Sportivate – An applicant’s guide
Year 6
April 2016 – March 2017
All documents including application form can be found at
Please note: Allocation of Sportivate funding is subject to Sport England final approval.
Sportivate is a nationwide campaign that aims to capture the enjoyment of sport, providing opportunities for teenagers and young adults (including disability sport) to receive 6 weeks of coaching or led sessions.
Nationally, £56 million of National Lottery Funding (revenue) will be invested in Sportivate with further Partnership funding (cash and in-kind) being invested by local partners. Sportivate commenced in April 2011 is running for 6 years until March 2017.
Sportivate contributes to wider agenda outcomes including impacting upon under-represented groups, breaking down social and cultural barriers, attracting a range of additional funding/advocacy partners, tackling obesity and providing settings for skills development in education and community life (both through participating and volunteering).
Sportivate targets participants aged 14-25 who, when registering for Sportivate, state that they arenot yet participating once a week in sport. Sport England call these participants inactive.
By transitioning participants to settings in which regular sporting opportunities are available (within the structure of their newly-found independence) Sportivate plays a part in promoting long-term behaviour change by opening up new and exciting opportunities for them.
Suffolk Sport have set the following as the key priority groups for project applicants to target:
- Inactive Young People;
- Women and Girls;
- Young people aged 19-25 years; and
- Disabled young people.
Suffolk Sport leads the strategic delivery of the Sportivate Programme in Suffolk. We deliver themed and open funding rounds, enabling potential deliverers to apply for funding. Deliverers need to sign a partnership agreement in order to access Sportivate funding. Consortiums of deliverers are encouraged but there must be a lead organisation who will take charge of the responsibilities contained within the partnership, including acting as key contact and submitting all evaluation data. Deliverers are advised that they are able to buy-in services of other organisations (i.e. facility hire, etc) but they are always accountable or the project and liability always sits with the lead organisation. Examples of current deliverers are:
- Groups/Workplaces representing 14-25 year olds
- Youth Charities
- National Governing Bodies
- Sport Clubs
- Youth Clubs
- Secondary Schools/Colleges/Universities*
*If you are an applicant applying to run a project in one of the above educational institutions, please be aware of the following when applying for Sportivate funding:-
- Delivery may take place at any time of any day (except where activity is based at a school for 14-16 years olds where curriculum time activity is ineligible).
- Where Sportivate projects are only targeted at students and/or staff within an educational institution, the project must be delivered by another community provider and a community exit route supplied e.g. if a high school is looking to run a boxercise class they should use coaches from a community boxing club.
- Schools, Colleges and HEIs can deliver Sportivate projects that are run within their own facilities (or other facilities) if these projects are open to the wider community and not just its own students and/or staff.
Applicants need to be aware of the following points for funding eligibility. It must be justified within the application that you have met these points. Suffolk Sport will assess whether applicants have met these points through the submitted Sportivate Application Form and through follow-up questions where necessary. If the application form is unclear, Suffolk Sport will contact the deliverer:
Project Criteria:
- Sport England Youth Insight - All projects must show that the applicant has read, understood and implemented the findings of this review (please contact Suffolk Sport if further detail required)
- 14 - 25 year olds - Activity targeting the priority groups will be given preference(Projects do not need to cover this entire age range)
- Inactive Young People - Activity must be appropriate for participants who are not currently participating regularly in sport
- Demand Led – Have been developed to meet the demand and of the participants it intends to engage.Applicants must evidence this demand through research, consultation, surveys or other relevant evidence
- Appropriate Time - Be accessible (be at a time and venue appropriate to the target group)
- High Quality Delivery - Sessions should be coached or led by an appropriate person(s) and community focused. Organisations, and their delegated delivery bodies must meet minimum operating standards*
- 6 weeksin length
- Sustainable - Activity must lead to a local exit route or sustainable session (i.e local sports club/participant funded continuity)
- New Activity- Be innovative where possible or add clear value to current projects to develop new opportunities for participation.
- Marketing - Demonstrate how you will market the Sportivate sessions to the target group
*See Appendix A for further information/guidance
Project Funding:
To be eligible for Sportivate funding, projects must:
- Demonstrate a partnership approach between the deliverer and an identified exit route i.e. community sports club to ensure participants are engaged and retained in sport
- Provide partnership funding to support the project of at least 10% (cash or in-kind), which may include income to be gained from charging participants
- Demonstrate value for money (cost per retained participant) and be based on real cost recovery
- Identify a lead organisation who must sign a partnership agreement with Suffolk Sport
- Be a traditional sport recognised by Sport England, including NGB innovation projects (details on and
- Operate within robust safeguarding standards appropriate to the age of participants
- Staffing (inclusive of coaching and administration costs of £15 per hour per person)
- Volunteers to help run projects, up to £15 per volunteer per hour
- DBS Checks
- Resources and materials
- Hire of facilities
- Transport of participants or coaches
- Marketing and publicity
- Training/Coach Education Courses (to run or sustain the project) up to one per block – up to 30% of total costs, see for further details
- Equipment*
- Funding towards the exit route up to £20 per completed participant
* All project applications that require an equipment purchase should make a significant effort to loan this where appropriate or seek partnership funding to purchase. Sportivate funding can be awarded for equipment purchase in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of Suffolk Sport in agreement with Sport England (up to 20% of funding request).
- Overheads and Statutory Items
- Purchase of vehicles
- Contingency costs
- Buildings and Refurbishments
- Projects with poor value for money
- Projects already using Sport England / Lottery money
- Repeat funding of existing sport projects – must be new projects
- Projects retrospectively funded or items committed to before funding is approved
- Projects with no clear exit route
- Projects insufficiently targeted
- Projects for gifted and talented participants
Additional expense will need to be financed through partnership funding and through charging participants (further info below).
Following project approval, distribution of funding is planned to take place in one lump sum, once project monitoring and evaluation has been supplied to Suffolk Sport.
If the above arrangement causes any potential applicants concern, please contact Ben Jackson directly as we may be able to discuss an alternative arrangement.
Partnership Funding - Where ever possible partnership funding is encouraged and applications that show partnership funding (in-kind or cash) will be looked on favourably during the funding allocation process.
Charging young people – A minimal fee to participate in activities is highly encouraged to increase the perceived value of the activity and also to prepare them for paying for activity following the end of the sessions. This could be on a pay and play basis or charging the young people for the full 6 weeks in advance, which may assist with retaining participants.
Funding rounds in Year 6 (April 2016 – March 2017)
Round 1 – 18th January 2016 (12:00 noon), periods 1-4
Round 2 – 5th September 2016 (12:00 noon), periods 3-4 only
Period 1 April – June
Period 2 July – September
Period 3 October – December
Period 4 January – March
To assist Sport England to evaluate the success of the project, each lead organisation will be asked to collect through their deliverer(s) some basic information about participants.
A short registration form will be provided by Suffolk Sport which all young people participating in Sportivate activities should complete during their first session. Deliverers will be required to make a note of attendance during the project and following the end of the six weeks, the information obtained from both the registration forms and attendance record will need to be returned to Suffolk Sport using an online portal system. Assistance will be on hand to anybody who requires it to use the portal system.
Lead Organisations will be asked to internally complete a check with their deliverers following week one of activity and feedback to Suffolk Sport on any projects that are not achieving 75% of their retain target. This allows Suffolk Sport and the lead organisation to options on how to move forward with the project, including further funding or postponing or cancelling if deemed necessary and reallocating the funding for future Sportivate activities.
Please read this Sportivate Applicants Guide in full and the notes below prior to completing the Sportivate application form to minimise errors and to ensure the required detail is included.
The Sportivate Plan is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In order for the spreadsheet to work efficiently and formulas to work correctly, please do not attempt to insert any extra columns or rows.
You will need to complete all the boxes/cells that are shaded in BLUE. The GREEN and YELLOW boxes/cells will populate themselves as the project sheet is completed. The instructions in the cells are to be written over and all of the questions should be addressed in the text that is entered. There are also comment boxes attached to many of the boxes to give guidance on terminology and meaning. It may be necessary to refer to this guidance sheet in addition to the project sheet in order to complete it fully.
The spreadsheet intentionally starts at row 95 so please don't try and change it. All of the data needed to create the options for the drop down menus is stored in rows 1-95.
- Project name - Give your project a memorable name so that you can easily identify it. Prefix your project's name with 'Sportivate' to build brand awareness across the country i.e. 'Sportivate Anywhere Multi-sport'.
- Provider name – Please list the lead organisation responsible for delivery, accountable for spending the funding, delivering the target and who will be signing the service level agreement with Suffolk Sport if the application is successful.
- Region, CSP and Local Authority (Drop Down)–This is completed for you; please don’t amend this – ‘East’, ‘Suffolk Sport’. You will need to enter the appropriate Local Authority area you are targeting.
- Deliverer Type (Drop Down) - Select the most appropriate deliverer type. If you select 'mixture' or 'other', include the deliverer type(s) in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description'. The term 'staff' refers to either paid or voluntary deliverers.
- No. of Sessions (Drop Down) - Please select the number of weekly coaching sessions you will be running (This should always be 6 unless other discussed with Suffolk Sport).
- No. of Blocks per quarter - Enter the number of blocks running in each quarter of the year. A block is a set of 6 sessions. A project can be made up of one or many blocks of sessions. e.g. if a deliverer was delivering a hockey project for 5 different groups of participants in 5 different leisure centres, this is one Project featuring 5 blocks. However, if another deliverer was delivering a climbing project and a water polo project for 2 different groups of participants in 1 leisure centre, this is two Projects featuring 1 block each. If multiple blocks are being delivered across the year please indicate how many blocks are occurring in each quarter of the year e.g. if two blocks are occurring in October and one block in January, enter '2' in cell M103 and '1' in cell P103.
- Deliverer Name & Contact Details, Venue name & Details - Enter the name of the organisation, club, coach or individual running the sessions. Please include as a minimum; day time phone number; email address; venue name and postcode. If your project features more than one deliverer, please include other contact details in the weekly coaching session’s box. Please be aware that this information will be available to County Sports Partnerships and Sport England but will not be used unless necessary.
- Setting type - Select the most appropriate setting type for where the project is being delivered. For projects where sessions are delivered at both a school/college/higher education institution and club select from the 'School and Club' or 'College/HEI and Club' options. If you select 'mixture' or 'other' please include the setting types in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description'.
- Sport (Drop Down) - Select one of the sports listed or one of the wider categories if the sport does not feature.
- Select the most appropriate sport if the project is running a hybrid/adapted version of the sport i.e. if the project is Inter Cricket select cricket and in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description' include that it is an Inter Cricket project.
- If the project is multi-sport select 'Multi-Sport' and include the list of sports involved in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description'. If you select 'other' include the sport in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description'.
- If the sport is a dedicated disability sport select the specific sport (e.g. 'Wheelchair Rugby'). If the disability sport is not listed select 'Other Disability Sport' and detail the sport in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description'. If the project is being delivered inclusively so that disabled participants can take part select the sport (e.g. 'Archery') and indicate in the 'Weekly Coaching Sessions Description' that it is being delivered so that disabled participants can take part.
- HE/FE Project? (Drop Down) - 'Select 'HE', 'FE, or 'Both HE and FE' to state if one or more Further Education Institutions and/or Higher Education Institutions are involved in the project. Their involvement could be anything from simply signposting students to the project or being the provider who is managing the finances/KPIs of the project. For further education please only include further education colleges or stand alone sixth form colleges (i.e. not school sixth forms or schools that call themselves colleges). Select 'No' if Further Education Institutions and higher education institutions are not involved in the project.
- Name of HEI/FEI - Enter the name of the Higher Education Institution and/or Further Education College if applicable.
- Sporting Champion Request (Drop Down) - There are a limited number of 'Sporting Champions' visits available to attend Sportivate sessions throughout the country. The Champions are all world class athletes in their own fields but their support is not limited to sessions within their sport. Sporting Champions' support can encourage more participants to attend 5 out of 6 sessions and continue with the sport after sessions have ended. For further information on the scheme please visit . If you feel that your project would benefit from this support, please choose 'Yes' from the drop down menu to alert your CSP Sportivate lead to this possibility. The request for a Sporting Champion must go through your CSP.You may be asked to help evaluate the visit of the Champion who attends your project.
- Disability Focus (Drop Down) - If the project is specifically aimed at participants with a disability focus please select 'Yes'. If there is no disability focus select 'No' or leave it blank. If your project will include both able bodied and disabled participants, please reference this by using the word 'inclusivein the 'weekly coaching sessions box' to help Sport England identify examples of good practice across the country. When naming your disability specific project on the Sportivate portal please use the word 'disability' in the title.
- NGB Involvement & role - Has an NGB been involved in the planning or delivery of this project please select 'YES'. What has their role been in the process, e.g. NGB product, delivery, target club.
- Linked to a Satellite Club? - Will the project link with a Sport England Satellite Club on its completion? If so please select the appropriate option.
- Recognised partnership work - Is the project being run in conjunction with a Sport England brokered partner such as the Job Centre Plus, a Housing Association or the YMCA? Please indicate by selecting yes or no.
- Evidence of Demand/Need Description – Describe the demand for this project from especially from the inactive participants (or the need for this project from the National Governing Body/sport involved). This demand or need can be established either local or strategically.
- Sustainability/Exit Route Description - This is the most important aspect of any Sportivate project.
- Describe the predominant setting in which these participants will continue to take part in sport after the Sportivate project has finished. Also, describe the person or people (and their role(s) in sport) who will take responsibility for ensuring that opportunities for continuing to take part in sport are open to all participants (the contact(s) for the exit route).
- If the project has a multiple number of predominant settings and these descriptions do not fit into the 'Venue(s), Contact(s), Contact'(s) Role(s)' cells then enter 'Multiple' in these cells and provide the descriptions in the cell above. Please include these details even if venues and contacts are the same as the deliverer's details already entered.
- Describe how the project will work to ensure these participants continue to take part in sport and any incentives the project has created to help.
Please detail in this section if you plan to charge young people to take part in this activity and how this may assist with sustainability.