December 9, 2008

Greenwood Township

Regular Meeting Minutes

The regular Greenwood Township Board Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Terry Gill at 7:30p.m. at the Greenwood Township Hall, 9025 Yale Road. All other board members were present along with eleven residents. The minutes from the regular meeting on November 11, 2008 were approved as presented.

The treasurer’s report was read by Trombley. Outstanding bills were read by Jonseck with Vincent making a motion to pay the monthly bills, Kaltz seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

Larry Morden presented the fire department report for the month of November. There were a total of 10 medicals for the month with 7 in Greenwood and 3 in Kenockee. There was one standby at both stations due to the 911 system going down, and also one vehicle fire for a total of twelve calls for the month. Morden also brought over the new tanker truck from the Kenockee fire station for residents to view.

The Zoning Administrator was present and informed board members that the retail business mention last month is now in compliance. She also mentions she will be contacting another resident regarding a home occupation that needs to be brought under compliance. Lastly, she mentioned she attended the The Wind Energy Siting and Policy Issues workshops yesterday and will be passing the information on to the Planning Commission. Next year the planning commission will start working on wind energy ordinances.

In old business Gill made a motion to accept Waste Management counter offer and to allow the Clerk and herself to sign the new contract on behalf of the township. Trombley seconding. Roll call: Kaltz – yes, Jonseck – yes, Trombley – yes, Vincent – yes, Gill – yes. Motion carried 5-0.

In new business Gill made a motion to appoint Mark Begerowski, Heather Stewart, and Pat Zepp to the Board of Review, with Jonseck seconding. Motion carried 5-0. Gill also made a motion to appoint Lynn Zepp as an alternate to the Board of Review. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

Gill made a motion to move Heather Stewart off the ZBOA and appoint her to the opening on the Planning Commission. She also motion to appoint Lynn Zepp to the ZBOA in place of Stewart. Kaltz seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

Trombley made a motion to approve $300 for yearly automatic backup to the three township accounts in QuickBooks, and to allow WildBlue to install high speed internet service with an upfront cost of approximately $280 plus a monthly fee of $69. Kaltz seconding. Roll call: Vincent – yes, Trombley – yes, Jonseck – no, Kaltz – yes, Gill – yes. Motion carried 4-1.

Meeting Adjourned 8:17 p.m.

Cyndee Jonseck

Greenwood Township Clerk