SOCI 1101-91



Dr. Rodger Bates, Professor


Use the Georgia View Email for this Course


Office Clayton Hall 109B Phone: 678/466-4647

Office Hours: M, W 9:30-10:45 Fayette Campus

T 10:45-12:00 1:00-3:00

and by appointment- Main Campus

Individuals with disabilities who need to request accommodations should contact the Disability Services Coordinator, Student Center 214, (770) 961-3719, .

Mission of the University

Clayton State University provides an intellectually challenging, culturally rich learning environment, encouraging all students to take advantage of the outstanding educational and career opportunities provided for residential and commuter students from a diverse range of ethnic, socioeconomic, experiential and geographical backgrounds. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs of superior quality taught by professionally active teaching faculty committed to promoting academic excellence. University programs and services are informed and guided by the following essential considerations:

·  recognizing and responding to the increasingly complex global context of contemporary life;

·  promoting community-based, experiential learning to create enduring and meaningful connections between education and other aspects of life;

·  encouraging and providing opportunities for continuous education and growth; and

·  developing an understanding of advanced applications of modern technology.

Clayton State University promotes excellence in teaching, research, and service to the people and the State of Georgia, the nation, and the international community. University graduates communicate effectively, think critically, learn and work collaboratively, demonstrate competence in their chosen field, and posses the capability of adapting to changing circumstances and new challenges. Clayton State University students are encouraged to develop an individually compelling sense of social and civic responsibility, community leadership and service to society.


Sociology 1101, Introduction to Sociology is an introduction to the scientific study of human society. The course provides a foundation of basic theories and research methods that influence the study of culture, socialization, stratification, deviance, and social institutions.

NOTEBOOK COMPUTER REQUIREMENT: Each CSU student is required to have ready access throughout the semester to a notebook computer that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for the student’s academic program. Students will sign a statement attesting to such access. For further information on CSU’s Official Notebook Computer Policy, please go to


·  Ability to use the WindowsTM operating system.

·  Ability to use a Microsoft WordTM word processing program.

·  Ability to send and receive e-mail using the OutlookTM or Outlook ExpressTM program.

·  Ability to attach and retrieve attached files via email.

·  Ability to access the Georgia View web-site for this course and to complete the on-line quizzes and examinations.

·  Ability to use a Web browser.


Computers will be required to access course materials and to communicate with your instructor via Georgia View.


Note: Learning Support students who are required to take ENGL 0099 and/or READ 0099 must exit the requirements(s) before they can enroll in this course.


General Education Outcomes:

SOCI 1101 / Description: All workbook exercises, exams, and essay questions require students to provide
evidence of sociological theories and research.
Evidence: Grades for workbook exercises, exams, and essays / Description:
Student must demonstrate sociological thinking to conforms to the guidelines presented at the beginning of the semester and adhered to by the instructor.
Evidence: Grades for computer workbook exercises and essays / Description:
Students must present logically constructed arguments to support conclusions.
Evidence: Grades for computer workbook exercises and essays / Description:
Students must follow CCSU writing criteria in all essays.
Evidence: Grades for computer workbook essay questions and all textbook essays. / Description:
Student must follow CCSU writing criteria and follow stylistic guidelines for presenting social research
Evidence: Grades for computer workbook essay questions and all textbook essays


SOCI 1101 or / Description:
All students are required to formulate hypotheses to be tested using social science data. Classroom discussions include application of social theories to current social issues.
Student workbook grades, essays, and exam grades / Description:
Students use scientific method and statistics to formulate and test hypotheses. And, social research methods are taught in class and covered in the text.
Student workbook grades and exam grades / Description:
Students are required to cite and produce research results to support social theories.
Computer workbook essay question grades, student essays, and exam grades. / Description:
Students must use draw conclusions about theories and hypotheses that are consistent with the evidence.
Computer workbook grades, essays, and exam grades.


The addition of this major significantly advances the University’s mission to offer undergraduate programs of superior quality and outstanding educational and career opportunities for students from a diverse range of ethnic, socioeconomic, experiential and geographical backgrounds. Furthermore, the emphasis on family and youth promotes the University's mission "to provide services and continuing education that will assist the Southern Crescent and the state in improving the quality of life for residents.


The following objectives are focused upon in this course:

- The student will learn the social forces that shape society.

- The student will learn about the basic concepts of society, culture and socialization.

- The student will learn to trace the influence of Western Civilization on modern social thought (e.g., the impact of the industrial revolution on social stratification).

- The student will learn to utilize appropriate analytic (e.g. scientific method) and conceptual tools (e.g., latent functions analysis and conflict theory) to understand present and future courses of action (e.g., social policy-making) by the U.S. and foreign nations.

- The student will learn to describe factors that motivate individuals and result in the creation of social institutions.


Required text:

Ferrante, Joan SEEING SOCIOLOGY: An Introduction.

2014 Wadsworth Belmont, California;

ISBN -978-1-133-95719-5

VIDEO LECTURES/ POWER POINTS: Video lectures for each of the chapters covered in this course are available on Georgia View. There is 1 video lecture per chapter. They may be accessed through the Georgia View web-site for this course. Viewing of these lectures is REQUIRED as an important part of this course. There are supplemental videos for most chapters. These videos will enhance and broaden your understanding of the topic. These supplemental videos are also required viewing. Test and quiz questions will be taken from these videos and the text.

Power point presentations and chapter summaries are available for each chapter and may be accessed through the course web-page. This information is provided for your review.


1.  Participation is expected. You must complete the required quizzes, watch the videos and complete the examinations, as scheduled.

2.  Discussion Posts are an important part of the participation process. Each student is required to post an introductory post informing the class about themselves and why they are taking SOCI 1101. In addition, each student will post at least two additional posts. These posts will be about one of the key concepts in a chapters and why that concept is important. Each discussion post will be worth up to 5 points each for a total of 15 points. Students are also expected to comment and respond to these posts.

3.  There will be 3 exams spread throughout the semester. The exams are multiple choice and are NOT cumulative, except the final examination which will have a cumulative component. PLEASE DO NOT MISS THEM. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS OR QUIZZES, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF EXTREME ILLNESS AND UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, NOTHING CAN BE MADE UP UNLESS ARRANGED IN ADVANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTOR PRIOR TO CLASS.

4.  There will also be 11 quizzes, covering most of the chapters in the text. A Syllabus Quiz will be worth 10 pts.

5.  Students must abide by policies in the Clayton State University Student Handbook, and the Basic Undergraduate Student Responsibilities.

5. All examinations and quizzes will be taken on-line and may be accessed through the Georgia View Web-site for this course under quizzes. Each activity will be available for a specific period of time. You must complete these activities within the time allocated and the dates specified in the syllabus.

NO ADDITIONAL EXTRA-CREDIT WILL BE OFFERED FOR THIS CLASS!! Please respect this policy as its purpose is to honor fairness to all students in the course. Grading will be done on a numerical scale during the semester, with a final letter grade determined at the end of the course. Each graded item has been given a point value, and the total points earned will determine your letter grade according to the scale below.


Chapter Study Guides are provided for each chapter on the Course Home Page on Georgia View. Each Study Guide identifies the learning objectives for each chapter and provides a brief written summary.


Technical support in response to computer issues, including access to materials on the course Web-Site may be secured through the HUB (678-666-4357). Please note that YOU MUST cancel your Pop-Up Blocker to access many of the course materials. This is the most common problem that students have with this On-Line course.

Academic Support Services are available through:

In addition, the Library (research)(678-466-4325), Writing Center and Center for Academic Assistance (678-466-4070) are also available to assist in your learning development. Academic advisement assistance is available through the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Center or your faculty advisor. Disability Services assistance may be obtained through the Office of Disability Services (678-466-5445).

Operation Study: At Clayton State University, we expect and support high motivation and academic achievement. Look for Operation Study activities and programs this semester that are designed to enhance your academic success such as study sessions, study breaks, workshops, and opportunities to earn Study Bucks (for use in the University Bookstore) and other items.


The Professor reserves the right to make additions, deletions or changes to any part of this syllabus at any time during the semester. See the on-line etiquette video on the course web-site.


As course instructor, I will be available during the posted Office Hours and by appointment. I also will review my Course E-Mail at least every other day and will respond to student emails normally within 48 hours. Examinations will normally be graded and posted within three (3) working days. All grades will be available on the Course Web-Site when posted. Final grades, however, will only be available from the Office of the CSU Registrar.


The mid-term grade in this course will be issued on approximately October 1 and will reflect a portion of the entire course grade. Based on this grade, students may choose to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of “W”. Students pursuing this option must fill out an official withdrawal form available in the Office of the Registrar and Oct. 4 is the last day to withdraw without penalty.


Clayton State University is a community of scholars which emphasizes the mutual responsibility of all members to seek knowledge honestly and in good faith. Students are responsible for doing their own work and any type of activity that is considered dishonest by reasonable standards may constitute academic misconduct. The most common forms of academic misconduct are cheating and plagiarism. All instances of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the work involved. All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Student Life/Judicial Affairs. Judicial procedures are described at:


Grading Policy:

The final grade in this class is based upon a student’s performance on the Syllabus Quiz (10 pts), the 11 quizzes (110 pts.), three (3) discussion posts (15 pts.), two in-class examinations (2 x 100 pts =200 pts) and a final examination (125 pts.), which includes the Post-Test. The following grading scale will be used:


Grade Percentage Range Total point Range Final Grade

A 100-90% 414 - 460 A

B 80-89% 368 - 413 B

C 70-79% 322 - 367 C

D 60-69% 276 - 321 D

F 0-59% 0 - 275 F

A. Attendance:

This is an on-line course. All students must complete the Required ON-LINE COURSE PRE-TEST the SYLLABUS QUIZ by no later than (NLT) Aug. 16 at

10:00 PM. If you do not submit either the Pre-Test or the Syllabus Quiz by No-Later-Than Aaug. 16 you will be dropped from this course as NO SHOW. The course-pre-test is for assessment purposes only and will not count as part of your final grade.

B. Chapter Quizzes:

There will be a 11 chapter quizzes. Also, quiz numbers and chapters numbers do not necessarily coincide. Remember, quizzes will be taken via your lap-top computer on the days and within the time-frame stated in your syllabus..

C. Examinations:

Examinations will cover a number of chapters, as scheduled. They will involve 100 multiple-choice questions. These examinations will be evaluated as 100 point examinations.

D. Final Examination:

The Final Examination will involve 125 multiple choice questions in 2 parts. One hundred questions will cover the chapters not previously tested will be in Part 1. The final 25 questions will be comprehensive covering the full breadth of the course and will be found in Part 2 The Final Examination will be worth 125 points. .

DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: The test dates, assignments, policies, etc. stated in your syllabus are, of course, subject to change in response to exceptional circumstances. If the unexpected occurs and changes are needed, students will be notified as soon as possible.


Pre-test /Syllabus Quiz

Aug. 12-16 (M-F) NLT 10:00 PM

First Exam: Sep. 12-13 (Th-F) NLT 10:00 PM

Second Exam: Oct. 24-25 (Th-F) NLT 10:00 PM

Final Exam: Nov. 25-26 (M-T) NLT 10:00PM


Quiz 1 (1) Chapter 1 Aug. 22-23 (Th-F) NLT 10:00 PM

Quiz 2 (2) Chapter 2 Aug. 29-30 (Th-F) NLT 10:00 PM

Quiz 3 (3) Chapter 3 Sep. 5-6 (Th-F) NLT 10:00 PM