – Helping children to value the impact of perseverance, hard work and challenging the idea that ability is ‘fixed’.

The Big Write – Planning for more independent writing. Your child will be coming home with ‘Talk Homework’ which requires you to discuss certain topics with them at home in order to prepare them for independent writing.

Meetings with new Class Teachers

There will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new class teacher after school on

Tuesday 12th September

This will be a chance to find out more about how the class is run and what will be expected of your child. If you have any questions please come along to the meeting. Meeting times are as follows;

Reception1pm (similar information to that given out in the July meeting)

Year 13pm

Year 24pm

Year 33pm (no need to attend if you came to the transition meeting in July)

Year 43.30pm

Year 53.30pm

Year 64pm

Apologies for any clashes! Please feel free to attend of both meetings or catch the teacher later.

There will be an opportunity for Nursery and STF parents to attend a coffee morning/afternoon early in this new term.

Dinner Money

All dinner money will now be collected through our cashless ‘SQuid’ system. It is quite possible there will be a few ‘teething problems’ with this but please bear with us! Please ensure you have registered using the login details you were given last term. Thank you!

Diary Dates

Dates for the term ahead will be published very soon on the website and by letter. Important dates including Parents Evenings, Concerts and Open Days will be included so that you can plan ahead.

Site Security

In the interests of securing the site while the children are on the premises we will lock the gate at the bottom of the Junior Yard as soon as the 8.50 bell sounds. We would also remind you to bolt the front gate as you leave. The side gate to the Infant Yard will also be bolted as soon as all the children are in school. The St David’s Close gate will be locked by 9am and again at 3.15pm.

Contact Details and other Important Information

Your child will be bringing home a record of the contact information we currently have for you as well as a form for you to give details of allergies, medical conditions and permissions. It is very important that you return these forms, amended as appropriate as soon as possible. If you want to inform us of any changes regarding contact details and health issues before you receive the forms please call school to do so immediately.

As always, I will always try to make myself available to you should you want to discuss any concerns about your child. Please do not hesitate to phone me or call in to see me. I am generally available at the beginning and end of the school day so do call in if you need to.

Yours faithfully

C M Hewitt

(please note name change as I got married in August!)