Coffee Chain Exercise
For this exercise we will use the Coffee Chain DataSource.
1) The Marketing VP is interested in finding out if total sales by product type is impacted by market size? Please create a report showing that. Show it both as a table and as a chart. What type of chart did you use? Why?
2) Which product types are doing better in small markets vs. large markets? Why do you think this is the case?
3) How are the total sales related to total profit by product type? Which product type has the highest profit vs. highest sales?
4) You are interested in finding out more about business in California. Show the profit margin and profit by Product and Product type. In which product/type the company is losing money in California?
5) Product manager responsible for coffee is interested in sales of coffee across all the states. Which state has the highest coffee sales? Show it on a geo graph and a table. From the geo graph, can you identify the top 5 states for the highest coffee sales?
6) Look at Profit by Regions (Market) by Product Type and Product. Can you identify any regions with anegative Profit? Can you drill down and find out what is causing it? Find out which product and which state is causing negative sales?
7) Create line charts of total sales for each product type (four types) on one chart. Which type appears to have the most erratic sales over the two-year period? Experiment with the data to best capture this quantitatively?
8) Take a similar approach to see what you find with regard to volatility with regard to profit, expenses and inventory
9) Create 2 calculated fields: a) ProfitCalc which is Profit minus BudgetProfit; and b) SalesCac which is Sales minus BudgetSales. Created two separate worksheets: a) plot ProfitCalc vs. SalesCalc; and b) Profit vs. Sales. Use trend lines on each graph. Create a dashboard and compare the two graphs on the dashboard.
10) Assess the measures that are available and assess if there are additional calculated fields that are worth creating - and develop a new corresponding worksheet/dashboard.