Gym/Musicmusic Art Lib Gym

Gym/Musicmusic Art Lib Gym

Specials: Our Specials are as follows:

M T W Th F

Gym/MusicMusic Art Lib Gym

Children are to wear tennis shoes on gym days. Girls need to have shorts on under dresses.Once we start bringing books home from the library, we will need to return our books on Tuesdays.


Birthdays are a special time for your child. If you would like to send in a treat for your child to share with the class, you are more than welcome to do so. Just let me know ahead of time so we can plan for it.


We go outside to play unless the weather does not permit (temperature is below 20 degrees, rain, too much snow, etc.). Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack:

First graders will be eating lunch at 11:30 a.m. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to eat later (fruit, crackers, pretzels, etc.).

Breakfast$0.80 (Reduced=$0.30)

Lunch $1.80 (Reduced=$0.40)

Milk only $0.30

Students are to eat their regular lunch before getting extras or ala carte items. Many families find it helpful to pay ahead by putting money on their child’s account. Anytime you send money to school with your child, please put it in an envelope, zip lock baggie, or something where it won’t get lost and put their first and last name on it and my name as well. Each child will be in charge of their own money. You can access your child’s lunch account balance by calling

754-4050, then select option #6.

Water bottles are allowed but please make sure your child can open/close the lid by themselves and their name is on the bottle.


Anytime those who could donate snacks – such as vanilla wafers, Cheeze-its, pretzels, fish crackers, cookies, even popsicles in hot months, etc. – periodically for the whole class would be greatly appreciated!

Please let me know if your child has any food allergies.

School Fees:

Technology Fee $25.00

Scholastic News Fee $4.35

Welcome to First Grade!


I am looking forward to the new school year and am excited to help your child learn and be the best that he/she can be! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will be keeping in touch with you throughout the year with newsletters, interim reports, report cards, conferences, P.T.O. meetings and notes/phone calls as necessary.

Together we can make this a wonderful year of learning and growing for your child!

Thank you!

Mrs. Martin

Contact info:


Classroom Expectations:

Rules are necessary to assure safety and quality learning in the classroom. Our school expectations will help us accomplish both.

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Ready
  • Be Safe

Below are the steps if a student is not following the rules.

1. Student receives a verbal warning.

2. Lose 1 “Recess” Letter = 5 minutes lost at recess.

3. If a student were to lose 6 Recess letters in one week, then we would discuss the possibility of an after school detention.

4. Expected behaviors will be modeled to the class over the first few weeks.

5. Behavior folders will come home nightly to let you know how your child is doing in first grade around the second week of September. Please sign and review it with your child. Praise them if they had a great day and discuss any behavioral problems.

Arrival/Departure to/from School:

If your child arrives after 9:15 or if your child will be leaving early for the day, you must sign them in/out at the office.

Drop Off Time: Lock St. 9:00 – 9:14 am

Walkers: Main entrance at 9:00 – 9:14 am

PM Car Riders:Park at Lock St. parking lot and enter back entrance at 3:30 pm.

PM Walkers: Exit side door by 3rd Grade at 3:25 pm. Children are to go straight home and not to the playground.

Reading: Daily 5

Students will be working on the following activities during reading:

Read to Self

Read to Someone

Work on Writing

Word Work

Listen to Reading

Students will be working on the following areas to help them improve their reading skills:




E-expand vocabulary

Students will also be utilizing various computer programs to help with reading and includes Reading Eggs, Accelerated Reader, Big Universe, and Tumble Books.

Student Work: I “try” to grade work and send it home on a daily basis or as soon as I can. Sometimes we complete work together as a group and then we send it home. There may be more lessons on some days than others; it just depends upon the day, lessons, and activities.

Homework: We expect students to read their reading books every night and to practice their sight words along with any math or writing assignments. Homework packets will be sent home every weekend.

Notes are Required:

*Your child will need to have a note if they are going home a different way. A bus pass will be issued if the change involves riding another bus or getting off the same bus but at a different stop. We need the name and address of the person where your child is going and the regular bus # and the new bus # if known.

*Students who are absent or leaving before school is dismissed.

*Students who are to stay in at recess due to illness or injury.

Volunteers:We would love to have you come in and can set up a time! Let me know what you would be comfortable helping with, such as working with the children, cutting out materials, and running copies. We will also need parents to help with parties and special activities. Thank you!

Parents must bring in all Medicine!

Prescriptions need to be in the original container with a form filled out and signed by the doctor and given to the office. Over the counter meds also need to have the dosage for your child marked.
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Welcome to First Grade!


I am looking forward to the new school year and am excited to help your child learn and be the best that he/she can be! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will be keeping in touch with you throughout the year with newsletters, interim reports, report cards, conferences, P.T.O. meetings and notes/phone calls as necessary.

Together we can make this a wonderful year of learning and growing for your child!

Thank you!

Mrs. Antill

Contact info:
