Meeting Summary 24th April 2007

This has been prepared for regions, counties, clubs and individuals to summarise briefly the main work of the Committee. The full minutes can be made available on request to Anne Baker. Please feel free to circulate this widely.

Present Tony Eaude (Chair), Anne Baker (NDM), Jane Powell (Performance Coaching Manager), Barbara Reynolds, Graham Chesterman, Caroline Luck, Steve Hardy, Mary Hunter

In attendance Cath Arter (EH)

Implications of Single System Cath Arter outlined progress on the Single System and there was a discussion about its implications for coaching. The need for coaches to be helped through awards and other courses to coach core skills well from the start was raised. The Player Syllabus and Player Guidance will be developed with input from the Committee.

Coach LicensingSports coach UK have not been able to progress this significantly since the previous meeting but it was agreed that hockey would need to wait for their input and that EH is still keen to implement this as soon as possible. The wait might mean that it could be more closely tied to a membership scheme.

Independent Coaching A statement on independent coaching was discussed. It was re-affirmed that the Level 1 should be seen as a Coaching Assistant award, so that from January 2010, only those licensed at Level 2, or above, will be recognised to coach independently. The implications for helping current Level 1s to upgrade was discussed and it was thought that there is enough capacity to enable this.

United Kingdom Coaching Certificate (UKCC)Completion of Level 1s and 2s and more recent Level 3s is improving, but that of 1/3 ‘old’ Level 3s is slow and those not completing will have their record marked as such. The recruitment of assessors, Internal Verifiers and External Verifiers has gone well. A Coach Education weekend has been organised on 28th/29th April for some 90 coach educators, assessors and verifiers and this was thought to be extremely useful.

United Kingdom Coaching Framework (UKCF)

The new Framework was presented outlining the proposed planning for coaching from grass roots through to performance until 2016.

There are 5 strategic Areas each with 12 specific actions

1 UK Coaching System

Action 1: The UK Coaching Model

Action 2: Participant Model

Action 3: Coach Pathways

Action 4: Coaching Strategies

2 Front Line Coaching

Action 5: Active and Qualified Coaches

Action 6: Coaching and Education

3 Support for Coaches

Action 7: Coaching Support and System Delivery

Action 8: Targeted Development of Coaches

Action 9: Specialist Qualifications and Continuous Professional Development

4 Professionally Regulated Vocation

Action 10: Licensing and Registration

Action 11: Profile and Recognition of Coaching

5 Research and Development

Action 12: Research and Development

National Coaching Conference(s) There will be two parts to the National Coaching Conference, linked to the European Cup in August 2007 in Manchester, with one conference for general coaches (August 17th-19th) and one for Centrally Contracted Coaches and high performance coaches (August 21st-23rd). This has been advertised on the website.

Centrally Contracted Coaches15 appointments nationwide had been made and discussions with Regions are proceeding on how to deploy these most effectively in regions. Further recruitment of coaches of the right quality is now planned.

Level 4EH is now developing this through a consortium of five sports based on the University of Central Lancashire. The emphasis will be on a Level 4 Coach working in hockey rather than just hockey specific skills. This will entail a later introduction, but much less cost to participants. Identification of possible candidates will start later in 2007.

Committee Membership Mary Hunter is resigning from the Committee and was thanked for her hard work and contributions. There will be three vacancies to be filled by the end of 2007.

Next meeting June 28th 2007