SocorroHigh School
Ms. Montañez- DC Facilitator
101015 Alameda Avenue Room 5605, El paso, TX 79927 chool telephone (915)937-2000 Room (915) 937-2304
Classroom Rules
- Follow school and district rules
examples are cell phones, tardiness, dress code, and proper school behavior.
Student school identification cards must be worn at all times.
- Respecteveryone and everything at all times
no talking when teacher or another student is talking. wait to be acknowledged.
no teasing, name calling, swearing, or yelling and keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself.
no severe behaviorwill be tolerated at any time: fighting, talking back, destruction of personal or school property, general disturbances or distractions, coming to class
under the influence of ANY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE.
- Follow directionsthe first time given
not doing so may not only impair your performance and learning, but those of your peers as well
- always be prepared
meaning bring your supplies at all times(Have laptop, loose-leaf paper, black/ blue pen, highlighters, and
notebook)including being at your seat and ready to work the minute you come to class before the bell rings
- no personal grooming, food, or portable electronic devices of any kind
which include but are not limited to psp, i-pods, mp3 players, radios, especially cell phones
Remember, this is a learning ENVIRONMENTand your acquisition of knowledge is vital. Therefore, any cell phones confiscated will be kept until the last day of school. June1st
- rules can be amended at any time.
Consequencesand documentation
1st offense: student given a verbal warning and Behavior analysis report
2nd offense:parent contact
3rdoffense: student given a discipline referral.
4thoffense: teacher, student, parent, and administrator conference.
severeconduct clause:
defiant, belligerent, destructive, and or disruptive behavior will result in an immediate office referral.
positive reinforcement:
Verbal praise
Rewards(Music etc.)
Please keep this in your notebook, for your records, and return turn the acknowledgement found at the bottom of the student information sheet
I the undersigned have read, fully understand, and will adhere by the academic and disciplinary guidelines for Ms. Montañez’ Class.
Student’s signatureDate
I have read and fully understand the academic and disciplinary guidelines for Ms. Montañez’ Class.
I understand that my child will be held accountable for this information and their behavior.
Parent’s signatureDate