University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Early Ambulation Project

February 21, 2013

/ 1500-1600 / UH 1 South, Small Conference Room
Sheila Modi, project leader
Mela Chapman, 4W Unit Director
Cipriano Botello, 5W RN Supervisor
Deborah Minke, 5S Unit-based educator
Heidi Gober, Inpt rehab supervisor
Pam Demarest, executive project sponsor
Mary Ellen Mahoney, PT
Donna Springstead, OT
Topic / Discussion /




Call to order / A quorum was established. / Chaired by Sheila Modi, MD
Minute Approval / From 2/7/2013 mtg. / Approved.
Approve data outcomes measures- all / Data we will collect:
·  LOS
·  30-day readmission rate
·  D/C destinations (get data from d/c order)
·  Falls (get data from NDNQI (as opposed to from PSNs))
·  Barthel Index
o  RNs to do on their initial assessment and qday during hospital stay. (we did not yet decide where to document this).
o  Note: we will likely only use q48 to q72 hr data, but will be easier to ensure this is done if we request RNs to do qday (qday, not q24h to improve accuracy).
o  Heidi and PTs tested this and it takes <5min to complete.
·  Hospital complications:
o  Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (get data from NDNQI)
Note: NDNQI data is done quarterly.
Data we will not collect:
·  Hospital cost – this measure is not tracked currently by UNMH, would not be able to get accurate numbers at this time.
·  PT measures: time to consult and minimum frequency
·  Get Up and Go test- using BI instead
·  Hospital complications:
o  CA-UTI (do not want to interfere with ongoing quality project, also this data is not currently available as hosp epidemiology group is getting it manually by chart review)
o  HAP/VAP (difficult to get this data as HAP rate not currently tracked, also VAP definitions are changing which would make that a difficult dat point)
o  Delirium (too difficult to measure)
·  Telemetry/pulse ox (there is a different QI initiative looking at this) / Pam to ask Jim Little for baseline data on 4W and 5W.
No IRB / No IRB needed for QI project.
Review possible ambulation protocols- Sheila / Brought several examples of early ambulation protocols. / -Heidi, Mary Ellen, Sheila to meet separately to develop draft protocol for us to use. Then will present that to group.
-Sheila to contact Stephanie Sanderson to discuss their early mobility efforts in ICU.
Documentation / This discussion mostly deferred to next mtg. Deborah Mincke brought printout of ambulation fields already present in PC, on Interactive View/I&O / Further discussion on documentation next mtg.
Next meeting / 2 weeks, same time/place
Adjourn at 1600


Sheila Modi, MD Sheila Modi, Project Leader

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