Facility Council Minutes

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Call to order: Dr. Braun called the meeting to order at noon in LEC 12.

Members present: Lari Arjomand, Jim Braun, Mary Hudachek-Buswell, Angelyn Hayes,Debra Cody, Lisa Eichelberger,Tom Harden , Sharon Hoffman,Cathy Jeffery, Gary May, Sherry Richardson, Sharon Sellers,Michael Terapaneand Joe Tractenberg.

Others present:Cathie Aust, Annita Hunt,Ron Jackson, Cindy Lauer, Bud Miller,

George Nakos, Judy Plawecki, and Ray Wallace.

Minutes: Minutes of March 25 and April 8 were approved by FC.

Standing Committee Reports:


  • George Nakos- A new Fitness Management degree program proposed. Last meeting of the year held; there maybe another in June if needed.


  • Board of Regents approved the new Political Science major and the WebBSIT major.
  • Official response to SACS due in September.
  • All encouraged to attend Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day scheduled for Thursday, April 29, 2004 from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. in Spivey Hall.
  • SACS success party coming soon
  • Eichelberger thanked Provost’s Office regarding SACS


  • CCSU will receive $850,000 to hire new faculty pending Board of Regentsapproval.
  • Arjomand thanked Dr. Harden for the delivery of good news.
  • UniversityCenter fire marshal inspection delayed until May. Hope to move in the Summer.

Old Business:

University-wide Policy on Websites regarding Syllabus Content

  • Terapane passed out a revised copy of the syllabus content.
  • A motion was made by Tractenberg and seconded by Eichelberger to add that faculty is required to have online syllabus and update as needed. FC did not approve.

Bylaws Subcommittee

  • Hayes-Cheyne andJeffery were added as members of the committee.
  • Eichelberger asked Braunabout the time-frame for the committee. Braun stated that work should be done in the Summer with an aggressive move forward in the Fall.

New Business:

Health and Fitness Major

  • Plawecki-the degree program will be Health and Fitness and housed under Healthcare Management.
  • Lauer-the degree is a combination of current health care courses with CPR and First Aid courses added.
  • Provost commented that Mackin stated the proposal for the Health and Fitness major was one of the best he had seen. Provost congratulated the Healthcare Management team.
  • A motion was made by Tractenberg and seconded by Cody to approve proposal of new Health and Fitness major. FC approved.

Survey of Student Notebook Usage

  • Provost- asked that the survey is administered immediately (next week).
  • Eichelberger- suggested that the wording is changed on #16 to say “instant messaging program”.
  • A motion was made by Tractenberg and seconded by Arjomand for the Provost Office to administer the survey before the end of the semester. FC approved.

Faculty Council Meetings

  • Braun suggested the meetings for the summer be on an “as needed basis” and that the dates for FC meetings remain on the 2nd and 4th Thursday for the Fall.
  • A motion was made by Tractenberg and seconded by Eichelberger. FC approved.

Faculty Planning Week

  • Provost discussed the Deans’ verbal expression of the need for faculty to be in school therefore all five days are needed.
  • Tractenberg suggested limiting guest speakers.
  • Terapane suggested scaling back time in each meeting.
  • Braun suggested revision of wording of Faculty Planning Day.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.