Family Support Group

For parents and carers of children

with hearing impairment

~Programme for September 2016-July 2017~

When Thursday 9.30am -11.30am

Where Marston Northway Children’s Centre, New Marston School, Copse Lane, Marston, Oxford OX3 0AY Please note there will be a change of venue from January 2017, details to follow

ContactEarly Years Teacher of the Deaf Alex Horlock.

Mobile: 07584 909 524


8th Meet and Greet.Welcome back.

Bring your holiday news to share. Open session. DELTA feedback from those who have been this summer


22nd Who’s out there to help me?!

Looking at individuals, groups and support networks in Oxfordshire


13th Understanding hearing loss

Looking at the basics of hearing loss. Bring your child’s audiogram if you would like to

20th Jenny’s music!

Fun with songs and rhymes with Jenny Mead, Teacher of the Deaf

~Half term 26-30th October~


10th Oxfordshire Deaf Children’s Society (ODCS)

Jill Blackburn, rep, will come and talk about the Society

24th Understanding the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Steph Best, Nursery Teacher from St Nicholas’ School, Old Marston, will visit (date to be confirmed)


8th Clare Robertson, Consultant Paediatrician, will visit

15th OXRAD Sensory Room

We have hired the room from 11-12. Come and explore with your child (groups of 4/5) or play in the family room whilst you are waiting for your turn

(more details to follow)

~Christmas holidays ~


12th The Monitoring Protocol, finding our way round the document

Looking at how this resource can support understanding your child’s development

26th Photographs and visual aids

Effective use of visual aids and the hearing impaired child


9th Speech and Language Therapy visit

Working together from the start

23rdWorld Book day (2.3.17) Sharing books with our hearing impaired children. Bring your child’s favourite book to share with everyone

~Half term ~


9th Jenny’s Music!

Fun with songs and rhymes with Jenny Mead, Teacher of the Deaf

23rd My deaf child’s challenging behaviour. What about additional siblings?

Supporting each other with ideas and strategies to cope

~Easter Holidays ~


27th Neelam Ahmed, Senior Practitioner/Social Worker for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people will visit


11th Audiology will visit us

25th From thedetection of hearing loss tohearing aids/cochlear implants.

Help other families,who have a child with hearing impairment, by sharing your own personal story. Together we can create a booklet to support them

~May Half term~


8th(Continuation of 25.5.16) or Dr Tanya Byron (DVD) Chatter Matters.Interaction with our hearing impaired children. Sharing good practice

22nd Meeting Oxfordshire’s Hearing Impaired children

A visit from the children, for you to ask questions about their story so far


13th Teddy bears picnic. Bring and share picnic

~Summer break~