Dear Parents

Change of Status

Consultation on Stourport Primary Schoolconverting to Academy Statusas part of the proposed Multi Academy Trust :Severn Academies Educational Trust.

As you may be aware the political landscape for the future of all schools, nationwide, is changing. The current government made a pledge in its manifesto that by 2020 all schools will be required to become academies. This was reinforced again with the release of The White Paper – Educational Excellence Everywhere,on the 17th March 2016

The governing body of Stourport Primary Schoolis therefore currently exploringthe opportunity of converting to academy status, as part of the new Multi Academy Trust (MAT), Severn Academies Educational Trust (“the Trust”).

I would like to assure all parents that by consulting on this issue now, Stourport Primary School is able to maintain more control over its ultimate destiny and protect those aspects that drew you to it in the first place. It is the belief ofmyself, staff and the governors that this development will only enhance the educational experience and opportunities for all children at our school even further.

Stourport Primary Schoolis currently a Community School. There would be the following key differences if we convert to Academy status: [m1]

  • The school will cease to be maintained by the Local Authority but will instead be funded and maintained directly by the Department for Education. This will mean that the school will retain the Education Services Grant portion of its budget.
  • The basis for the running of the school will be through a Funding Agreementwith the Department for Education.
  • The Trustwill be a charitable company limited guarantee and will enter into a long lease with the Local Authority under which the school will occupy the existing site.
  • The Trust is the conduit for funding with each school within the Trust being funded on the basis of its pupil numbers (similar to the current set up as a maintained school).
  • The Trust will comprise of a group of individuals who will constitute the board. Each school within the Trust will have a local governing body (LGB) which will be constituted on a similar basis to the current governing body of the school
  • The school staff will become employed by the Trust. The employment rights of all members of staff will be protected by TUPE, Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations which came into force in 2006. This means that these employment rights will transfer to the Trust under the same terms and conditions of employment. Pension rights and continuity of service record will be preserved.
  • If we decide to become an Academy we will become our ownadmissions authority. That will enable us to determine our admissions criteria. We will be required to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code and continue to provide excellent education for the local community.

Stourport Primary Schooland its governing body is committed to exercising the increased autonomy which Academy status brings, within the framework of fair funding and fair admissions. Academy status is intended to promote innovation and flair by giving school leaders more freedom to decide how best to meet the needs of their pupils, parents and wider communities. A vital part of the Government’s stated vision is to create a more diverse school system offering excellence and choice, where each school has a strong ethos, strong vision and acts as a centre of excellence or specialist provision. We believe Academy status will help us to achieve this vision.

We believe that we have the experience and expertise to use the additional autonomies of Academy status to continue the development of the school and to further raise standards. It is clear that the Government sees greater autonomy for schools as the next stage in the development of the education service and wants schools to be more proactive in developing their individual strengths in response to the needs of the local community. There is an expectation from government that schools will take a lead in raising attainment and removing barriers to learning. The additional freedoms open to us as an Academy and our commitment to co-operation with other agencies will, we believe, be an important component in our school’s development of these initiatives.

Some important matters would not change if we were to become an Academy[m2]:

  • The curriculum, extra-curricular programme, school day, pastoral support and guidance and general organisation of the school will not be affected
  • The teaching and the resources currently provided to Stourport Primary Schoolwill all continue

This letter is part of our consultation process which ends on 13th May 2016 and responses must be received by that date. The next step will be a meeting of governors on 16th Mayto consider all responses and make a decision about continuing with the process.

We welcome any comments you may wish to make in writing, or by email, to Lisa Crump, .

If you would like to make representations in person, governors will be available on:

  • 21st April (9:15am – 11:30am)
  • 25th April (1:30pm – 3:30pm)

It would assist our organisation if you could inform the school, by telephone or email, if you wish to attend so that we can give you an appointment time.

This letteris also published on the school website:

Yours sincerely

Mrs Jacqui Elwis


[m1]Some of these bullet points cd go into a consultation booklet. You would then refer to the ‘enclosed booklet’

[m2]This could go in a consultation booklet