PSW Supplement 6109.12-2006-01
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 17, 2006
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 6109.12_20
Page 1 of 4
/ Forest Service Handbook
pacific southwest research station (PSW)
albany, ca



Supplement No.: PSW_6109.12-2006-01.

Effective Date: July 17, 2006

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Station Director / Date Approved: 7/6/2006

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was PSW_6109.12-2002-01 to Chapter 10.

New Document / 6109.12_20 / 4pages
Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date / none


29 – Establishes PSW’s Exit Interview Process



29.02 – Objectives

29.03 – Policy

29.04 – Responsibility

29.1 – Exit Interview Process


29.02 – Objectives

1. To improve the quality of current working conditions by promoting successful programs and by identifying and correcting deficiencies as expressed by employees leaving the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW).

2. To reinforce positive conditions and eliminate negative conditions.

29.03 – Policy

All employees leaving PSW must have an opportunity and are encouraged to complete an exit questionnaire. Theexit interview process is optional and employees may decline to participate.

29.04 – Responsibility

1. The Station Director is responsible to:

a. Designate the PSW civil rights committee to serve as the station-wide exit review team (ERT).

b. Review the reports of the civil rights program manager and the PSW exit review team and ensure that identified problems are addressed and positive experiences promoted and reinforced.

2. The assistant station directors, program managers, project leaders, group leaders and supervisors are responsible to:

a. Ensure all employees leaving their units receive Form PSW-6100-80, Exit Interview Questionnaire, along with their Final Salary Payment Report, PSW-6100-87.

b. Identify and address problems reported during the exiting process.

3. The civil rights program manager, in addition to the responsibilities in 29.04, paragraph 2, is also responsible for:

a. Supporting the PSW ERT.

b. Data base management. The database must reside in the office of the civil rights program manager.

c. Analysis of exit questionnaires ensuring that problems needing immediate attention are reported appropriately; and ensuring report generation for the station director and ERT.

d. To receive and screen forms and interview reports for conditions needing immediate action including, but not limited to, a hostile or intimidating work environment, or indications of illegal or unsafe working conditions. The CR program manager refers such issues to the proper assistant station director, program manager, project leader, group leader or supervisor.

4. The human resources officer and staff are responsible to be familiar with the exit interview questionnaire process.

5. The unit business management assistant or the administrative officer must ensure that a hardcopy of the Exit Interview Questionnaire form is provided to each departing employee, and that the exiting employee acknowledges receipt on the PSW-6100-87, Final Salary Payment Report.

29.1 – Exit Interview Process

All exiting employees are encouraged to provide exit information. The process is:

1. Employee’s first line supervisor notifiesthe unit business management assistant or administrative officer, if unaware, that an employee is leaving a PSW unit.

2. Unit business management assistant or administrative officer provides each employee leaving PSW a form PSW-6100-80 with a return envelope addressed to the civil rights program manager, and ensures the exiting employee acknowledges receipt on the PSW-6100-87, Final Salary Payment Report.

3. Exiting employee completes the exit interview questionnaire and checks the appropriate box on the form PSW-6100-87.

4. Civil rights program manager.

a. Ensures exit questionnaire is retained in a secure data file.

b. Reviews questionnaires to identify any conditions which need immediate attention.

c. Prepares a written report annually of the exiting employees’ concerns, and submits it to the station director and civil rights committee acting as the exit review team.

5. Exit review team.

a. Reviews annually the report compiled by the civil rights program manager and prepares a summary with recommendations to the station director and CR program manager.

b. Posts the annual review in the civil rights website and the civil rights committee website.

c. Annually reviews/audits the exit interview process for improvements.