Friday April 27th’s Sessions


Dan Martino DuquesneUniversity

Gary BackhausLoyolaUniversity

John MurungiTowsonUniversity

Troy PaddockSouthern ConnecticutStateUniversity

Stephen SandbankIndependent Scholar

Session 1a:Theories of built space

Moderator:Stephen SandbankIndependent Scholar

9:15Gary BackhausLoyolaUniversity

Norberg-Schulz’s Phenomenology of Built Space: An Introduction

9:50Kascha SnavelyBostonCollege

The Habit of Inhabitation: Place in Merleau-Ponty and Proust’s “Place-Names: The Place”

10:25Malte Chr. LyneborgUniversity of Copenhagen

Built Spaces: Earth-Sky and Human Praxes

Session 1b:Planning future visions of peace and ecology in built space

Moderator:Dennis SkoczIndependent Scholar

9:15Connie PriceUniversity of Tuskagee

Building Spaces of Peace, a Reflection: After the Syphilis Study and Other Wartime Engagements

9:50Linda ArditoDowlingCollege

Musical SpacesBefore the Concert Hall

10:25Miriam GusevichCatholicUniversity of America

The EcologicalCity: a historic chapter.


Session 2a:Built Space and Spiritual Practice

Moderator:Gary BackhausLoyolaUniversity

10:55Forrest ClingermanOhio Northern University

Building Heaven:An Inquiry into the Depth of Place

11:30Mark H. DixonOhio Northern University

The Architecture of Solitude

12:05Raymond F. Person, Jr.Ohio Northern University

Built Space on a Farm as an Expression of Faith

Session 2b: Mapping and Transforming Natural Space

Moderator:William BehunPennsylvaniaStateUniversity

10:55Christine PettoSouthern ConnecticutStateUniversity.

A View of the Early Modern Cities of London and Paris

11:30Troy PaddockSouthern ConnecticutStateUniversity.

Rivers and Built Space

12:05John MurungiTowsonUniversity

The Nightclub and the Transformation of African Culture


Session 3a: The Sacred as Architectural Space


2:00Dennis SkoczIndependent Scholar

A Taleof Two Temples: Approaching Sacred Space With HegelandHeidegger

2:35Patricia Trutty-CoohillSienaCollege

Phenomenological Descriptionof the Sistine Ceiling

3:10William BehunPennsylvaniaStateUniversity

To the Center of the Sky: Polar Symbolism in Christian Sacred Architecture

Session 3b:Improvisational Art and the Built World

Moderator: Troy PaddockSouthern Connecticut State University

2:00Stephen GimbelUniversity of Gettysburg

Stephen SternUniversity of Gettysburg

Einstein’s Jewish Science: Relativity and the Covariance of Experience

2:35James HatleyUniversity of Salisbury

Rebuilding Walden:Gathering the Earth’s Fruits in Solitude and Simplicity

3:10Elizabeth HoppeLewisUniversity

Phaedo and Strabo: Geography and Philosophy

Session 4a:Built Space of funerary art

Moderator:Patricia Trutty-CoohillSienaCollege

3:55Christopher Wilson IzmirUniversity of Economics

Identity Politics in the Architectural Competition for the Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

4:30Kimberly KatzTowsonUniversity

Cooperating to Preserve the Built Heritage: The Arab League and the Republic of Tunisia

5:05Erin TarverVanderbiltUniversityBodies,

Earth and Sacred Space:Heidegger’s Origin of the Work of Art and the Crypt of the Capuchins

Session 4b:The Influence of Merleau-Ponty and Levinas on Constructing Space

Moderator:Christine PettoSouthern ConnecticutStateUniversity

3:55Patricia M. LockeSt. John’s College

Architectureand Voicesof Silence

4:30Kascha SnavelyBostonCollege

The Habit of Inhabitation: Place in Merleau-Ponty and Proust’s “Place- Names:The Place”

5:05Eric BoyntonAlleghenyCollege

Anti-monuments, Commemoration, and the Building of Absences



8:00Keynote Speaker

Moderator: Dan MartinoDuquesneUniversity

Eva M. SimmsDuquesneUniversity

Children’s Lived Spaces in the Inner City: Geographical and PoliticalAspects of the Psychology of Place

Saturday April 28th’s Sessions

Session 5a:Unique Transitional Spaces of the Built World

Moderator:Lorna ZukasNationalUniversity

9:00Catherine ArgiropoulosYorkUniversity

Experiencing Place and Non-Place in the City: An Ethnography of the Spadina Streetcar

9:35Gabrielle Aruta Barnes Foundation

The Barnes Foundation’s Architectural 'Builtness' & Earth-Sky Horizon

10:10Gilbert BurghUniversity of Queensland (Ipswich Campus)

Building democracy: creating and nurturing an environment for deliberation

Session 5b:Artistic Perspectives on the Presentation of Space

Moderator: Joe TatarewiczUMBC

9:00Clark LunberryUniversity of NorthFlorida

Installing James Turrell’s Installation Art: The Building of Next to Nothing at All

9:35Xinmin LiuUniversity of Pittsburgh

Emotive Intervention: Affect, Ethics, Dwellings in Chinese Cinematic Arts

10:10Michael LazarinRyukokuUniversity

Japanese Architecture: Place as Transition


Session 6a:Communities in Transition: Session 1


10:55Asha KuttyUniversity of Wisconsin,

MilwaukeeSanctuaries from the Streets: The Contested Storefront Churches of ShermanPark, Milwaukee

11:30Lorna ZukasNationalUniversity

Spaces of Danger, Spaces of Belonging: a Building, a Park, a Sunken City, and "Walker's World"

12:05Jim Smith TowsonUniversity

Built Environments and ‘Placed’ Identities in the Global City: The Politics of Ethnic Enclaves in Los Angeles

Session 6b:Science and Technology: Inner and Outer Built Space


10:55Joe TatarewiczUMBC

Interior Design for Outer Space: Making Spacecraft Homes

11:30Leonard OrtmannTuskekeeUniversityNationalCenter for BioethicsNanotechnology and the Inverted Cosmos

12:05Emiliano TrizioPoincaré Archives

From the Space of Cosmological Symbolism to the Space of Laboratory


2:00Plenary Session

Moderator: John MurungiTowsonUniversity

Alphonso Lingis PennsylvaniaStateUniversity

Building for Movement


Session 7a:Communities in Transition: Session 2


3:00Glenn Broadhead Illinois Institute of Technology

Paula RobinsonBronzevilleVisitorInformationCenter

Building a Model of Lost and Future Space: The Bronzeville Visitors InformationCenter and Illinois Institute of Technology

3:35A. Sameh El KharbawyCaliforniaStateUniversity

Modernity’s Modernity: A Legacy of (Building) Follies

4:10Matthew DuringtonTowsonUniversity

Gentrification Dilemmas in Urban Baltimore

Session 7b:Literature & Apocalyptical Visions of Future Built Spaces

Moderator:Alex ZukasNationalUniversity

3:00Steve SandbankIndependent Scholar

Cormac McCarthy's The Road and Merleau Ponty's View of Nature

3:35Randy LaistUniversity of Connecticut

The Being of “Skyscraper-ness”: Images of the WorldTradeCenter in the Novels of Don DeLillo

4:10Frederick WaageEastTennesseeStateUniversity

Reading Urban Ecology in George R. Stewart’s The Years of the City


Session 8a:The Space of Memory and its Impact on Built Space


5:00Dylan TriggUniversity of Sussex

(Un)building the Self: Place, Memory, and Nostalgia

5:35Mitha BudhyartoLondon Consortium

Persistent Memory: The Body, Remembrance and Homogenous Places

6:10Andrea CakarsCamden County Historical Society

Navel of the Earth: Understanding a Late Archaic Shell Ring on Saint Catherine's Island, Georgia

Session 8b:Economic and Political Possibility in Built Spaces


5:00Zulfiqar Ali ChughtaiUniversity of Balochisan Quetta

Politics of human praxes in coastal economy: a case study of Gwadar

5:35Alex ZukasNationalUniversity

Built Spaces and Contested Places: The Geography of Unemployed Protest in the Ruhr during the late WeimarRepublic

6:10Michael WenischMorganStateUniversity

Peak Oil and Global Space

6:45IASESP Business Meeting

Sunday April 29th’s Sessions

Session 9a:Artistic Envisioning and Enveloping of Built Space

Moderator: Peter NikolaNew School Of SocialResearch

9:00Christos C. EvangeliouTowsonUniversity

Building the PerfectCity between Earth and Sky, (With Help from the Birds!)

9:35Geraldine FinnCarletonUniversity

The Place of Improvisation – The Improvisation of Place

10:10Brendan MahoneyBinghamtonUniversity

PoeticBuilding in the Locations of Metaphor

Session 9b:Modern vs. Post Modern Built Realities

Moderator: Michael LucasCaliforniaPolytechnicStateUniversity, San Luis Obispo

9:00Helmut KlassenYorkUniversity

A Critical Renovationofthe Architectural Project

9:35Greg WatsonMississippiStateUniversity

Improvisational Building: The Architecture of Edgar Miller

10:10Roger PadenGeorgeMasonUniversity

The Role of Culture and Society in Debates about the Ideal Society


Session 10a:Constructing and Relating to Protective Built Spaces


11:00Peter NikolaNew School Of SocialResearch

Buildings Above the Tree Line

11:35Richard WilliamsRutgersUniversity

Preservation and Renewal

12:10Francis ConroyNeumannCollege

Jessica HayesPennsylvaniaStateUniversity

Allison HayesClarkUniversity

The Land Talking: On the Soil and Architecture of Deep Dialogue

12:45Steve VogelDenisonUniversity

Alienation and the Built Environment

Session 10b:The Hidden and Unhidden in Built Spaces


11:00DeMond Shondell MillerRowanUniversity

Joel C. YelinRowanUniversity

Jason D. RiveraRowanUniversity

Architectural Expressions of Empire: Monuments of Spanish Colonialism in Puerto Rico

11:35Michael LucasCaliforniaPolytechnicStateUniversity, San Luis Obispo

Deconstruction and Destruction of Place: Powers at MorroBay

12:10Gail Higginbottom Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust

Over-throw of the Copernican System: How the Built Environment Entails Our Primordial Experience

12:45Hugh SilvermanSUNY Stoney Brook

Postmodern Environments

1:20Closing Remarks
