Troop 70258 Code of Coduct

Girl Scout Promise Girl Scout Law

On my honor, I will try: I will do my best to be

To serve God and my country, honest and fair,

To help people at all times, friendly and helpful,

And to live by the Girl Scout Law. considerate and caring,

courageous and strong,

and responsible for what I say and do,

and to

respect myself and others,

respect authority,

use resources wisely,

make the world a better place,

and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

  1. I will follow the principles of the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
  2. I will not lie to my Leaders or other Girl Scouts.
  3. I will use resources wisely by only taking what I need to complete a task. I will remember time is a valuable resource and will use my time wisely and the time of my Leaders by listening to directions closely the first time.
  4. I will follow the rules that are made to protect others and myself and to help make sure program activities are safe, fun and successful.
  5. I will treat other people, myself, property and equipment with respect. I will not put myself down or make fun of others. I will not bully or abuse my sister Girl Scouts.
  6. If I say I will do something or won’t do something, I will keep my promise.
  7. I will stand up for what I know is right. I will go to my Leader when I see someone is being bullied or hurt.
  8. I will not behave in such a manner that monopolizes the time of the Troop Leader or Assistant Leader and jeopardizes the Girl Scout experience for the entire troop.
  9. I will be respectful of the Girl Scout Leader and all Assistant Leaders. I will not to argue with my leader or call them names.
  10. I will remain seated, or with the group depending on the activity, unless excused by the Girl Scout Leader or an Assistant Leader and keep my hands to myself during all Troop/Event activities.
  11. I will remember my Troop Leaders and Assistant Leaders volunteer their time and appreciate the time they spend planning troop meeting and activities for me.
  12. I will live by the Girl Scout law not only in troop meetings but every day, everywhere.

Failure to follow our Code of Conduct will result in the following corrective action:

1.  Leadership will ask the girl to stop behavior.

2.  Time out during the meeting and after the meeting a discussion with the girl on what part of the Girl Scout Law she broke.

3.  Time out during the meeting and after the meeting a discussion with both the girl and parent to discuss what part of the law was not followed.

4.  Miss a meeting.

5.  If the behavior recurs, the girl will be removed from the meeting and a parent will be called to pick her up. If this happens more than once, the girl will be asked to leave the troop for the remainder of the year. It will be the leader’s discretion to allow the girl to rejoin the following year. No refunds will be given for registration, uniform costs, events fees, or activity fees.

Girl Scout Signature ______Date ______

Parent Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Troop Leader Signature ______Date ______