Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee Secretariat

Health Products and Food Branch

Health Canada

250 Lanark Ave.

Ottawa, ON
K1A 0K9

To whom it may concern:

It is my pleasure on behalf of the Health Products and Food Branch to invite you to submit nominations for membership in the Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee (PEAC). Health Canada regularly engages with outside experts through advisory committees to seek advice on how to address issues related to its mandate. PEAC membership is now up for renewal and we are seeking new members from a wide range of stakeholders representing a variety of paediatric specialties and interests.

Qualifications of potential members

For this advisory body, Health Canada is looking for suitable candidates who offer a range of knowledge, expertise and experience including, but not limited to the following areas:

Paediatric and family medicine, public health, nursing, epidemiology, immunology, toxicology, complementary and alternative medicine, maternal health, bio-medical ethics, research, clinical pharmacology, decision-making, food science, nutrition and diet, paediatric patient safety, hospitals and pharmacy practice, parents, consumers, children's health organizations, and the voluntary sector.

To assure a future mix of established members and new members, appointments will be for two or three year terms. Applicants/nominees are asked to indicate their preference on the application form.

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying to become a member of this advisory body or in nominating someone else, please complete all required documents as listed in the Application/Nomination Checklist and submit them byJune 30, 2015 to .

Applicable policies

Health Canada advisory bodies follow the Health Canada Policy on External Advisory BodiesTo preserve the independence of the federal government as a decision maker, a federal employee can neither chair nor be a member of this advisory body.

To be considered for appointment, an applicant must:

  • undergo a security clearance and be cleared to the required level
  • complete an Affiliations and Interests Declaration Form
  • sign a Confidentiality Agreement

As a condition of appointment, members will allow Health Canada to publish on its website and in print materials ashort biography and summary of affiliations and interests.

Health Canada will provide orientation to appointed members on Health Canada’s processes and regulations, as well as the roles and responsibilities of advisory body members.Members will be reimbursed for expenses incurred during their work on an advisory body, such as travel and accommodation, according to Treasury Board’s Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures

Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee members serve on a volunteer basis. Health Canada undertakes to provide volunteer advisory body members with protection against civil liability provided the volunteer member acts in good faith within the scope of their volunteer duties, and does not act against the interests of the Crown. Members act collectively as an advisor to Health Canada with respect to the mandate of their advisory body but are not final decision-makers. The Department has the ultimate responsibility and accountability for any decision resulting from the advice received from an external advisory body.

If you have any questions about the mandate of the advisory body or the appointment process, please contact Barbara Njie at 613-608-2473 or .

Thank you very much for your consideration and for assistingHealth Canada.

Yours sincerely,

Kendal Weber

Executive Secretary, Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee
Director General, Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate


Application Form and Application/NominationChecklist

Application/Nomination Form for the Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee
Section 1: Applicant/Nominee Information
Prefix / First name / Last name
Company/Organization / Department/Division
Title or designation, if applicable
Street address
City / Province or territory / Postal code
Telephone / Type (work, home, mobile, other)
Facsimile / Type (work, home, other)
Email address / Type (work, home, other)
Preferred language for future communications: English French
Preferred term: Two years Three years Either/both
Section 2: Knowledge, Expertise, Experience, and Perspectives Checklist
A. Areas of expertise (please check all that apply):
  • paediatric medicine
  • family medicine/community care
  • paediatric specialty care
  • maternal health care
  • nutrition/diet
  • food science
  • paediatric patient safety
  • parents/consumers
  • children's health organizations
  • hospitals
  • public health
  • nursing
  • epidemiology
  • immunology
  • bio-medical ethics
  • toxicology
  • complementary/alternative medicine
  • research
  • decision-making
  • clinical pharmacology
  • pharmacy practice
  • other (please specify) : ______

B. Sector/Perspective (please check all that apply):
  • consumer
  • health professional
  • industry
  • patient
  • research/academia
  • voluntary sector
  • other (please specify) : ______

Paediatric Expert Advisory Committee (PEAC)

Application/Nomination Checklist

Please include the following documents when submitting an application or nomination.

completed Application/Nomination Form

cover letter (maximum of two pages) detailing why you are interested in this position or why you are nominating the person for it, and including information about:

expertise and experience relevant to the advisory body’s mandate

professional standing or recognition relevant to the mandate

demonstrated experience working in a committee environment

curriculum vitae of the nominee

a letter of support from two relevant references (such as from academia or an organization) supporting this appointment to the advisory body

for individuals being nominated by someone other than themselves, a signed letter from the nominee confirming an interest in being considered for this advisory body

In accordance with the Privacy Act, all personal information collected will be protected and treated according to Government of Canada records management standards.