Todd Ellick

3855 Staffordshire Lane

Williamsburg, VA 23188


Skype: tellick



African History, Ph.D. (5/2014)

Michigan State University

3.97 GPA

Dissertation: “‘First People Still Come Second’: Nama, Rurality, and Marginalization in Namibia, 1870-1920”

German and Russian Area Studies, B.A. (05/2005)

Juniata College (Huntingdon, Pennsylvania)

3.74 GPA

German as a Second Language/Russian, non-degree (09/2003-12/2004)

Philipps-Universität-Marburg (Marburg, Germany)

“A” average in all coursework

Relevant Professional Experience

Peace Corps Volunteer (November 2006-December 2008)

High School Teacher

District Representative for the Peace Corps’ Volunteer Action Committee

Tebellong High School

Tebellong, Qacha’s Nek

Reference: Clement Lephoto ()

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (September 2005- June 2006)


Giessen, Germany

Reference: Alexandra Fest ()

Sports’ Stringer (Fall 2002-Spring 2003)

Altoona Mirror

Covered high school football and basketball games in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania

Reference: Neil Rudel ()

Tutor (2001-2005)

Juniata College

Quantitative Methods Course

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant at Michigan State University

Fall 2010: World History from 1500 (HST 150, Dr. Ben Smith)

Spring 2011: Africa and the World (IAH 205, Dr. Nwando Achebe)

Summer 2011:World History to 1500 (HST 151, Dr. Alan Fisher)

Fall 2012: Latin America and the World (IAH 203, Dr. Ed Murphy)

Spring 2012: World History from 1500 (HST 150, Dr. Ben Smith)

Summer 2012: World History to 1500 (HST 151, Dr. Alan Fisher)

Tebellong High School (Tebellong, Lesotho)

November 2006-December 2008

Subjects Taught: English Language and Literature

Classes Taught: Forms A, B, and C (approximately 7th, 8th, and 9th grade)

Lessons per week: 24 in 2007, 28 in 2008

Activities: English Club Facilitator, Volleyball Coach, Library Development Project (acquired approximately 2,000 books from three sources, oversaw renovation of the building, created accession and lending system.)

Ricarda-Huch-Schule (Giessen, Germany)

September 2005-June 2006

Subjects Taught: English Language and Literature

Classes Taught: 5th through 13th grade

Lessons per week: 12


Presented paper “Politics, Morals, and Morale: Trevor Huddleston and Community Engagement in Sophiatown, 1943-1956” at the MSU Africanist Graduate Student Research Conference: 10 Oct. 2010.

Discussant of “Race, Place, and Spatial Politics” panel at the MSU Africanist Graduate Student Research Conference: 20 Oct. 2012.

Attended the African Studies Association annual meetingin Washington D.C., November 2012.

Attended the South African Historical Society annual meeting in Gaborone, Botswana, June 26-29, 2013.


Review: Ethan & Rosenberg, David;Braley, Shawn (illus.)Soccer World South Africa.White River Junction, VT: Nomad Press, 2010.

Extracurricular Activities

Graduate Africanist Student Association 2011-13

Helped to plan, procure funding, and facilitate Michigan State’s Africanist graduate student conference.

Trail/distance running

2013 races include the Rössing Marathon (Swakopmund, Namibia), the Two OceansUltramarathon 56km (Cape Town), Fish River Canyon 100km (southern Namibia), North Country Run 50 miler (Manistee, MI), JFK 50 miler (Hagerstown, MD)

Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships

Fulbright IIE (Namibia)Nov 2012-Aug 2013

MSU ISP Predissertation Travel AwardSummer 2011

MSU University Distinguished Fellowship (UDF)2009-2014

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS) –AfrikaansSummer 2010

Fulbright IIE- ETA (Giessen, Germany)2005-2006 Grant for Yearlong Study in Germany2003-2004

David Van Boren NSEP Grant for Yearlong Study in Russia (declined)2003-2004

Professional Organizations:

National Peace Corps Association

Fulbright Association

DAAD Association


German- Fluent. Able to read Sütterlin Script.

Afrikaans- Advanced

Sesotho- Intermediate

Setswana- Intermediate

Russian- Intermediate (Six semesters taken during undergraduate studies.)

French- Some reading proficiency (Two semesters during undergraduate studies.)

Khoekhoegowab/Nama-Damara- Basic

Archival Experience

Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Republic of Namibia Archives Windhoek:2013

Deutsche Evangelische Lutherische KircheWindhoek: 2013

United Evangelical Mission ArchivesWuppertal, Germany: May 2011

Western Cape Archives Depot Cape Town: June 2011

National Archives of Namibia Windhoek, Namibia: May 2011, 2013

Bishopric Regensburg Regensburg, Germany: February 2006


Southern Africa,

HST364 South African History

HST990 Namibian Historiography


HST829 African Historiography

HST830 African Urban History

HST830 Africa and the Slave Trade

ANP822 Religion and Ritual

Theory and Methods

HST803 Historical Methods

HST850 Oral History Methods

HST850 Social Theory

World History

HST483 Global Catholicism

HST816 European Historiography

HST850 History of Global Sport


Peter Alegi, PhD

Associate Professor of African History

Old Horticulture

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

517-432-8222 x113

Peter Limb, PhD

Africana Bibliographer/Librarian III

Associate Professor of African History, adjunct

Room E224B 100 Library
Michigan State University
East Lansing , MI 48824


Walter Hawthorne III, PhD
Department Chair of History

Professor of African History

Old Horticulture

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824


Emil Nagengast, PhD

Professor of Political Science

Department of Political Science

Good Hall

Juniata College

Huntingdon, PA 16652
