Introduction  Task  Process 

Evaluation  Conclusion  Credits  Top of Page

Geometry ProjectGrade level 8


A new neighbor has just completed construction of their home. The yard is a pile of dirt. You’ve been hired to transform their property into a beautifully landscaped yard. You will be their Landscape Designer. Your team will be in charge of choosing materials and design elements.



Design a visually pleasing landscape at a reasonable cost.

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Students are allowed to work individually or in a group of two.

Your Team will choose a house shape from the following Options A, B, C, or D.

a. Print your house of choice.

b. Measure and calculate the total area of the 1st floor of your house (Worksheet).

c. Specific tasks will be assigned; individual members to research design ideas.

d. Team will discuss and agree on specifics design elements.

e. Your shape will be recreated on a plot of land ranging from ½ of an acre to 1 acre.

(You may use your own scale.)


  • Representation of your landscape design using one of the following mediums: drawing/painting, graphic design, model, powerpoint
  • Organized data: Total cost and cost breakdowns, dimensions and calculations
  • List of sources

Research prices of materials

Research design ideas

The following links could be useful:

Geometry Formulas

Unit Conversions

Mulch Calculator

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Please review rubricbefore starting project.

Score / Description
4 / All dimension calculations & total prices are correct. Data is exceptionally organized. Goes beyond required design elements. The design is presented with an appropriate scale and has creativity.
3 / Most dimension calculations & total prices are correct. Data is organized. All required design elements are included. The design is presented with an appropriate scale and has creativity.
2 / Dimension calculations & total prices are incomplete and/or contain errors. Data is poorly organized. Design may lack one of the required elements. The design is presented with a scale and lacks creativity.
1 / Dimension calculations & total prices are incomplete and contain many errors. No attempt at organizing data. Design lacks required elements. The design is presented with no scale and lacks creativity.
0 / No work attempted.

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After successfully completing this WebQuest, you will have applied your understanding of perimeter, area, and volume to a real-life situation. Not only have you used you mastery oflinear, square, and cubic measurement but you have also calculated prices. As a final step for this WebQuest, you need to respond tothe following question on the Worksheet.

1)If you could go back and re-do this WebQuest, what would you do differently to make your proposal better?

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This Webquest was designed by Bridgewater State College (see teacher page) and modified by Mrs. Besitka.


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