01/01/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Matthew 5:9.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Today’s reflection and question: As children of God, each of us has the ability to make peace. Today, how can you bring peace to those around you?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/02/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada, Master 20
But the master finds joy in giving, and happiness is his reward.
Today’s reflection & question: When we are there for another in whatever capacity they need, we are in fact a great gift to them. Who can you give to in a joyful way today?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/03/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Genesis 1:26
Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
Today’s questions: Do we fully realize the dignity and worth of each human being, and respect their intelligence and free will? And how do our thoughts about others form our actions toward them?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/04/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth 1201:132
The Lord dwells in the home of each and every heart.
Today’s reflection: Sometimes we get caught a bit short when looking for strength in places which are “too obvious”. Our spiritual practices often are a great help to us at ANY time but especially in times of distress. Look into your heart when you are challenged and let your heart guide you.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/07/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Mark 10:13.
Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Today’s reflection and question: As we get older, we sometimes lose sight of the trust and simplicity we had as children. Today, how can you let your childlike self draw close to the divine?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/08/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads, Katha 2:1:1
But a calm person, wishing for Immortality, beholds the inner Self with his eyes closed.
Today’s question & reflection: Why is it that the gift of our eyes sometimes becomes a stumbling block in our acceptance of others? We see through our eyes things that do not always represent truth. Challenge yourself to see through closed eyes your inner self, and see with your EYES WIDE OPEN!
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/09/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Genesis 2:18
It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a suitable helper for him.
Today’s reflection: People are of their nature, social, and find their highest fulfillment in relationships and interactions with others. Find fulfillment in your relating and interacting with others as you walk your path today.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/10/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an 50:39
Bear, then, with patience, all that they say, and celebrate the praises of thy Lord, before the rising of the sun and before (its) setting.
Today’s reflection & question: It is hard at times to be patient with others,or,even more so, to celebrate with them. How can you find patience in a situation where you are less patient than you would like to be?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/11/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Luke 7:38.
Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.
Today’s reflection and question: In our busy world, it is sometimes difficult to give fully of ourselves. Today, how can you give the full measure of your talents and attention to those you serve? You may find what you get is much more than what you give.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/14/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 10:41
Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor.
Today’s reflection: We each have some incredible gifts to share with each other. If we walk through life knowing ALL people have gifts to share, those gifts and yours often continue to surface. The result for all of us is growing in our love, compassion and understanding.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/15/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Genesis 9:13
And I shall set my bow in the cloud and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and the earth.
Today’s reflection: The beautiful rainbow, symbolically connecting heaven and earth, can hold reminders in the arch and all the colors of how we are all tied together with all of life. May you all know of that connection, especially “after the rain” when a challenging event has passed.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/16/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Kitab I Aqdas 182
Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths.
Today’s reflection & question: There are many ways to open oneself and experience things that give our lives meaning. How do you prepare yourself to be ready to hear and receive direction,for your one unique life and spiritual path?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/17/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, John 15:4-5.
Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.
Today’s reflection: How easy it is to lose touch with our sacred center, the source of our peace and our fruitfulness. Today, hold on to your center—and see how much fruit you bear.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/18/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada 164
Let one not neglect one's own welfare for the sake of another, however great. Clearly understanding one's own welfare, let one be intent upon the good.
Today’s reflection: Some say that in order for us to do good to others we must start by taking care of ourselves. Think of something you do for yourself and take that spirit of care with you as you attend to someone else.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/21/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ruth 1:16
Wherever you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, your God shall be my God.
Today’s reflection & question: The support we get from others is a wonderful gift. Do you fully appreciate the value of a true and devoted friend and how can you do so even more?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/22/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy GuruGranth 1366:79
It is like the ripe fruit on the tree; when it falls to the ground, it cannot be re-attached to the branch.
Today’s reflection & question: There are things and events in our lives that occur just once; in fact that can be said of our very lives. What will you do today to celebrate the gift of your one life?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/23/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible,1 Corinthians 3:16.
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Today’s reflection and question: Our bodies, no less than our souls, are sacred. What can you do today to respect and nurture your body as well as your spirit? Perhaps you might take a purposeful, conscious, deep breath and just appreciate breathing!
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/24/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads4:82
The Lord (Atman) becomes easily hidden because of attachment to any single object and is revealed with great difficulty.
Today’s reflection & question: When asked to describe something spiritual to another person, we might end up with many different descriptions. Is there something “spiritual” you might have missed already today and can you pause to re-claim it?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/25/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Numbers 6:24
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance and give you peace.
Today’s reflection: Graces and blessings are being bestowed on us today and everyday – look everywhereand in everyone to find them!
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/28/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an 110:3
Celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and pray for His Forgiveness: For He is Oft-Returning (in Grace and Mercy).
Today’s question: When you pray or hope for forgiveness, how do you play an active part in that prayer process, that is, what do you do to help make the forgiveness a reality?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/29/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Galatians 5:9.
A little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough.
Today’s reflection and question: Sometimes the smallest actions yield the greatest results. In what small way can you be yeast today—at work, at home, or in your community? Perhaps you can do something just for yourself!
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/30/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 8:17
By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together form the duration of Brahma's (the God of Creation’s) one day. And such also is the duration of his night.
Today’s reflection: Sometimes we wish away time and other times it seems to pass too quickly. Take a few moments sometime today to take note of what value you have put on the recent hours and minutes that have passed -- and see how you can better celebrate their gift.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
01/31/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, 1 Samuel 16:7
For the Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks at outward appearances and forgets that only God knows the human heart.
Today’s question & reflection: Are we sometimes deceived by outward appearances and forget that only God really knows another human heart? Look beyond outward appearance today and you may find the way to others’ hearts.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/01/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada, Flowers 55
As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should many good deeds be done by one born a mortal.
Today’s reflection & question: Today’s opportunity to do a good deed may be just to bepresentwith another person. Can you meet the challenge in front of you today by making choices that benefit yourself AND someone else?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/04/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ephesians 6:18.
With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.
Today’s reflection and question: As far as we know, only human beings have the capacity to pray. How important is prayer in your life and when do you lean toward such activity?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/05/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Guru Granth 1206:286
Searching and searching, I have come to this realization: all peace and bliss are in the Name of the Lord.
Today’s reflection: Daily many of us spend some of our time in pursuit of things that we later find to be of little value or perhaps even harmful. Try and focus your self and behavior today on those things that bring you true peace, a peace that remains in your heart.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/06/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, 1Kings 19:11
But the Lord was not in the wind and the Lord was not in the fire, nor was the Lord in the earthquake…but in the whispering of the gentle air, God spoke…
Today’s reflection: Moments of great meaning in our lives often arise in the quiet stillness of our hearts. Create your own still moment today to see what is placed in the opening of your heart.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/07/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bhagavad Gita 1:2.48
Do your duty to the best of your ability…with your mind attached to the Lord, abandoning worry and attachment to the results, and remaining calm in both success and failure.
Today’s question: How can I maintain today,“I am doing my best”, without being disappointed when things don’t work out the way I would like?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/08/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Philippians 1:9.
And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless.
Today’s reflection and question: Our capacity to love grows with our knowledge of the person or thing we love. Who or what do you need to know better, in order to love them more?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/11/13Today’s reading is from the Holy Qur’an54:28
And tell them that the water is to be divided between them: Each one's right to drink being brought forward.
Today’s reflection: All of us have an abundance of so many things in our lives that sometimes we overlook those who have less. Each person, regardless of their earthly possessions has a unique gift and spirit and is deserving of individual respect, just by their being alive!
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/12/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ezra 2:1
These were the people of the province who returned from captivity and exile.
Today’s reflection & question: There may have been a time in your life when you felt captive or in exile from others or even from your true self. How can you use that personal experience to help you, yourself, or those in need of some extra special care?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/13/13 Today is Ash Wednesday.
Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Psalm 51:12
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Cast me not out from your presence, and your Holy Spirit take not from me.
Today’s reflection: Ash Wednesday is celebrated as a day of prayer and repentance by many Christians. Whatever your faith practice, think prayerfully today about the ways you might improve on your one life and your relationships with others.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/14/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Upanishads Madukya 63
The dreamer, wandering about in all the ten directions in his dream, sees the whole variety…
Today’s reflection & question: We all encounter people we call dreamers in our lives and sometimes they may be a challenge to relate to when we are in a more practical mindset. How can you use the spirit of your own dreamer as you walk through your day today?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/15/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Revelation 22:5
There will be no more night. They will not need the light of the lamp or sun, for God himself will be their light and they will reign forever.
Today’s reflection & question: When our darkest times pass, we often feel much more hopeful and a peace beyond ourselves. How do you continue to hope in dark times and how do you bring that hope to all your relationships?
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/18/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Dhammapada Anger 217
Speak the truth; yield not to anger; when asked, give even if you only have a little.
Today’s reflection: Every moment we are alive we seem to be challenged most by those who somehow differ from ourselves, our beliefs or our thought patterns. Sometimes giving just a bit in our relating to those who challenge us mostprovides a means for a more fruitful relationship with them and is a real testament to love.
May each of you have a blessed and peace-filled day.
02/19/13 Today’s reading is from the Holy Bible, Ezekiel 15:2