Welcome to First Grade!

Where Your Child Will Rock and Learn!

It’s that time of year again! It is my pleasure to welcome your child into our classroom for a wonderful school year. You will be amazed at just how much your child will grow this year. First grade will be one of your child’s most exciting and incredible years of his/her school career! You and I will support and encourage your child as he/she becomes an accomplished reader and writer! My goal is to create a community of learners where we all work together and encourage each other. I want your child to enjoy school and love learning while reaching his/her potential.

Rockin’ Back to School

You are the most important person in the world to your child- they get so excited to go home and tell mom and dad what they are learning. Staying involved in your child's education is the key to a successful year. Engage your child in conversation about his/her day, but know that children won't always give out much information. I will send homemonthly newsletters detailing our activities for the current topics of study. You can use this as a springboard for discussion; instead of saying "What did you do at school today?" (The answer is often "nothing!"), you can say, "Oh, I see you're learning about....what did you find out?"

Another way to stay involved is to go through your child’s ROCKS Folder nightly. There will be papers in the “Keep Home” pocket of the folder to keep home and others on the “Bring Back”pocket to be returned to school. The ROCKS folder will be a great way to keep everything organized and communicate easily with me throughout the year.

Our Daily Rockin’ Routines

To keep our classroom running smoothly, it helps to remember our class procedures.

Drop Off

If your child will be arriving before 8:15, please drop him or her off at the cafeteria where there is a teacher on duty.

Pick Up

If you are altering your child’s normal pick up routine, please fill out one of the slips in the ROCKS Folder and send to me in the “Bring Back” pocket.

Daily Snack

First grade tummies tend to get hungry in theafternoon. Your child will need a small, healthy snack each day. Some examples are a bag of pretzels, cheese fish, grapes, teddy grahams, animal crackers, dry cereal, etc. Dry snacks seem to work best, there will always be spills.

Water Bottles

We all need to stay hydrated to do our best, so I encourage my students to bring a WATER bottle to keep at their desks or in their cubbie. This also minimizes trips to the water fountain. Please make sure the lid has a flip top that can be sealed to prevent spills.

Lunch Boxes

Lunches brought to school should be in a lunch box or bag with their name. If your child is buying lunch, please use the deposit slips for the debit accounts or add money online at needs to be turned into the cafeteria in the morning before 9 am to be deposited that same day. On the third Thursday of each child’s birthday month, your child will receive a birthday treat from the cafeteria if they buy lunch that day. Don’t worry all of those summer birthdays won’t be forgotten!

Backpacks & Jackets

Your child will need his/her backpack EVERY day, with his or her name on it. Put names on all jackets and supplies. It makes it so much easier to return them to their rightful owner!Our classroom temperature fluctuates throughout the day, so a thin sweater or sweatshirt might be needed.

Four-Day Rotation

Our school follows a four day rotating schedule for special periods:

Day 1 Phys. Ed.

Day 2 Art

Day 3 Library

Day 4 Music

The “days” are posted on the lunch menu calendar.

Art T-Shirt

Your child will need one old, large t-shirt with their name on it to slip over his/her clothes for art class and for some projects in the classroom. I will store them in the classroom and return them at the end of the year.

Birthday Treats

Birthday treats are always welcome; I just ask that you let me know ahead of time by email or a note, if possible. Please keep treats limited to asnack—not birthday parties. We have 19 students in our class, but please double check with me as this number can change.Please include napkins. If your child has a summer birthday, we would be happy to celebrate their birthday near the end of the year or on their half birthday. Please just contact me with a day that would work for you.

Birthday Invitations

Birthday invitations may be passed out in school. Please have an invitation for EVERYONE in the class or ALL girls or ALL boys. Please understand this is to avoid hurt feelings. I realize it is hard to invite everyone, so in that case, I ask that you mail them from home. I appreciate your cooperation with this.


We will go outside for recess everyday, weather permitting. Please keep in mind warm jackets, mittens, hats, boots, etc. as colder weather approaches. We will stay inside if the temperature is below freezing.

Parent-Teacher Communication

In addition to our four report cards (sent home in November, January, April and June) and our conference(s), I am always available to meet or speak with you. Please jot a note and I will respond as soon as possible or you may call the school at 546-3129 x1280, or e-mail me at . (I check my email several times a day).

You can also access my website by going to and clicking on elementary teacher websites. (You may want to bookmark these 2 sites to have them readily available.)

The easiest way to communicate on a regular basis will be through Class Dojo. Class Dojo is an app that is used to monitor student behavior and communicate (instant message style) with parents. On Class Dojo I will share pictures and videos with you so that you are able to see what your child has been doing at school. It’s a great way to stay connected in your child’s learning. Class Dojo is also where I will frequently send out important classroom information and reminders. The pictures and videos are only shared with our classroom families. If you do not wish for your child to be in any shared pictures or videos of our classroom learning, please contact me.

A Little about Mrs. Rosenbaum

I am very excited to meet and teach your child, but perhaps you are wondering a little about me.I came to Muncy S.D. in 2002. My husband, Scott, and I live in Montoursville and have two daughters: Brenna is almost 12 and starting Fifth grade and Paige is 9 and will be in Fourth grade. They are lots of fun! I graduated with my B.S. Ed. from Bloomsburg University in 2001 andcompleted my Master’s degree in Education Development and Strategies from Wilkes University in 2005. I have previously taught 4th and 3rd grade at Muncy. In my spare time, I enjoy being with my family and friends, reading, traveling, taking pictures, playing the piano and being outdoors. I love teaching and have been very excited to get “back to school”. I promise to do my best at meeting the needs of your child, encouraging his/her potential, and having lots of fun along the way as we begin a “rocking”school year.

If you have any questions as we go along, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Classroom: 546-3129 x1280Email:

Classroom Website:


Mrs. Amy Rosenbaum