Romeo and Juliet Project
Points 100
Due Date: All Projects (unless otherwise stated) are due the Monday after we finish the text.
Work on the projects as we read. If your project is worth less than 100 pts, then you will have to complete more than one.
1. Romeo and Juliet Board Game 50 Points (1-2 persons)
A. Include 50 questions and answers from any Shakespeare source we use.
B. 4-6 players can play the game
C. Include pictures that are Romeo and Juliet related.
D. Include rules, a chance for a winner, pieces, and dice. They should have a Romeo and Juliet theme and everything that would normally come with a board game.
E. The game must have some sort of challenge/consequences for the players.
F. You can create a game on-line (see me)
G. Each member will turn in an MLA Works Cited Page
2. Romeo and Juliet The Director’s Cut: 100 Points (5 groups of 5)
With a group, create a video “remake” of Romeo and Juliet. The mini-movie must have a beginning, middle, and end. Include dialogue, a plot diagram, and a theme chart. The video must be at least 5 minutes. You have artistic license.
Each cast member will need to include the following:
A. Each person will complete a plot diagram of the scene
B. Each person will have to complete a Character’s Trait Chart for his/her character
C. Each person will have to complete a Theme Chart for the scene
D. Keep it G rated
E. Your group will present the film to the class
F. Each person will include a MLA works cited page
G. Each person will have to identify 5 key passages from the mini movie and comment. MLA
H. See Literature Book Pages 3, 85, and 209 for charts
3. Movie Poster (25) Points Each: (1 person)
Make a movie Poster advertising Romeo and Juliet. It
Must include the following:
A. Draw a picture that represents the story
B. One quotation from the story
C. Poster size
D. On a separate sheet of paper you must explain why you chose the picture, what it means (symbolizes) and explain the significance (commentary) of the quotation (5-6 sentences) MLA
E. You will present these to the class
F. Work Cited page MLA
4. Comic Book: 100 Pts. (1-2 persons)
Draw a color or well-shaded comic book portraying the story of the Romeo and Juliet.
Be sure to include the following:
A. Dialogue where appropriate.
B. All 5 Act must be included, yet you can only have 9 pictures per act
C. Each member will turn in an MLA Works Cited Page
5. Wheel of Fortune 50pts
Create a Wheel of Fortune for both Romeo and Juliet. They must include the following:
A. 4-6 Falls for each character. Cite the line/lines (MLA/Shakespeare)
B. On a Separate piece of paper comment on the lines (MLA)
6. A Live Performance 50 Pts (limited to max. 5 students)
Perform a monologue from Shakespeare
A. Must be a minimum of 30 lines
B. Accuracy will count.
C. Perform in front of the class.
D. 5 Key passages with 3-4 Sentences of Commentary (MLA)