January Book Report

Science Fiction/Fantasy

Due Thursday, January 28

The Written Report:

Your written report is a summary of the narrative elements of the book. Use the 5 paragraph form we learned in writing: first paragraph is the introduction, the three body paragraphs will be setting, plot and characters, and the final paragraph is the conclusion. See the rubric for descriptions. Be sure to include transitions, correct grammar, conventions and spelling.

The Game:

Imagine that you work for a toy company and you have been assigned to design a board game.

Use the narrative elements above and incorporate them into a game. Your game should have a gameboard, game pieces and rules. Be creative! This is your chance to really have fun with the book and use your imagination. Make sure this is a game that can be played; the rules should include a description of how the game can be won.

4 3 2 1

Setting / The report includes a detailed description of the setting that includes both time and place. (3 sentences) / The report identifies the setting without giving details or the information is not in a complete sentence. / The report contains either the time or the place the book is set in, but not both.
(1 sentence) / The report does not contain any information about the setting.
Plot / The report includes a thorough description of the main problem in the book and how it is resolved.
(3 or more sentences) / The report includes a description of the plot, but either does not give details, gives too many details, or is not in complete sentences. / The report leaves out the main problem, or the resolution.
(2 or less sentences) / The report does not identify the main problem in the book or its solution.
Characters / The report describes traits of 3 or more main characters in the book using quality adjectives and details. / The report describes traits of 2 main characters, or does not use quality adjectives or details. / The report describes traits of 1 main character, or does not use complete sentences or details. / The report does not describe any characters, or identifies minor characters only.
Writing / The report has all 6 requirements:
2) conclusion,
3) transition, 4) is grammatically correct, 5)uses conventions and 6)correct spelling. / The report has 5 of the 6 requirements. / The report has 4 of the 6 requirements / The report has 3 or less of the 6 requirements.
Creativity / The game shows an exceptional amount of student creativity and includes all narrative elements. / The game shows a moderate amount of creativity, and/or is missing one of the narrative elements. / Some aspects of the game show creativity, and /or the game is missing two narrative elements. / The student did not follow game directions, or did not create a game.

***BONUS POINTS: Student returned the rubric with the report +2