8th Grade Science: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC)
Aristoi Classical Academy
Instructor: Sue Ulrey Textbook: Physical Science – Concepts in Action with Earth and Space Science
Dear Student,
Welcome to Integrated Physics and Chemistry! Just as the title says, this is an introduction to the basic physics and basic chemistry skills that you will need to make the jump to the more demanding science courses in high school.
If you haven’t already noticed, the new textbook is quite thick. We will cover almost all of it. This means that you will need to come to class ready to work every day.
You will work hard. You will learn a lot. You will have fun.
Mrs. Ulrey
Course Description:
In Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), students use scientific methods to conduct lab investigations. They also use critical thinking to solve scientific problems. The primary topics of study for IPC include force, motion, energy and matter.
Tests/ Major projects 60%
Homework/Classwork 20%
Labs/Quizzes 20%
Please note that late homework is not accepted and will be given a score of zero. See the Parent/Student Handbook for other information about late or make-up work.
Items you will need:
1. Binder – You are expected to have a binder in which you will keep your notes, homework, worksheets and graded papers.
2. Book cover – Your textbook must be covered with a paper cover at all times. This will be periodically checked and a daily grade will be given. No fabric (“stretchy”) book covers are allowed.
3. Pens and pencils – You may use either pencil or pen for your work. If you are using a pen, then only black or blue ink will be accepted. If you use another color, you will be asked to redo the assignment. Do not use markers or colored pencils unless you are given instructions to use them.
4. Calculator – You will find it helpful to have a calculator for use during class. The calculator you use for math class will be fine.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be on time. Enter the classroom quietly. Follow instructions that are written on the board.
2. Do Not touch anything that does not belong to you. That includes my things as well as your classmates’ things.
3. Listen carefully and follow instructions completely.
4. Treat each person in the room with respect.
5. Have a high standard of academic integrity. This means that you do not copy another student’s work, lab or test. It also means that you do not allow another student to copy your work.
Topics to be studied include (but are not limited to) the following:
Quarter 1
Chapter 25 – The Scale of the Solar System
Chapter 26 - Life Cycles of Stars
Chapter 2 – Properties of Matter
Chapter 3 – States of Matter
Quarter 2
Chapter 4 – Atomic Structure
Chapter 5 – The Periodic Table
Chapter 6 – Chemical Bonds
Chapter 7 – Chemical Reactions
Quarter 3
Chapter 11 – Motion
Chapter 12 – Forces and Motion
Chapter 13 – Forces in Fluids
Chapter 14 – Work, Power, and Machines
Quarter 4
Chapter 15 – Energy
Chapter 20 – Electricity
Chapter 21 – Magnetism
Overall Objectives
By the end of the course, it is desired that the student will achieve the following:
1. Learn how to conduct laboratory exercises safely.
2. Use the scientific method to investigate questions.
3. Become proficient at critical thinking and problem solving.
4. Explain how force and motion are related.
5. Recognize the relationships between multiple forms of energy.
6. Observe the relationships that exist between the structure and properties of matter.
7. Know that changes in matter affect everyday life.
Earn a 100 for a Quiz Grade!
(Or get a zero. You choose.)
Please do the following:
1. Let your parent/guardian read this paper.
2. Detach the back page and have your parent/guardian fill in the information requested.
3. Sign the page where indicated.
4. Turn in the signature page at the next class meeting.
5. Put the rest of the document in your binder for further reference.
Dear parent/guardian,
I look forward to partnering with you and the other teachers at Aristoi Classical Academy in the education of your child. Please look over the attached information, particularly that which specifies needed supplies and class expectations.
I may be contacted using the school email:
Please let me know how you may be contacted, should the need arise.
I anticipate a great year!
Sue Ulrey
Student’s Name (Printed) ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s) (Printed) ______
Best phone number ______
Best email ______
I have read the course syllabus and understand the requirements and expectations of it.
Signature of parent/guardian Signature of student