HT-10INST 3710.2K

07 OCT 02


  1. Crew Rest - Has everyone been afforded sufficient crew rest?
  2. IPs/Aircrewmen/Obs —12 hours debrief to arrival at squadron
  3. SNAs—12 hrs debrief lo brief. When did you enter the squadron?
  4. Human Factors
  5. Personal/family/relationship problems
  6. Work distractions
  7. Health issues/medications
  8. Weather
  9. Will weather impact the safe completion of flight?
  10. SIGMETs/Forecast
  11. Flight Phase: The following have been determined to be high risk areas and should be given special consideration:
    FAM 1-5: Low WorkITOsLimitations (sunset)
    Defensive PosturingInst Auto Wave offsSolo Currency
    FAM 6+: FULL AutoUnusual Attitudes1 day/FAM 11
    Sim Eng Fail @ ALTTorque considerations5 days/Other solo
    DA/WindWorking Area trafficCopilot currency
    Power-Off Wave off10 Hour Crew day
    High speed ApproachInst Auto-Wave offCut Guns
    Quick StopsComm. disciplineDA & Gross Weight
    Cal Zone OpsWorking area trafficAutos-Attde/Flare/DA
    Stab Off Approach
    Terrain/Into wind/Pull
    Closure RatesGet Home-It isRelative winds
    Sit Aware in PatternFatigueWater survival
    Lighting disciplineWeight vs. Torque
    HTAC 5-7HTAC 8-16HTAC 17-18
    Low workClosure rateWater Temp (<60F)
    FDO-Copy of routeLanding PatternLevel BI (land)
    RADALT 300’ routeAcute inside turn51-60F:
    Sit Aware in PatternLow Lev lookoutAranids @PIC discretion
    (Birds/Obstacles)Low Level lookout
  12. Currency/Cumulative Flight Time
  13. SNA-When did you last fly?
    Warmup Criteria: 5 days-1, 12 days-2
  14. IP-Flown in last 14 calendar days?
    Night currency? (last 90 days)
    Model currency? (If Bravo a/c, last 90 days)
  15. Flight Equipment Currency
  16. Read and initial Board Currency
  17. IP Cumulative Flight Time:
    Will IP exceed max night timeprescribed by CTW5INST 3710.8?
  18. SNA Double-Scheduling:If SNA's total grade in stage is less than 3.00, (or marginal), SNA's second event is cancelled. Notify Flight Leader ASAP to prevent further double-scheduling.
  19. Should flight be flown with onwing/ET pilot?
  20. Was previous flight in stage incomplete?
    (Determine necessary items to grade)
  21. Training Time Out Brief (applies to all flights in TH-57)


  1. Net grade is below average. If scheduled for second flight, notify ODO for cancellation. If SNA's total grade in stage is now less than 3.00 (or marginal), SNA cannot be double-scheduled.
  2. Unsatisfactory grade: ATF and pink sheet must be completed and deliveredto student training immediately after all of IP's flights are complete. SNAwill report to student training following debrief. Notify ODO.
  3. Incomplete event: Annotate items graded on additional ATFs for SNA topresent at next brief

Crew Rest/Crew Day: Notify ODO if changes to schedule are necessary