Executive Board Meeting Minutes


Attendance: Present:Anna Roberts, Janet Gillman, Todd Lyon, Evan Wickersham, Adam Arms,Bob Nightingale,Joe Kear,Burton White,Talia Stoessel, Bill Rector,JimBailey. Participating by conference call: Jonathan Donehower, Cyndi Furseth. Absent: Michael Dehner, Julie Kettler, Marsha Chadwick.

Convened: 8:35 am. Anna Roberts, President.

Minutes: Minutes of December 12, 2014. MSC to approve.

Annual Programs: Todd Lyon. For our March 19 program, we have the three afternoon session topics finalized. They are: 1) Ask the Arbitrator, with Todd Lyon moderating and comments by Dave Gaba and Howell Lankford. We will look for a third arbitrator. 2) Public Sector Labor Law Reform (after Wisconsin). 3) Health care bargaining complications with the ACA. Bill Rector. We agreed to have the reception after the arbitrators’ conference. Their last program on ethics will be open to practitioners, which we can advertise to our LERA list because it will be free to our conference participants and everyone can stay for the reception.

Treasurer Report: Cyndi Furseth. We have a balance in savings of $2457.88. We have $3856.26 in the checking account. The PayPal balance is $480.98. Our grand total is $6820.12.

Regular Programs: Talia Stoessel. The January 22 program on legalized marijuana will have 4 speakers, covering the legal landscape, toxicology and impairment, arbitration decisions and arbitrator perspectives. We will have the first committee meeting of the year after the January 22 program. Potential future topics include a video on Arbitration, the Portland NRLB, and social media.

Webmaster Report: Anna Roberts. We have 19 registrants for the January 22 program so far. We have 3 individuals on the E Board not on the MailChimp email list: Joe, Bill, and Julie.

Membership: Evan Wickersham. We don’t have many people signed up for 2015. We are asking each board member to contact 5 people from our list of prior members, and each of us should try for 2 more people in our own organizations as well. MSC to do an email and regular mailing to our contact list to get people signed up. Ideas for group membershipswere discussed and Jonathan and Evan will come up with a proposal prior to the next meeting.

Adjourned 9:45am.

Secretary: Joe Kear

Next Meeting isFebruary 13at Barran Liebman.