October 2006 IEEE P802.11-06/1602r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

October 18th, 2006 TGs Telecon Minutes
Date: 2006-10-19
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Donald Eastlake 3rd / Motorola / 111 Locke Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752 USA / +1 508-786-7554 /


Minutes 3

Participants 5


The Chair convened the call at 17:05 EDT

The Chair inquired if everyone was familiar with the IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR policy, and if there were any patents or applications about which the 802.11 WG Chair should be informed. There were none.

The Chair reviewed the proposed agenda

1.  Attendance

2.  IPR policy check – see above – details at http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt

3.  Agenda for the Call

4.  Discussion of the 2-3 November TGs ad hoc meeting agenda

5.  Discussion of arrangements for an 802.11s tutorial at the 802 meeting

6.  Adjourn

No other topics were suggested, so the agenda was approved.

4.  2-3 November TGs ad hoc meeting in Munich, Germany

·  The Chair mentioned that a TGs Draft D0.04 and updated informal comment spreadsheet had been prepared, which he was reviewing, and that minutes for the Melbourne meeting were almost ready to post. All of these items should be available by the ad hoc meeting. (Until the minutes are posted, the annotated agenda for the Melbourne meeting, 11-06/1140r12, give a reasonable summary of what happened.)

·  Stephen McCann has been appointed Temporary Chair of TGs for the ad hoc meeting. The Technical Editor Steve Conner will also be in attendance.

·  The following topics were brought up as appropriate items for the ad hoc meeting:

o  Revised security proposal

o  New HWMP text

o  Interworking improvements

o  Terms and Definitions

o  Broadcast and Power Save

·  Stephen McCann and Donald Eastlake suggested that people email to Stephen or post on the TGs mailing list the topic, submission, and estimated time for things they wanted discussed at the ad hoc.

·  Time bounds for the ad hoc were discussed. There was strong sentiment to start at 8am each day (Thursday and Friday). Other timing details can be decided on site.

·  Logistics messages have been posted. Michael Bahr asked that all who plan to attend email him so he will have an idea on the numbers and can give a list of expected visitors to the guards.

5.  Arrangements for an 802.11s tutorial at the 802 meeting in Dallas.

§  Applications for Monday/Tuesday night 802 Plenary tutorial slots are granted on a first come first served based and have to be submitted early. Thus the application for this slot in November was submitted during the July 802 Plenary. It is a requirement that there be more than one speaker and at least two speakers be from different companies. Since they were available and agreed, the application listed Donald Eastlake 3rd, W. Steve Conner, and Juan Carlos Zuniga as speakers. Probably 3 or 4 speakers is as many as you would want to have and Donald does not see a need that he be one of them. Steve Conner also indicated that it would be fine if he wasn’t a speaker at this tutorial.

§  We have not heard definitely whether we have a slot. (The application asked for the first Monday evening slot or, failing that, the first Tuesday evening slot.) Donald will enquire.

§  We do have considerable material in the form of the original Joint Proposal presentation, the presentations that have been adopted to improve the draft, and the slide deck that was used for a 3 ½ hour tutorial on 802.11s that was given in late September at the IEEE SECON 2006 conference. We will have 1 ½ hours for the tutorial in Dallas.

§  It was decided that arrangements for the tutorial would be a good topic to be considered at the ad hoc in Munich.

§  The idea behind this 802.11s tutorial is to foster wider knowledge of mesh and prepare for a possible joint meeting with 802.15.5, which also applied for a November tutorial slot, and 802.16j, which had a tutorial early this year. Whether such a 2 or 3 way joint meeting will also be held in Dallas in November is not yet clear.

§  The abstract that was submitted for the 802.11s tutorial was as follows:

802.11 is being extended by 802.11s to provide a mesh wireless distribution system (WDS) between upgraded stations. This requires changes to 802.11 including security and routing but, under the right circumstances, can provide improved bandwidth, range, and power consumption.

§  A comment was made that 802.11s and 802.15.5 seem to be closer to each other in terminology and otherwise than 802.16j is to either of them.

The Chair asked if anyone wanted to bring up any further topics for this teleconference and there were none.

There is one more TGs teleconference scheduled for November 8 before the November 802.11 meeting.

The Chair adjourned the call around 17:45 EDT.


Donald E. Eastlake 3rd

Guenael Strutt

Guido Hiertz

Juan Carlos Zuniga

Kazayuki Sakoda

Michael Baher

Ambatipudi Sastry

Hui Hui Wang

Malik Audeh

Joseph Kim

W. Steven Conner

Submission page 4 Stephen G. Rayment, BelAir Networks