Financial and Business Literacy/Careers

Block 4

Mrs. Kenney


Please return by Thursday, September8, 2016

This will count as a class assignment.

Class Rules/Daily Procedures

If it is a “School Rule”, it is my rule as well.

Be on time to class, in your seat and ready to start when the bell rings. Lates and absences will be monitored and written up.

Lavatory passes will be monitored also.

NO sleeping. If you are sick, no problem sending you to the nurse.

No cell phones or electronics of any kind are permitted for any reason.

NO Internet games. While on the Internet: “instagram,” “you tube,” facebook,” “snapchat” videos of any kind, etc. are not allowed. We are networked. The School District has a program to block websites. They also monitor your searches and attempts to access websites. They can take away your Internet privileges and you will have to complete your assignments at home. Any misuse will be written up.

You are assigned a seat/station for many reasons. This is your “home” in here. Take care of it. Do notchange any chairs around. If there is a problem with anything when you come in, please tell me. Do not try to fix it yourself.

All winter coats and backpacks are to stay in your locked lockers.

No drinking at your computer. A central location for all water bottles to be kept during class has been identified. No food of any kind is to be consumed in this classroom.

You will be given a log in/password to access the computer. You will also be utilizing your Google account as well as log ins/passwords for software relating to this class. It is thestudent’s responsibilityto maintain the security of all log-ins and passwords and the paper on which they were first given. Do not save in “My Documents”, desktop, etc. Please use your log-in/password to the computer in this class, am or pm tech labs only. Make sure that you log on and log off. Do notturn the machine off unless instructed.

Do not share your log in name or password. Do not share your work. You will be given a “0” on the entire assignment along with the person that shared it with you and a discipline report will be sent to the office.

If it’s not yours, do not touch it.

Abuse of the equipment and vandalism will not be tolerated. Do not personalize your desktop or desk area.

Do not bring in disks or flash drives/memory sticks/jump drives to class. The ports have been blocked. You will also be utilizing your Google account that gives you access to your Google Drive. (Go Cloud Storage!)

If a student is absent, the assignment for the day as well as the “Do Now” is listed on my school wires page. If instructions for an assignment are necessary, the instructions will be in Google under the Assignment folder. All work must be made up and is the responsibility of the student to find out the work that was missed by checking school wires and then following up with me if they have specific questions. An assignment not completed due to absence follows CHS policy in terms of allotted time to be made up.

Assignments that are to be submitted are given due dates. No assignments are accepted late. The only exception to this is if a student is absent on the date that an assignment is due to be submitted or in the instance where assignments last more than 1 day and the student was absent during 1 of those days. In those cases, there will be an adjusted due date that follows CHS policy in terms of allotted time. Please note in an event of absence, the students will need to complete the assignment outside of the regular class setting as the student will continue to complete in class assignments with the class.

Homework may be assigned to reinforce a specific topic, and loses this value if not submitted on time. It is important then, that homework is completed when assigned. Homework is on my school wires page. Homework will not be accepted late unless the student is absent.

Students are to show respect for each other by listening when someone else is speaking and not making fun of students who ask questions or ask for help.

I am fair and respectful of you until you give me reason not to be. That’s my job.

What you put into this class, is exactly what you will get out of it!



Dear Parent/Guardian:

In order to stay in contact with you regarding your child’s progress, I am requesting your daytime phone number, cell number and email address.

If you would like to speak to me throughout the semester, please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for your time and I look forward to having your child in my class!

Student Name: ______

  1. Parent or Guardian Name: ______

Relationship to Student: ______

Email: ______

*Please place a star next to the phone number I can most likely reach you during the day.

Home: ______

Cell: ______

Work: ______

  1. Parent or Guardian Name: ______

Relationship to Student: ______

Email: ______

*Please place a star next to the phone number I can most likely reach you during the day.

Home: ______

Cell: ______

Work: ______

We have read and understand the Classroom Procedures, Computer Rules and Daily Procedures/Expectations for Mrs. Kenney’s Financial Literacy/Careers class.


Name: ______Date:______

Signature: ______

Parent or Guardian:

Name: ______Date:______

Signature: ______



I ,______,


accept and agree to abide by the following rules:

1.I agree to abide by the rules which are listed in the Woodbridge Township School District Policy #197 and Regulation #1970, Acceptable Internet Use*.

2.I realize that the primary purpose of the Woodbridge Township School District Internet Connection is educational, and that as such, educational purposes shall take precedence over all others.

3.I realize that the use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. I accept that inappropriate behavior may lead to penalties including revoking of use, disciplinary, and/or legal action.

4.I agree not to participate in the transfer of inappropriate or illegal materials through the Woodbridge Township School District Internet Connection. I realize that in some cases transfer of such material may result in legal action against me.

5.I release the Woodbridge Township School District and all other organizations related to the Woodbridge Township School District Internet Connection from any liability or damages that may result from the use of the Internet Connection. In addition, I will accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my actions with regards to the use of the Internet. I release the school and related organizations from any liability relating to consequences resulting from my use of the Internet.

6.If I am permitted to use my own electronic device, I understand that, in doing so, I am bound by all Woodbridge Township School District policies and regulations.


Signature of StudentDateHomeroom

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


My child named above has regular access to the Internet in our home: Yes______No______

I give permission for my child (named above) to have access to the Internet through the connection in the Woodbridge Township School District. I have read and understood Woodbridge Board of Education Policy #197 and Regulations #1970 regarding Acceptable Internet Use*. I have reviewed the Acceptable Internet Use Policy and Regulations with my child. He/She agrees to abide by these rules. I agree to accept all financial and legal liabilities which may result from my son’s/daughter’s use of the Woodbridge Township School District Internet Connection.





Home Phone____-____-______Business Phone____-____-______Cell Phone____-____-______

*Policies and Regulations of the Woodbridge Township School District are available for review at , or can be viewed in the Main Office of your child’s school.


Reference: Regulation #6142.10