11 NOVEMBER 2004


Call to order and President’s comments – Lawrence Kirkwood

President Lawrence Kirkwood called the Annual Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. at the Bay Point Marriott Resort, St. Andrews Ballroom III, Panama City, FL. President Kirkwood noted that a quorum of 25 FSGS members was required. President Kirkwood and Robert A. Steed, Parliamentarian, confirmed that there were 34 FSGS members present. This number was sufficient for a quorum.

President Kirkwood announced that an FSGS Board Meeting had been held the night before and then he requested that the Board/Chairs provide their reports to the membership.

Secretary’s Report: Melody Porter

Melody announced that the minutes from the March 2005 Board Meeting had been amended and approved during the Board Meeting last night.

Treasurer’s Report: Ted Williams

Ted presented a Treasurer’s Report stating that our assets in the bank were $19,994. This amount was $8900 more than we had last year.

Ted announced that the FSGS Board had approved the 2006 Budget at the Board Meeting last night. The new 2006 Budget will be for Income and Expenses of $11,900.00.

Conference Update: Ann Staley

The Conference was going well.

Webmaster Report: Deanna Ramsey

Deanna announced that as the new Webmaster, she had redesigned the website. She asked that any feedback be directed to her.

Nominating Committee: Alvie Davidson

Alvie Davidson introduced himself as a member of the Nominating Committee and stated that he was requested to fill in for Mary Phillips, Chair of the Nominating Committee. The FSGS 2004-2005 Nominating Committee consisted of the following:

Alvie Davidson

Anisca “Nickey” Neel

Harriett Raffo

Kay Stone

Mary W Phillips, Chairman

Alvie stated that the committee had met in Orlando and produced a slate of nominees. Alvie thanked the committee and indicated that all nominees had forwarded letters of acceptance.

Alvie read the list of nominees for each position:

President: Larry Kirkwood

Vice President: Ann Mohr Osisek

Secretary: Melody K. Porter

Treasurer: Theodore “Ted” Williams

Trustee: Honora A. Bergelt

Trustee: Susan Wadsworth Roberts Brawley

Trustee: James E. Powell

Alvie indicated that the By Laws prescribed no method for voting for the entire slate or one at a time. The membership indicated that each position should be voted individually.

Alvie asked for nominations from the floor for President. Linda Kleback nominated Ann Mohr Osisek for President. Larry Kirkwood asked for a point of order and indicated that a Letter of Acceptance of the nomination for the position was required. Ann Osisek provided the letter to Alvie. Larry Kirkwood asked for a point of personal privilege to speak.

Larry Kirkwood spoke to the membership indicating that he felt that he had provided a successful 2 years as President. He said the Nominating Committee had advised him that there was no other person who wanted to be President. Now that he determined there is someone else who wanted to be President, he withdrew his name from the nomination.

A motion was made to close the nominations for President and was seconded from the membership floor, unanimously approved.

Alvie indicated that the By Laws do not address one person nominated for two offices. Larry Kirkwood asked for a point of order and said that Ann Osisek must withdraw from one of the nominations. Ann Osisek removed herself from the nomination for Vice President. Alvie asked for nominations from the floor for Vice President. Warren Smith nominated Deanna Ramsey who then provided a Letter of Acceptance. Linda Kleback nominated Leslie Maddocks who provided a Letter of Acceptance.

A motion was made to close the nominations for Vice President and was seconded from the membership floor, unanimously approved

Alvie asked for nominations from the floor for Secretary. There were no nominations from the floor.

A motion was made to close the nominations for Secretary and was seconded from the membership floor, unanimously approved.

Alvie asked for nominations from the floor for Treasurer. There were no nominations from the floor.

A motion was made to close the nominations for Treasurer and was seconded from the membership floor, unanimously approved.

Alvie indicated that there were three Trustee positions on the slate. A member from the floor requested that they stand for identification. The three Trustees stood and were identified. Alvie asked for nominations from the floor for Trustee. There were no nominations from the floor.

A motion was made to close the nominations for Trustee and was seconded from the membership floor, unanimously approved.

Mary Parker provided ballot forms for the Vice President position. Robert Steed, Parliamentarian, reviewed the ballots and indicated in a point of order that 2 Tellers would be needed to count the ballots to maintain the integrity of the vote. Alvie appointed Dick Robinson and Amy Giroux as the two Tellers. Since only members are eligible to vote, Mary Parker advised that the FSGS membership list was available. Robert Steed advised that a recount of FSGS members in the room was required. Robert counted 37 members present. Dick and Amy handed out the ballots to members. Ann Staley asked that Leslie Maddocks and Deanna Ramsey stand for identification. Both nominees stood and were identified. Members were advised to complete the ballot by writing in the name. Alvie and Nickey Neel elected not to vote since they were on the Nominating Committee. Final count of members was changed to 35. Dick collected the ballots in a green FSGS bag. Alive asked that Dick and Amy count the total number of ballots first and they got 36, so there was a recount of the members. The final total was 36 members voting.

After the review of the ballots for Vice President, it was a tie – 18/18. Robert Steed indicated that the By Laws do not discuss a tie. Robert indicated as a point of order that the Chairman of the Nominating Committee usually breaks the tie. It was decided that Alvie and Nickey would both vote and then Robert as the Parliamentarian would review their votes. The results were a second tie – one vote for each candidate. The decision was made to have a revote.

Dick and Amy handed out new ballots for every member to vote again except Alvie to preclude a tie. Ballots were collected in the green FSGS bag and counted by Dick and Amy. The vote was 19 for Deanna Ramsey and 18 for Leslie Maddocks.

Deanna Ramsey was the winner of the membership vote for the Vice President position.

The Secretary was given the ballots for posterity along with the Letters of Acceptance.

Old Business: NONE

New Business:

Larry stated that Pam Cooper would rotate off the Board as Past President and he will now sit on the Board as Past President.

Robert Steed asked for a point of order to advise that the slate of officers had not been approved by the membership.

A motion was made and seconded from the floor to accept the slate of officers presented as amended and elected, unanimously approved.

President Lawrence Kirkwood noted that the next Board Meeting would be held in late January or early February. The location was still being reviewed, but was likely to be at the Alma Clyde Field Library, Cocoa, FL.

A motion to adjourn at 5:05 p.m. was made by Robert Steed with a second by Mary Parker, unanimously approved.

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October 23, 2018 10:16 AM