Steamboat Landing

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Members Present:

Executive Committee – Jim Zumbo,Dave Green; Joe Backer, Kim Henshaw,Mark Blankenberg, Dennis O’Brien;Doreen Martin, Mike Simon, Fritz Kilian, Gary Mix, Joe Sposato,Jackie Meyer, Ted Woods,Ed Stores

Athletic Council – Allegany County – Lisa Scott-Schneider, Doug Wyant, Jr., Jon Beardsley, Brian Edmister: Rochester City Athletic Conference: – Carlos Cotto, David Boundy, Kathy Boughton: Finger Lakes – Mike Miday,Greg Herbst, Peter Mancuso: Genesee Region – Tom Dooling, Dennis Leyden: Livingston County –Dave Dinolfo, Craig Veley, Matt Wilkens, Brian Moran: Monroe County – Jack Milner, Mike Bromley, Kevin McGowan, Fritz Kilian: Private-Parochial – Chris Belmont, Rob Johnson: Steuben County –Mike Wright, Kevin Rosko, Ann Hosmer:Wayne County – Rick Amundson, Steve Veeder, Mark Michelle, Gene Hoskins

Sport Coordinators– Kevin Rosko, track and field; Chris Bourne, wrestling, Keith Shields, for girls swimming, Scott Morrison, ice hockey, Dennis O’Brien, skiing, Mike Simon, boys lacrosse

Past Presidents – Dave Green, Dennis Fries, Joe Sposato,Rick Amundson, Ed Stores


The minutes of the April 27, 2011 meeting were approved.

The Spencerport CSD submission for the NYSPHSAA Community Service Award was approved and will be sent to NYSPHSAA for consideration.

Doreen Martin and Merritt Holley were nominated for the positions of Girls Sport Rep and Principal Rep respectively. A ballot will be prepared and sent to member schools.

Senior All-Star baseball games were approved, pending receipt of paperwork, for Finger Lakes and Allegany-SteubenCounty.

A combined teams application for the HarleySchool and AllendaleColumbiaSchool in all sports for 2011-2012 was approved. A combined team application for North Star Christian School and The Greece Christian School for all sports for 2011 and 2012. was approved. Combined teams applications for Webster CSD in girls golf, boys and girls swimming, boys volleyball, gymnastics, and boys and girls alpine and nordic skiing for 2011-2012 was approved.

A move-up in boys swimming for Avon CSD from Class D to Class C for 2011-2012 was approved.

A request to move up in several sports for Harley Allendale Columbia was tabled and referred to the Non-Public/Charter School Classification Committee.


Jackie Meyer reported that our current net worth as of May 1, 2011 is $206,432.07. In addition, she indicated that she had received payment from Blue Cross Arena ($53,000) and from t-shirt sales ($10,000) adding to that total. She reported that to date we show a profit of $145, 530.80 in sport revenues.

Ed Stores, gave his Executive Director’s Report. He discussed a recent State Transfer Coordinator’s Committee where it was reported that a law firm from Section V and representing at least one Section V school had challenged the legality of denying an educational waiver of the transfer rule based on three units of religious based courses. Counsel for the State Association is discussing the matter with SED before making a recommendation.

Kim Henshaw and Dennis O’Brien, State Executive Committee members reported on the recent NYSPHSAA Executive Committee meeting held in Syracuse. The Cheerleading as a Sport concept is being pursued with SED and the Championship Philosophy Committee Report was accepted. The issue of sport specific rules to be used in NYS was resolved. All sports will continue to use the rules they presently use. Several modified rule changes were adopted. The complete minutes of the State meeting will be included in the NYSPHSAA May Newsletter.

An issue regarding the site for the Section V bowling tournament was resolved. The tournament will be at AMF-Gates and there will be no increase in ticket prices.

President Jim Zumbo and Executive Director Ed Stores began a discussion of what we have achieved and what we have yet to achieve in regard to the Section V Tournament Philosophy initiative. There was much discussion regarding focusing on issues from the perspective of small schools and large schools as well as possible differences within classes in the same sport tournament. Hope was expressed that each league would continue to discuss all open issues and constituent groups would weigh in on these issues.


The annual mandatory Athletic Director Workshop conducted by Nina Van Erk will be held on August 30, 2011 (Tuesday). The site has not been determined as yet.

Gary Clark, longtime Fairport CSD swimming coach, has been selected for the NYSPHSAA Hall of Fame. He will be inducted in Lake Placid at the summer meeting on August 4, 2011.


Keith Shields, on behalf of Henry Savage, girls swimming, reported that girls swimming had a good season. He reviewed his financial report and indicated that the State CPC report was a result of compromisethat will impact the number of swimmers attending the State meet.

Scott Morrison, ice hockey coordinator, had no action items. He was pleased that ice hockey showed a profit and that the RIT site for the tournament was so successful.

Chris Bourne, wrestling, had no action items. He spoke about tentative changes to weight classes that are being considered. He too, felt the RIT site was an outstanding venue. He has an upcoming conference call with the State committee and will look into weight certification costs with other section coordinators.

Meeting adjourned at 12:02PM