Exit Interview

Cooperative Education Final Evaluation

5% of final report card grade

Exit Interview Due Date: Final Evaluation Scheduled Time


Please complete the questions below and bring them ready to discuss at your exit interview.

Be sure to bring your portfolio with you to your exit interview.

Self Reflection

·  Do you feel you have "matured" in any way? Explain why or why not.

·  What did you learn about yourself through your co-op experience? (ex. work ethic)

·  How have your attitudes towards the world of work and school changed?

·  Have your education or career goals changed as a result of your co-op experience or have they been reinforced? Explain how your co-op experiences have influenced your decisions about the future.

Job Readiness Reflection

·  Reflect back to your resume and discuss what changes you need to make to it as a result of your placement and understanding of essential skills.

·  What would you do differently in a future interview? (ie dress, preparation)

·  Initiative is a very important attitude. Reflect on your level of initiative at the placement and give examples as to how you showed your initiative and enthusiasm to your supervisor.

Safety Reflection

·  How has your awareness of the importance of Safety in the Workplace progressed during your placement?

·  List and explain some of the precautions that were taken at your workplace in order to prevent injuries.

·  Give an example of a situation that you observed during your placement that you felt was unsafe and describe what you did about it

Rights and Responsibilities Reflection

·  Give some examples of rules and or responsibilities that your placement had for you as a co-op student. (Keep in mind these can be formal or informal rules)

·  Explain how you felt about these rules and responsibilities.

General Reflection

·  Briefly outline the type of tasks you were responsible for completing at your placement.

·  What Essential Skills and Work Habits do you think you would need to strengthen in order to be successful in this type of profession/industry?

·  What did you like most about your placement?

·  What did you like least about your placement?

·  Describe a situation where you felt awkward or uncomfortable and explain how you dealt with it.

·  What do you believe was the most challenging aspect of your Cooperative Education experience?

·  Do you believe that your placement supervisor assisted you effectively during this learning experience? Explain.

·  What have you learned about yourself as a result of your Cooperative Education experience?

·  In what ways has this experience helped you to develop, clarify or alter the career goals you have for yourself?

·  Where do you see yourself five years from now?

·  How will your Co-Op experience contribute to where you’ll be five years from now? Or will it?

·  Further information about your coop experience you wish to share.

Arrived On time?

Appropriate Attire?
Time Sheets?
Portfolio Complete?