Great Basin College

EDEL 453 – Elementary School Social Studies

Fall 2010

Instructor Information

Seana Belcher

775-934-2427 (cell)

775-777-2298 (house)

775-753-6881 (Spring Creek Elementary )

The easiest way to contact me is through the e-mail above or texting me at the cell phone number listed above. Of course, you may also correspond with me through WebCampus, but I do not check that site on a daily basis. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time that you have questions or concerns.

Required Text

Title : Dynamic Social Studies for Constructivist Classrooms
Author : George W. Maxim
Publisher : Pearson Education, Inc.
Edition/Year : 9th ed., 2010
Type : Required resource
Title :
Additional information : Access to the Nevada state standards. These standards can also be accessed through On Home Page, go to “Staff” and then “Standards”.
Type : Required resource

INTASC Principles Emphasized

Principle 1: Content and Content Pedagogy Principle

2: Human Development and Learning Principle

4: Teaching Strategies Principle 5: The Learning Environment Principle

6: Effective Communication Principle

7: Instructional Planning Principle

8: Assessing Learning-Teaching Principle

10: Partnerships

ADA Statement

GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA office in Elko at 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate the use of social studies’ content strands to produce working documents associated with chosen social studies standards.

2. Demonstrate the ability to integrate all curricular areas with social studies content.

3. Demonstrate the ability to create and implement social studies lessons focusing on content of chosen standards.

4. Demonstrate the use of various teaching strategies when creating content based units of instruction.

5. Show professional growth through group discussions, class participation, creative problem solving, and development of a comprehensive unit of instruction focusing on social studies content.

Course Overview

In this methods course, pre-service teachers will learn how to create meaningful, relevant social studies lessons that are based upon both state and national standards, and that are integrated with literacy and the language arts.

Introduction : Instructor: Seana Belcher, M.ED. Catalog description: Course focuses on integrating a number of subject areas into the curriculum. Explores the scope and sequence of understandings, attitudes, and skills taught in elementary social studies programs. Examines various methodologies used. A variety of teaching strategies will be explained and demonstrated for work with a diverse array of students in society. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education program, EDU 303 (EDUC 323), EDU 304 (EDUC 406). Co-requisite: EDEL 315.

Grading Criteria

Introduction : Your final grade will be based on meeting the following criteria. Assignment details will be given in class as well as outlined on WebCampus. Falling short of any one of the criteria automatically drops you into the next grade range. For example, missing three classes drops the grade automatically into the B range even if all assignments and the final is turned in on time.

1. In order to earn an A in this course, you must complete all weekly assignments and the course final on time. Absences are limited to no more than two(2) for the semester.

2. In order to earn a B in this course, you must complete all but one(1) weekly assignments and the course final on time. Absences are limited to no more than three(3) for the semester.

3. In order to earn a C in this course, you must complete all but two(2) weekly assignments and the course final on time. Absences are limited to no more than three(3) for the semester.

4. In order to earn a D in this course, you must complete all but (3) weekly assignments and the course final on time. Absences are limited to no more than three(3) for the semester.

5. To withdraw from this course, accumulate more than three(3) absences. Failure to complete more than three assignments or fail to complete the course final on time constitutes a withdraw from this course.

Additional information : Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the given due date. Requested assignments are to be posted to WebCampus by the due date. Assignments will be given a 10 for pass or 0 for redo. Most assignments will be shared in class on the due date. Your ability to describe or discuss your assignment contributes to the final outcome of “pass” or “redo”.

Tentative Class Schedule

Sept. 1 - 1st class meeting

Sept. 8 - Assignment #1 due

Sept. 15 - Assignment #2 due

Sept. 22 - Assignment #3 due

Sept. 29 - Assignment #4 due

October 6 - Assignment #5 due

October 13 - Assignment #6 due

October 20 - Assignment #7 due

October 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - home assignment will be given prior to this date.

Nov. 3 - Assignment #8 due

Nov. 10 - Assignment #9 due

Nov. 17 - Assignment #10 due

Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving break - video assignment will be given for this week.

Dec. 1 - Assignment #11 due

Dec. 8 - Assignment #12 due

Dec. 15 - Final presentation