Today Sunday – April 30th ~ Third Sunday of Easter

8:30 amSunday school

Adult Bible class

10:00 amDivine Service

Monday – May 1st

6:00 pmBoard of Youth

6:30 pmBoard of Education

Tuesday – May 2nd

10:15 amSing @ Benefis SNC

5:30 pmBoard of Trustees

7:00 pmBOECE

Wednesday – May 3rd

9:00amWee Disciples chapel

9:30 amLadies Bible study

6:00 pmPre-confirmation classes

7:30 pmDivine Service

Thursday – May 4th

9:00 amQuilters @ Peace

10:00 amSing @ Park Place

Friday – May 5th

Church Office Closed

1:00 pmFriday Ladies’ Bible study

@ Marge Johnsten’s, 3000 8th Ave N

District Planning meetings

Saturday – May 6th

District Planning meetings

10:00 amLWML Zone Rally @ Zion Power

Next Sunday – May 7th ~Fourth Sunday of Easter

8:30 amSunday school

Adult Bible class

10:00 amDivine Service


During the month of April, LWML will be gathering items for the Great Falls Children’s Receiving Home. The items will be taken to the LWML Spring Zone Rally at Zion in Power on May 6th. If you wish to donate items, a collection box is under the mailboxes in the narthex. A “wish list” of needed items is included in the Grace Notes, posted on the bulletin board in the narthex, and one is also attached to the cover of the collection box. The last day for collecting items will be Friday, May 5th. If you have any questions, please see Myrna Philipp. Thank you!


Celebrating a Wedding Anniversary This Week

May 3rd Richard  Melba Mauseth (59)

Celebrating a Birthday This Week

May 1st Jacob Green, Kyla Nelson, Christian Neumann

May 3rd Lisa Romig

May 4th Stephanie Sybrant

May 5th Barry Eastley, Hunter Hestekin, Jody McCurdy

May 6th Cheri Hansen, Lacey Mans

May 7thMorgan Shaw

This Week’s Baptismal Anniversaries

May 1st Michell Thornton

May 2nd Wes Bauer, Kaci Felstet

May 4th Rayn Ginnaty

May 5th Richard Mauseth

125th Anniversary ~ You can purchase mugs and ornaments for yourself or to share with family and friends:

125th Anniversary Coffee Mugs (20oz)$5.00 each

125th Anniversary ornaments$5.00 each

Both are embossed with the 125th anniversary logo and are beautiful keepsakes.

Offering Counters are needed to assist the Treasurer and Assistant Treasure count and record the offerings following each Sunday service. No experience is needed. Please call the church office (452-2121) or sign-up on the Chapel doors in the Narthex if you are willing to assist.

Need a Ride to Church?Weather and roads keeping you from getting to Sunday worship? Need a ride to church? Call the church office (406-452-2121) and we have a group of people in the congregation who will be more than happy to swing by and give you a ride.

The audio/video crew is looking for a few good people! Our video ministry goes out each week to a number of our shut-ins and is an important part of their continuing connection to the church!We will teach you what you will need to know. If you would be interested in helping with this very important ministry contact the church office (406-452-2121) for more information.

Looking for an alternative web-based LCMS supported radio station? KFUO is the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod answer. On the web at they broadcast seven days a week from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm Mountain Time (times vary by month). Check them out on the web at

Lutheran Hour - May 7th - "The Abundant Life of Grace" - Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz. Don't leave God's grace behind! We are still sheep who need the Good Shepherd.(John 10:1-10).Tune in on the radio or at The Lutheran Hour can be heard on KMON, 560 AM Sundays at 7:00 am; or XM Radio 170 at 10:00 am-(EST).

Issues Etc. –You can listen on-demand at and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.

Lutherans for Life - April 30th“Let’s whisper and let’s shout the hope of Christ. Let’s bring hope to those who have been deceived by the world to sin against God, themselves, and their child. Let’s help others look forward to the future with great hope and trust in the Lord of life.” Sherry Ellis, executive director of The Lighthouse Center of Hope, Iowa Falls, Iowa ( – A Life Quote from Lutherans for Life •

An Update on Giving

The offering for April 23rd ~ $9,865

Comparison of Income to our Monthly budget needs ~ April

Our Monthly budget need is $16,070

Actual Giving to date ~ $22,557

$6,487 over the needed minimum! 

Bills paid 04/25/17 - $1,865

Trinity’s next payroll ($4,750) is scheduled for Monday, May 15th

Please continue to include Trinity’s cash flow problem in your prayers each day. Hopefully, the Lord will bless TLC again with the $16,070+ needed each month. Thank you to all who are so faithfully supporting God’s church.


For prayer requests, please call the church office 452-2121

or email us at

We pray for:

~the family of Audrey Remus – passed home into Glory last weekend

~Judy Tankink (former Trinity member) ~ tumor treatment

~Lauretta Stanfield ~ recent heart surgery, is home recovering

~Marek & DebbeWojak(Shelden’s son-in-law and daughter) ~ health issues

~Bennett Lautenschlager ~ health issues

~Angie Peters, (friend of Rose & Gary Shelden) ~ undergoing testing

~ Jessica Heiser, (daughter-in-law of Ardyth Jeszenka) ~ removal of a brain cyst

~Derek Boyce (son of Judy & Keener Boyce) ~ severely frost-bitten hands

~Betty Adelmeyer(Mike Adelmeyer’s mother) ~ serious heart problems

~Dorothy Krueger(Pam Grosenick’s mother) ~ heart related concerns

~Janet Hussli (Jerry Grosenick’s sister) ~ reconstructive surgery

~Harry & Jerry Schlehr,(Penny Hill’s brothers) ~ medical/health issues

~Kim Mansch(Scott Mansch’s sister in law) ~ brain tumor removed

~Reverend Erich Kaelberer ~ battling ALS

~Kristal Dawson(Jenny Shaw’s sister) ~ diagnosed with Leukemia

~Jennifer(friend of Judy and Keener Boyce’s niece) ~ diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer

~David & Gloria Polley(Ellen Carpenter’s brother) ~ David has progressive Alzheimer’s

We pray God’s peace and comfort for our members who continue to battle health issues:

Paul Birkholz; Ilene Leishman; Betty Tynes (Sherri Blomstrom’s mother)

and for our shut-ins:

Gary Adams; Alice Irion; Lydia Laubach; Evelyn McNaight; Emma Millet; Alene Morrell; Gladine Nehus; Bob & Norma Nommensen; Alvina Presler (Millie Birkholz’s mother); Bud Quickenden;Ruth Schwartzenberger; Myrtle Storhaug; and Ted Young.

We pray for those serving in the military:

Jaymes Crumley

Tech Sgt Jared Dudden

Clifton Grilley(Gary & Janet Headington’s son)

Jared Grina (Janet & Gary Headington’s son-in-law)

Steffen Meeks(Sherrie Blomstrom’s grandson)

Michael Somerfeld(Gary & Mary Somerfeld’s son)

Tech Sgt Tanner Tilton (Millie Birkholz’s grandson)

Senior Airman Brady Toole


Old Testament Reading –Acts 2: 14a, 36-41

Psalm – Psalm 116 1-14

Epistle Reading –1 Peter 1:17-25

Holy Gospel Reading – Luke 24:13-35

THIS WEEK / 04/30/17
Third Sunday of Easter / 05/03/17
Divine Service / 05/07/17
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acolyte / Tim Chapman
Elders / Tim Chapman
Elders / Tim Chapman
Altar Guild / Denise Wegner
Dayna VanVleet / Denise Wegner
Dayna VanVleet / Denise Wegner
Dayna VanVleet
Audio/Video / John Shaw / Maryanne Chapman / John Shaw
Duty Elders / Roy Arves
Bill Sybrant / Bob Nommensen / Jerry Grosenick
Dennis Philipp
Organist / Anita Chapman / NOA / Joy Suek
Counters / Alan & Denise Wegner / Alan & Denise Wegner
Ushers / Alan Wegner
Elders / Alan Wegner
Elders / Alan Wegner

In this year of the 500thAnniversary of the Reformation and the 125thAnniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church in Great Falls, we are excited to bring you a film of the life of the man who would ultimately change the world, Martin Luther.

We have set up our very own Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed the World screeningThursday, June 29, 2017 at 6:30 pm atAMC Theater - Great Falls — 1601 Market Place Drive Suite 75, Great Falls, MT, 59403. (formerly Carmike 10)

Purchase your tickets by

June 22, 2017.

Ticket price - $10.00

You can getyourtickets at:

For members who do not have computer access or would prefer not to purchase online, please contact the church office (406-452-2121) and we will help you get your tickets.

Please join us as we celebrate

the 500th anniversary of the Reformationand

Trinity’s 125th anniversary!




WHO: Children preschool – 8th grade

WHEN: Saturday, June 10th

8:30am to 5pm

Registration opens at 8:30 am

andall are welcome to stay

for a potluck BBQ after

WHERE: Trinity Lutheran Church 1226 1stAvenue North

*Lunch and snacks will be provided. Please join us for fun, games, crafts, and most importantly, learning about God!

*To register early, please visit our website or call the church office at 406-452-2121.