Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

(I) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Question numbers 1- 5 are of 1 mark each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 20 words.

(iii) Question numbers 6-10 are of 2 marks each. The answers to these questions should not

exceed 40 words each.

(iv) Question numbers 11- 16 are of 4 marks each. The answers to these questions should not

exceed 100 words each.

(v) Question number 17-19 are paragraph based and 5 marks each.

(vi) Question number 20-21 are picture based and 5 marks each.

(vii)Question numbers 22- 27 are of six marks each. The answers to these questions should not exceed 150 words each.


Q1. When did the US hegemony begin?1

Q2. Who among the following adopted and ‘open door’ policy?1

A) China B) E U C) Japan D) USA

Q3. When was the Election Commission set up in India? 1

Q4.The UN Security Council has______permanent and______non-permanent members. ½+½=1

Q5.Who became the symbol of restoration of democracy?1

Q6. Name the four components of Traditional Notion of Security. 2

Q7.Define Kyoto Protocol.2

Q8.Differentiate between main objectives of the First and The Second Five year plans.2

Q9. What is the basic aim of India’s policy towards External Relations?2

Q10. Whom would you identify with the fallings slogans/phraies?2

A) Jai Javan, Jai Kisan B) Garibi Hatao

Q11.Why did the superpower have military alliances with smaller countries? Give four reasons.4

Q12.What are the objectives of establishing regional organizations? 4

Q13.Mention two areas each of co operation and disagreement between India and Bangladesh. 4

Q14.What is SAARC? Write its two objectives. 4

Q15.. Is terrorism a traditional or non – traditional threat to security? 4

Q16.What was the Green Revolution? Explain two positive consequences of the Green Revolution.4

Q17.Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:-5

“In the history of nation-building only the Soviet Experiment bears comparison with the Indian. There to, a sense of unity had to be forged between many diverse ethnic groups, religious,linguistic communities and social classes. The scale-geographic as well as demographic-was comparably massive. The raw material the state had to work with the equally unpropitious:a people divided by faith and driven by debt and disease.”Ramachandra Guha

A) List the communities that the author mentions between India and Soviet Union and give one example for each of these from India.

B) The author does not talk about dissimilarities between the two experiments. Can you mention two dissimilarities?

Q18.Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:-5

“Broadly, non-alignment means not tying yourself of with military blocs.....It means trying to view things, as for as possible, not from the military point of view,though that has to come in sometimes, but independently, and trying to maintain friendly relations with all countries.”--Jawaharlal Nehru

A)Why does Nehru want to keep of military blocs?

B)Do you think that the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty violated the principal of non-alignment? Give reason for your answer.

C)If there was no military blocs, do you think non-alignment would have been unnecessary?

Q19.Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:-5

Indian democracy was never so close to a two-party system as it was during the 1997 elections. However, the next few years saw a complete change. Soon after its defeat, the Indian National Congress split in to two groups...... The Janta Party also went through major convulsions..... David butler, Ashok Lahiri and Purannoy Roy.---Partha Chatterjee

A)What made the party system in India look like a two-party system in 1977?

B)Many more than two parties existed in 1977. What then are the authors describing this period as close to a two-party system?

C)What caused splits in Congress and the Janta Party ?

Q20. In the given Europe map locate any three NATO members and any two Warsaw Pact members during the cold war. 5

Q21. Read the cartoon below and write a short note in favour or against the connection between war and terrorism depicted in the cartoon. 5

Q22.What was Cuban Missile Crisis ? Describe its main events. 6


Examine any three consequences of disintegration of Soviet Union.

Q23.Analyze the basis of projection of China to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2040.


Throw light on India- Pakistan conflict as part of the south Asian region. 6

Q24.On what basis does India claim a seat to the Security Council? 6


Rapid environmental degradation is causing a serious threat to security. Do you agree with

Statement? Substantiate your argument.

Q25. Explain the concept of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’. How and where was it

emphasized upon ? 6


Explain three benefits of globalization with example.

Q26.Explain the main challenges faced by India at the time of its independence.6


Write a note on Congress dominance in the first three general elections.

Q27. What does the term ‘Syndicate’ mean in the context of the Congress party of the sixties? What role did the Syndicate play in the Congress party? 6


What reasons did the government give for declaring a National Emergency in 1975?






Answers. Maximum Marks: 100

1.1991 1

  1. China 1
  2. 1950 1
  3. 5,10 1
  4. J.P Narayan 1
  1. a) Military threats b) Threat of war c) Balance of power

d) Alliance building. ½ x4=2

7.The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement setting targets for industrialized

Countries to cut their green house gas emission 2

  1. (a)The first five year plan mainly the agrarian including investment in dams and irrigation.(b)The Second five year plan were a sizable increase in national income so as to rise the level of living in country, rapid industrialization with particular emphasis on the development on basic and heavy industries. 2
  2. As a nation born in the back drop off the world war, India decided to conduct its foreign relations with an aim to respect the sovereignty of all other nations and to achieve security through the maintain of peace. This aim finds an echo in the Directive Principal of state policy.
  3. Sh.Lal Bahadur Shastri, Smt. Indira Gandhi.

11.1. Vital resources, such as oil and minerals. 1 x 4=4

2.Territory , from where the superpowers could launch their weapons and troops.

3. Locations from where they could spy on each other, and

4. economin support, inthat any small allies together could help pay for military

expenses. (Any other relevant point).

12.1) To accelerate economic growth followed by social progress and cultural 2+2=4

developments Of the regions.

2) To promote regional stability and peace based on the rule of law.

(Any other relevant point).

13. Cooperation. 1 x 4=4

1) In economic area both countries improved their economic relations in the last ten years

2) Bangladesh is the main link of India‘s Look East Policy that wants to link up with

South East Asia via Myanmar.


1) The sharing of the Ganga and Brahmaputra river water.

2)Problem of illegal immigration to India.

14.SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.It was 2+1+1=4

Established In 1985 at Dhaka. Its members are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,

Nepal, Bhutan Maldives and Afghanistan. Its objectives are:

a)Promotion of collective self-reliance.

b)Promotion of mutual trust and understanding.

(Any other relevant point).

15.1)Terrorism is a fusion of crime and politics. It refers to political violence that 2x2=4

targets civilians deliberately and indiscriminately.

2) International terrorism involves the citizens or territory of more than one

country .Terrorist groups resort to violence to demoralize the Government and push it to a

situation of counter violence.

  1. The green revolution is a package of a new strategy of agricultural practices which 4

resulted in increased yields of crops, especially food grains.

Two Positive Consequences

i) Opened the path for left wing organisations--> One was that in many parts, the stark

contrast between the poor peasantry and the land lords produced conditions favorable for

left wing organizations to organise to the poor peasants.

ii) Gave rise to the middle peasant sections --> The green revolution also resulted in the rise

of what is called the middle peasant sections. These were farmers with medium size

holdings, who benefited from the changes and soon emerged politically influential in many

parts of the country.

  1. a) (i) Unity between many ethnic groups.(ii) Unity between religions. 2 ½ +2 ½ =5

(iii) Unity between linguistic communities.(iv) Unity between social classes.

b) Dissimilarities between the two experiments are follows:- (i) Establishment of federal

System. (ii) Planing of political and economic system.

  1. a) Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to keep of military blocs because India 2 ½ +2 ½ =5 did not want to any group of world politics.

b) Indo-Soviet Union friendship was a simple combination. The relation adversely affect on

the principles of Non-alignment. At random India did not hesitate to tell the evils of


c) the statement is baseless because non-alignment is not the consequence of vacations. It

based on the independence and ideality.( Any two points).

  1. a) The imposition in 1977 and crises among political parties 2 ½ +2 ½ =5 (Ruling party) made the party system in India look like a two-party system.

b) Two parties which existed in 1977 were :-(i) Congress and (ii) Non-Congress. The

authors are describing this period as close to a two-party system because this

period saw the end of dominance of single party in India and emergence of Janta


c) Causes for the splits in Congress and Janta Party were-(i) For Congress Party-on

the issue of candidates for presidential election in 1969. (ii) For Janta

Party-tention among three leaders-Morarji Desai, Charan Singh and JagJivan Ram

the leadership in 1979. (Any two points).

  1. NATO Members (Any three) 3+2=5

i) Norway,ii) Britain, iii) France, iv) Begium, v) Spain, vi) portugal, vii) West

Germany, viii) Italy, ix)Greek, x)Turkey, xi)Denmark.

Warsaw Pact Members (Any Two)

i) East Germany, ii) Poland, iii) USSR, iv) Czechoslovakia, v) Hungry, vi) Romania,

vii) Bulgaria.

  1. From he cartoon it can be concluded that today, there deep relationship 5

between war and terrorism on one hand it is shown that war has started to crush

terrorism, on the other hand terrorism has griped the entire world, it sleeping due to

fear of war but at last it also an important and powerful cause of destruction of

human being.

Arguments in favor of cartoon:- Through the cartoon it can be said that war is often

considered as the biggest threat to the humanity. It is an traditional threat.

Arguments against the cartoon:- Terrorism or cult of the gun and killing is rather a

new phenomenon in world politics it has become a serious threat for not only

human beings but also for the world security.

  1. Cuban Missile Crisis 2+2+2=6 i) Cuba, a small island nation, off the coast of United States was an ally of the Soviet Union.

ii)It received both diplomatic and financial aid from USSR.

iii) Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union, decided to convert Cuba into a Russian base and in 1962, he placed nuclear missiles in Cuba.

(Any other relevant point)


Reasons for the disintegration of USSR

i) Soviet political and economic institutions became weak and failed to meet the aspirations of the people.

ii)Much of the resources of Soviet Union were used for maintaining a nuclear and military arsenal thus neglecting the basic needs of the people

iii) The Soviet System had become stagnant.

(Any other relevant point)

  1. China’s economic success since 1978 has been linked to its rise as a great power. China 6

has been the fastest growing economy since the reforms first began there. It is projected to

overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2040.Its economic integration into the

region makes it the driver of East Asian growth, thereby giving it enormous influence in

regional affairs. The conomically backward communist China chose to sever its links with the

capitalist world.

(Any other relevant point)


Among crucial conflicts of South Asian regions the most salient and overwhelming 2 x 3=6

is the One between, India and Pakistan. The nature of their conflicts as follows:

1) Soon after the participation, the two countries got embroiled in a conflict over Kashmir. The

Pakistan government claimed that Kashmir belong to it. Wars between India and Pakistan in

1947- 48 and 1965, 1971 fail to settle the matter.

2)The 1947-48 war resulted in the division of the province into Pakistan occupied Kashmir and

Indian province of Kashmir and the Indian province of Jammu and Kashmir divided by the

line of control.

3)In 1971 India won a decisive war against Pakistan but the Kashmir issue remained unsettled.

24.India wishes to be a permanent member in a restructured UN on the following 2 x 3=6


1) India’s non-violent tradition justifies its permanent candidature in the Security Council

2) India is the second most populous country in the world comprising almost one fifth of the

world population.

3)India is also the world’s largest democracy.

4) Its role in the UN’s peace keeping effort is a long and substantial one.

(Any other relevant point) Explain any three.


I agree with the statement that rapid environmental degradation is causing 2 x 3=6

a serious threat to security.

1) In broad concept of human security the threat agenda should include hunger disease

and natural disasters because these kill far more people than war ‘genocide and terrorism


2)The ideas of global security emerged in the 1990s in response to the global nature of threats such as global warming.

3)The 1997 Kyoto protocol provides a roadman for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases to check global warming.

(Any other relevant point)

25. 1) Difference into the approach towards environmental issue between countries 2 x 3 =6

of North and South.

2) North wanted everybody to be equally responsible but the countries of South felt that the

present degradation was due to the development under taken by the North.

3) the developing countries wanted the developed countries to take up a greater

responsibility for undoing the damage.

4) Moreover the developing countries were the process of industrialization and should not

be subjected to the same restriction which applied to developed countries.

The needs of developing countries were taken into account and accepted in the Rio

Declaration at the Earth Summit and was emphasized upon.

(Any three to be explained)


1) Better and new technologies have enabled the states to collect information rule the state

in a better way.

2) Greater economic flows among different countries of the world. It has enhanced trade in

commodities across the globe and restrictions imposed on imports have been reduced.

3)Globalization has led to flows of ideas through the internet and other forms of


4) Globalization has increased competition and search for quality products.

Any other relevant point

(Any three to be explained)

26.1.Shape a Nation:-The first and the immediate challenge was to shape a 2 x 3 =6

nation that was united yet accommodative of the diversity in our society.India was a land of

continental size and diversity.Its people spoke different languages and followed

different cultures and religions.

2.To Establish Democracy:-The constitution granted fundamental rights and extended

the right to vote to every citizen.India adopted representative democracy based on the

political competition would take place in a democratic framework.

3.To Ensure The Development and Well-being of the entire society:-The constitution

Clearly laid down the principle of equality and special protection to socially

disadvantaged groups and religious and cultural communities.


The first three Lok Sabha Election of 1952,57 and 62 were dominated by Congress Party under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.Nehru has been described as the most important mobiliser for the Congress.It was in fact proclaimed that even a ‘lamp-post’would win with the support of Nehru and the Congress.The description did indeed reflect partial reality of the Nehru phase of Lok Sabha elections.

Nehru raised national and international issues during his election meetings which drew large crowds.His capacity to attract crowds during his election campaign however,was a necessary,but not a sufficient condition to win the election.

The Congress party machine,and the various factional leaders nominated candidates on the basis of caste,community and local influence.

During the Nehru phase, the powerful caste and community leaders were considered pillars of Indian social structure.

The congress managed to elicit support from powerful and socially influential groups to win election in 1952,57and 62. On the basis of minority of votes, however,the Congress could win a majority of seats which enabled them to form the government.

Congress continued to benefit from the low level of political consciousness of the electorate.The Indian voter had not yet learnt to question q his traditional loyalties,and the Congress Party built itself on this traditional social scene.

27.The Congress ‘Syndicate’ 6

Syndicate was the informal name given to a group of Congress leaders who were in control of the party’s organisation.It was led by K.Kamraj ,former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and then the president of the Congress party.It included powerful State leaders like S.K.Patil of Bombay city,S.Nijalingappa of Mysore,N.Sanjeeva Reedy of Andhra Pradesh and Atulya Ghosh of West Bengal.Both Lal Bahadur Shastri and later Indira Gandhi owed their position to the support received from the Syndicate.This group had a decisive say in Indira Gandhi’s first Council of Ministers and also in policy formulation and implementation.After the Congress split the leaders of the syndicate and those owing allegiance to them stayed with the Congress(O).Since it was Indira Gandhi’s Congress(R) that won the test of popularity,all these big and powerful men of Indian politics lost their power and prestige after 1971.