FILE Input/Output

Stream – any source of input or ay destination for output. Many small programs, obtain all their input from one stream usually keyboard) and wrote all their output to another stream (usually screen).

Larger programs may need additional streams.

File Pointers

Accessing a stream in a C program is done through file pointers, type

FILE * (file type is defined in <stdio.h>)

If a program needs two streams in addition to the standard ones, it might include the following declaration.

FILE *fp1, *fp2;

A program may declare any number of FILE* variables, although operating systems usually limit the number of steams that can be open at any one time.

Stdio.h provides 3 standard streams:

File Pointer Stream Default Meaning

Stdin standard input keyboard

Stdout standard output screen

Stderr standard error screen

The functions that we’ve used in pervious chapters – printf, scanf, putchar, getchar, puts ,and gets obtain input from stdin and send output to stdout. By default, stdin is keyboard and stdout and stderr is screen.

Some operating systems alow these default meanings to be changed via redirection.

Under UNIX and DOS we can force a program to obtain its input from a file instead of keyboard.

demo <in.dat

That’s called input redirection.

Output redirection is:

Demo >out.dat.

Can combine:

Demo <in.dat>out.dat.

One problem with output redirection is that everything written to stdout is put into a file, and if there’s something wrong it will write error messages to the file, and we won’t see the messages until we look at the file. By writing error messages to stderr instead of stdout, we can guarantee that those messages ill appear on the screen even when stdout has been redirected.

Opening a file:

File *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);

Mode – ex. “r” – data will be read from the file, but none will be written to it.

Fp = fopen(“in.dat”, “r”); /* opens in.dat for reading*/


“r” open for reading

“w” open for writing (file doesn’t need to exist)

“a” open for appending file doesn’t need to exist)

“r+” open for reading and writing, starting at the beginning

“w+” open for reading and writing (truncate if files exists)

“a+” open for reading and writing (append if file exists)

if we use fopen to open a binary file, we’ll need to include the letter b in the mode string

“rb” open for reading

“wb” open for writing (file doesn’t need to exist)

“ab” open for appending (file doesn’t need to exist)

“r+b” or “rb+” open for reading and writing starting at beginning

“w+b” or wb+” open for reading and writing (truncate if file exists)

“a+b” or ab+” open for reading and writing (append if file exists)

Closing a file:

Int fclose(FILE *stream);

Program can close a file it’s no longer using.

Argument must be a file pointer obtained for a call of fopen or freopen. Fclose returns zero if the file was closed successfully; otherwise, it returns the error code EOF (a macro defined in <stdio.h>).

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define FILE_NAME “example.dat”



FILE *fp;

fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, “r”);

If (fp == NULL){

Printf(“Can’t open %s\n”, FILENAME);




return 0;


or can combine some:

FILE *fp = foopen (FILE_NAME, “r”);


If ((fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, “r”)) == NULL)…

Attaching a file to a stream:

FILE *freopen(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream);

Freopen attaches a different file to a stream tat’s already open. (most common use is to associate a file with stdin, stdout, or stderr). To cause a program to begin writing to the file foo:

If(freopen(“foo”, “w”, stdout) ==NULL){

/*error; foo can’t be opened */


After closing any file previously associated with stdout (by command-line redirection or a previous call of freopen), freopen will open foo and associate it with stdout.

Freopen’s return value is its third argument (a file pointer). If it can’t open the new file, freopen returns a null pointer.

Obtaining Files from the command line:

If we have to build filenames into the program, that doesn’t provide much flexibility, and prompting the user to enter file names can be awkward.

Often the best solution is having the program obtain file names from the command line entered b the user at the time the program was run.

Demo names.dat dates.dat

Main(int argc, char *argv[])



argc is the number of command-line arguments. Argv is an array of pointers to the argument strings. Argv[0] points to the program name. argv[argc] is a null pointer.

Picture – sheet

Checking whether a file can be opened:

The following program determines if a file exists and can be opened for reading.

canopen f1.dat

/* checks whether a file can be opened for reading */

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])


FILE *fp;


Printf(“usage: canopen filename\n”);

Return 2;


if((fp=fopen(argv[1], “r”)) == NULL){

printf(“%s can’t be opened\n”, argv[1]);

return 1;


printf(“%s can be opened\n”, argv[1]);


return 0;


File Buffering:

One of the functions.

Transferring information to or from a disk drive is a relatively slow operation. So the program does not access a disk file each time it wants to read or write a character. Buffering- Data written to a stream is actually stored in a buffer area in memory; when it’s full (or the steam is closed), the buffer is “flushed” (written to the actual output device). Input streams can be buffered in a similar way. The buffer contains data from the input device; input is read from this buffer instead of the device itself. It’s efficient since reading a character from a buffer or storing a character in a buffer takes hardly any time at all. It takes time to transfer the buffer contents to or from disk, but one large “block move” is much faster than many tiny character moves.

On some occasions, may need to take a more active role, we can use fflush (or others, I’ll talk about fflush).

By calling fflush, a program can flush a file’s buffer as often as it wishes.

Fflush(fp); /* flushes buffer for fp */ flushes the buffer for the file associated with fp

Fflush(NULL); /* flushes all buffers */ flushes all output streams

Fflush returns 0 if it’s successful and EOF if an error occurs.

Formatting I/O:

Int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, …);

Int printf(const char *format, …);

Fprintf and printf write to an output steam using a format string to control the appearance of the output. Both end with a variable number of additional arguments. Both return the number of characters written; a negative return value indicates that an error occurred.

Only difference – printf always writes to stdout. While fprintf writes to the stream indicated by its first argument.

Printf(“Total: %d\n”, total); /*writes to stdout*/

Fprintf(fp, “Total: %d\n”, total); /* writes to fp */

A call of printf is equivalent to a call of fprintf with stdout as the firs argument. Don’t think of fprintf as merely a function that writes data to disk files. Fprintf works fine with any output stream. One common use is to write to stderr.

Fprintf(stderr, “Error: data file can’t be opened.\n”);

Writing to stderr guarantees that it will appear on the screen even if the user redirects stdout.


Int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char * format, …);

Int scanf(const char *format, …);

Fscanf and scanf read data items from an input stream, using a format sting to indicate the layout of the input. After the string, andy number of pointers follow as additional arguments.

Scanf always reads from stdin, fscanf from the stream indicated by its first argument:

Scanf(“%d%d”, &I, &j); /* reads from stdin*/

Fscanf(fp, “%d%d”, &I, &j) /* reads from fp */

A call of scanf is equivalent to a call of fscanf with stdin as the first argument.

The scanf functions return prematurely if an input failure occurs (no more input characters could be read) or if a matching failure occurs (the input characters didn’t match the format string). Both functions return the number of data items that were read and assigned to arguments. They return EOF if an input failure occurred before any data items could be read.

Loops that test scanfs return value are common.

While(scanf(%d”, &i)==1){


Character I/O

Read and write single characters:

Output functions:

Int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);

Int putc(int c, FILE *stream);

Int putchar(int c);

Putchar writes one character to stdout

Putchar(ch); /* writes ch to sdout */

Fputc and putc are more general versions of putchar that write a character to an arbitrary stream.

Fputc(ch, fp); /*writes ch to fp */

Putc(ch, fp); /*writes ch to fp */

Do same thing, putc is ually implement as a macro and fputc as a function. Putchar is normally a macro as well.

#define putchar(c) putc((c), stdout)

provides both putc and fputc because macros have some potention problems. Programmers usally prefer putc, which is faster, but fputc is available as an alternative.

If error – all three set error indicator for the stream and return EOF. Otherwise the character that was written.

Input functions:

Int fgetc(FILE *stream);

Int getc(FILE *sream);

Int getchar(void);

Int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);

Getchar reads a character from stdin.

Ch = getchar(); /* reads a character from stdin */

Fgetc and getc read a character from an arbitrary stream:

Ch = fgetc(fp); /* reads a character from fp */

Ch = getc(fp); /* reads a character from fp */

Although getc and fgetc do the same thing, getc is ually implement as a macro, while fgetc is a function. Getchar itself is ually a macro defined:

#define getchar() getc(stdin)

For reading characters fromm a file, programmers usually prefer getc over fgetc. Getc since it is a macro is faster. But fgetc is an alternative if getc isn’t appropriate.

All 3 at end of file they set the streams end-of-file indicator and return EOF. If error they set the error indicator and return EOF.

Common use – read character till end of file.

While((ch = getc(fp)0 !=EOF){


reads character from the file associated with fp and stores it in the variable ch (which must be type int), test condition compares it with EOF, if ch isn’t equal to EOF we’re not at the end of the file yet, so the body is executed. If it is equal the loop terminates.

Ungetc – puts back a character read from a stream and clears the stream’s end-of-file indicator. This capability can be handy if we need a “lookahead” character during input. For instance to read a series of digits stopping at the first nondigit, we could write

While (isdigit(ch=getc(fp))){


ungetc(ch, fp); /*puts back the last value of ch */

ungetc returns the character it was asked to push back. EOF if attempt is made to push back too man characters before another read operation.

Copying a file:

Fcopy f1.c f2.c

/* copies a file */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])


FILE *source_fp, *dest_fp

Int ch;

If(argc !=3){

Fprintf(stderr, “usage: fcopy source dest\n);



if((source_fp = fopen(argv[1], “rb”)) == NULL){

fprintf(stderr, “Can’t open %s\n”, argv[1]);



if((dest_fp – fopen(argv[2], “wb”)) == NULL){

fprintf(stderr, “Can’t open %s\n”, argv[2]);




while ((ch=getc(source_fp))!=EOF)

putc(ch, dest_fp);



return 0;


rb and wb enables fcopy to copy both text and binary files. Otherwise wouldn’t be able to do binary.

Line I/O

Read and write lines

Output functions:

Int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);

Int puts(const char *s);

Puts(“Hi, there!”); /* writes to stdout */

After it writes the characters in the string puts always adds a new-line character.

Fputs(“Hi, there!”, fp); /*writes to fp */

Fputs doesn’t write a new-line unless one is present in the string.

Both return EOF if an error occurs, otherwise they return a nonnegative number.

Input functions:

Char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);

Char *gets(char *s);

Gets(str); /* reads a line from stdin */

Reads characters one by one storing them in the string, until it reads a new-line character which it discards.

Fgets is safer since it limits the nuber of characters that it will store:

Fgets(str, sizeof(str), fp); /* reads a line from fp */

Fgets will read characters one by one, stopping at the first new-line character of when sizeof(str) -1 characters have been read, whichever happens first. If it reads the new-line character, fgets stores it along with the other characters. (gets never stores new-line, fgets sometimes does).

Both return a null pointer if an error occurs or they reach the end of the input stream before storing any characters. Otherwise both return a pointer to the string read. Both functions store a null characters at the end of the string. Use fgets instead of gets in most situations. Gets, always has the possibility of stepping outside the bounds of the receiving array.

Can also supply stdin as the third argument.

Fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin);

String I/O

int sprintf(char *s, const char *format,…);

int sscanf(const char*s, const char *format, …);

sprintf and sscanf allow us to read and write data using a string as though it were a stream.

Sprintf is like printf and fprintf, except that it writes output into a character array (pointed to by its first arguent) instead of a astream. Sprintf’s second argument is a format string.

Sprintf(str, “%d/%d/%d”, 9, 20, 94);

will copy 9/20/94 into str. When it finishes sprintf adds a null character and returns the number of characters stored (not counting the null character).

One ex. Of use is converting numbers to character form.

Sscanf similar to scanf and fscanf, except that it reads from a string.

Handy for extracting data from a string that was read by another input function. ex.

Fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin); /*reads a line of input *

Sscanfstr, “%d%d”, &I, &j); /*extracts two integers */

Can examine an input line as many times as needed with sscanf. Ex. Reading a date that’s written either in format month/day/year or month-day-year. If str contains a line of input:

If(sscanf(str, “%d /%d /%d”, &month, &day, &year) ==3)

Printf(“Month: %d, day: %d, year: %d\n”, month, day, year);

Else if(sscanf(str, “%d -%d -%d”, &month, &day, &year) ==3)

Printf(“Month: %d, day: %d, year: %d\n”, month, day, year);


Printf(“Date not in the proper form\n);

sscanf returns the number data items successfully read and stored. Return EOF if it reaches the end of string (marked by a null character) before finding the fist item.