FEW – February 25, 2009
Present: Cathy Carter (note taker) Absent: Ashley Terrell
Cynthia Oleyar Carolyn Burton
Kelly Green Davetta Davis (alternate)
Nancy Knadler (chair) Patricia Moon
Ron Lile Quita Doss-Bunton
Wendy Metcalf
● Nancy will find out from HR where things stand with the work done by the salary review committee since Angie Givan has left the university. Of particular interest to FEW is whether or not "exceptional performance" will still be justification for an
in-range adjustment and if the 8% cap for promotion has officially been eliminated.
● Discussion has continued around the question of whether or not PeopleSoft limits the ability to flag internal vs. external candidates. Kelly Green and/or Wendy Metcalf will investigate.
● FEW continues to hold that HR policy should reflect its practices. Nancy will continue to monitor discussions surrounding internal candidates receiving preference and the RIF policy, among others.
● Given all the financial pressures the university faces, the topic of a staff morale committee was discussed. Cathy will follow up to determine if there is such a
functioning group.
● In the past, it was believed supervisors could find out if their direct reports were
applying for positions within the university. Word is that this access has been
restricted. Cathy will attempt to confirm.
● Chair Knadler reviewed FEW's fiscal year goals. The committee concurred that given the reality of the financial situation, the committee has largely accomplished all that it can toward meeting those goals.
● Brent Fryrear is looking in to whether or not staff is entitled to "winter break" paid days off (in lieu of Presidents Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, etc.) Nancy will report back to FEW.
● Nancy reported on the provost's budget meeting held recently on Belknap. FEW then discussed various cost-savings suggestions, including a continued movement toward "green initiatives."
● Currently there are not differentiated policies regarding campus closings, etc., for Belknap, Health Science Center, and Shelby. The recent closings due to the ice storm brought this to the forefront. Nancy will continue to monitor the situation. It was the consensus of those present that FEW prefers policies not be differentiated by campus.
● Ron stressed the need for staff to know when their positions are funded by soft money. As funding changes, staff should be kept informed if they are placed on
soft money.
● In lieu of meeting in March, the committee will touch base by e-mail after the March 12 meeting of the Human Resources Advisory Committee.